
ウィルコックス ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

モーテル 6 ウィルコックス アリゾナ
Went with my friend to visit family for five days. Our experience did not start out good. We got to our room, went inside and I immediately called the front desk for another room. It was very dirty and we could not even think about staying in the room. I'm not sure it was even cleaned. The staff was very accommodating and even offered to help us with our things because it was a courtyard room and we had a lot of things to haul in. The second room was much better. At least it had been cleaned. There were no coffee pots in the room but I asked for one and they brought me one. I cannot say enough about the staff. Everyone that I dealt with were some of the most friendly people I have dealt with in the hotel/motel industry. I also enjoyed the courtyard room. It was the most quiet experience I have had in a hotel/motel as well. I was pleasantly surprised. What started out a little rough turned out to be a very good experience. I would absolutely stay there again, not because of the room, but because of the staff. They were exceptional!
Super 8 by Wyndham Willcox
The room was clean, the bed is comfortable. The entire hotel needs updating however, the door didn’t shut tightly. The continental breakfast is minimal. This hotel is close to a large truck stop. Unfortunately one semi decided to park directly beside our hotel room and left their truck running making it very noisy, the manager agreed to move us to a different room as the driver of the truck was not to be found.


  • ウィルコックスのモーテルの1泊あたりの平均価格はどのくらいですか?

    ウィルコックスのモーテルの1泊あたりの平均価格は、平日IDR 1,846,241、週末(金~土曜日)IDR 1,931,984となります。※参考情報です。価格は頻繁に変動します。

  • ウィルコックスのモーテルを予約する際に、利用可能なキャンペーン情報を教えてください。


  • ウィルコックスで特に人気のあるモーテルはどこですか?

    ウィルコックスでは、Super 8 by Wyndham Willcoxモーテル8ウィルコックスアリゾナ サンセット イン が特に人気です。

  • ウィルコックスで駐車場付きの人気モーテルはどこですか?

    モーテル8ウィルコックスSuper 8 by Wyndham Willcoxアリゾナ サンセット インでは、駐車場が併設されています。

  • ウィルコックスで朝食付きのプランがあるモーテルはどこですか?

    一日の始まりを、おいしくて栄養満点の朝食でスタートしたいものですね。Super 8 by Wyndham Willcoxアリゾナ サンセット インは、ご当地朝食が美味しいホテルとして大人気です。

  • ウィルコックスでプール付きの人気モーテルはどこですか?

    ウィルコックスでプール付きのモーテルを探すなら、Super 8 by Wyndham Willcoxモーテル8ウィルコックス がおすすめです。


最高値IDR 3,628,381
最安値IDR 949,333
平均価格(週末)IDR 1,931,984
平均価格(平日)IDR 1,846,241