Super bad experience. Once arrived hotel and got transferred to police station to make report. Have to inform those police we are the tourist staying in this hotel otherwise would be in trouble by anytime. Black zone!
宿泊: 2023年12月
投稿: 2024年1月24日
I stayed 1 night at this hotel. The location is very nice because I can easily walk to the 14 night market which is 5 minutes walking distance away from my hotel. You can grab lots of street foods there. The night market was very alive. However , I found tons of trash on the ground at the night market. it is extremely dirty and terrible.
The room was not clean but the price was affordable. I personally think that it is worth the price. The bed was super big and comfy.
The check- out time is 0200 pm .It is very nice.
ホテルからの返信: 您好,您提的意見對我們來説非常珍貴,如果您入住的時候覺得房間不滿意是可以退房的,酒店不收取任何費用。十四村有兩個夜市,遠一點靠馬路的那家是環境比較好但是價格偏高,近點的這家是味道比較好價格實惠,這個看您的選擇,周邊環境酒店沒辦法幹涉。感謝您選擇我們酒店,不足之處我們會努力改正。Hello, your feedback is very valuable to us. If you are not satisfied with your room during check-in, you can check out. The hotel does not charge any fees. There are two night markets in Fourteen Villages. The one located further away on the road has a better environment but a higher price, while the one located closer has a better taste and a more affordable price. It depends on your choice, and hotels cannot interfere with the surrounding environment. Thank you for choosing our hotel. We will work hard to correct any shortcomings.