慌しい一日の終わりには、湘潭潤豐インターナショナルホテルでおくつろぎください。湘潭潤豐インターナショナルホテルは、ビジネスでもレジャーでも、湘潭での快適な滞在をご提供いたします。当施設は湘潭から3km、Zhuzhou Lusong Airportから45kmと、立地に優れています。付近には雨湖公園やXiangtan Guansheng Temple、Northern Five Provinces Guildhallなどがあり、湘潭の観光に非常に便利な立地です。長い一日の終わりには、館内施設でくつろぐのもお勧めです。お車をご利用のお客様は、湘潭の当施設提供の駐車場をご利用いただけます。サービスの質を重視のお客様にも、このホテルにはご満足いただいております。このホテルは、出張のお客様に多数ご宿泊いただいております。
旅先の様々な魅力を発見したいお客様に、湘潭佳帝拾光ホテル(白石公園)は最適です。湘潭佳帝拾光ホテル(白石公園)は、湘潭でも指折りの素晴らしい宿泊施設の内の一つです。当施設は湘潭から3km、Zhuzhou Lusong Airportから46kmと、立地に優れています。付近には、Wangheng PavilionやQiu Jin Former Residence、白石公園など、湘潭の多くの観光名所があります。お時間に余裕のあるお客様は、館内の様々な施設をぜひご利用ください。湘潭の当施設には、併設の駐車場があります。サービスの質を重視のお客様にも、このホテルにはご満足いただいております。このホテルは、常に忙しいお客様のご要望にもお応えいたします。
KKarenlee kI am a solo female traveler from America. The owner and family took wonderful care of me. As if I were their family and not just a guest. The owner drove me to the Mao scenic area, helped me find the ticket area, and returned later to take me home. Then he later drove me to a restaurant for dinner, where I also met his cute dog Wang Wang, and afterwards took me to the evening musical performance about Mao. Which was great to see even not speaking Chinese. My departure train was late in the afternoon but they allowed me to just rest in the hotel lounge and garden. Gave me tea, fruit, and cake while I waited. Even offered to drive me to the train! So friendly. So kind. And hotel room was VERY comfortable. Stay here! Ps. I recommend using WeChat to communicate with the host if you don’t speak Chinese. Made things so easy.
ゲゲストTHE place to stay in Shaoshan. I felt like I was at home, tucked into a quiet wooded corner of town. They helped me organize my short stay, drove me around, and cooked up an excellent breakfast. They were great company and my only complaint is that I couldn’t stay longer. (The room was perfect; the pictures speak for themselves.)
RRajeev KeshavFamily friendly homely place which is conveniently located just opposite the main tourist attraction. The owner is a very nice gentleman who takes care of the guests by providing home made dishes and also doubles up as driver to pick up and drop from the train station. He also arranged for a day trip around the town.
JJenny_AI'm very thankful to the owners that they gave me shelter for that night as there are not many low cost options for foreigners now and that night my main payment account was blocked, so I booked the cheapest room. The owners were very friendly and helpful. The location is very good. My room only had a fan, but it was OK for the price. Thanks