
Holiday Inn Resort Yichun Mingyue Mountain
This is my second stay here and they did not disappoint as far as the service. There was construction going on our first night which we didn’t know until we paid and went in. Wish they had of mentioned the largest pool was closed. It was open the next day but I feel like the first day was a wasted ticket. Breakfast can be skipped if you are looking for Western choices which I was. The sushi place next door is good and there’s tons of food just walking distance from the hotel. If you are a foreigner be ready to have people taking videos of you in your bathing suit. I was there to get away so I tried to go at times when people were eating. Not everyone is this intrusive but just be aware. Great on service and clean and comfortable rooms. I had a room with a hot tub which was one of the highlights. Def do a mountain hike and pick strawberries if they are in season. Enjoy your trip!!
Tianhai Sixi Hotel (Jiujiang Liansheng Happy City International Convention and Exhibition Center)
Jiujiang Liansheng Happy Town
A very good place for you to go and relax. I will definitely visit again
Yishanju Mountain View Leisure Resort Homestay (Wangxiangu Branch)
Zhenpin Hotel
Disappointing stay here. We had no choice but to extend our stay because it was Chinese new year and very difficult to find another place to stay and also my husband was sick so we had to change our plans and stay an extra night so he could rest. The place smelled like smoke everywhere. We have a baby with us and wanted a smoke free place. Despite the signs in the lobby saying No Smoking, people were smoking there and the front desk people didn’t care. The towels in our room had ashes on them and smelled like smoke. They were also ripped and badly needed to be replaced. (We got a smoke free room and learned on our trip that all they do for smoke free rooms is open the windows to air it out before you arrive. 🤦🏻♀️) There was insufficient toilet paper when we arrived and although they did provide more when we asked it was just inconvenient. The toilet paper holder was broken so we had to find somewhere else to put the roll of toilet paper. The sink leaked and it was supposed to be a dry washroom which is one of the reasons why I booked the place but turned out to be a wet washroom. Incredibly inconvenient with a baby. The shower drainage was missing a cover and it didn’t feel safe for my child when showering because her little feet could get stuck inside it. One of the days we needed to rest a little longer and the housekeeper asked us when we were leaving so she could clean our room. We said we needed 2 more hours (around 2pm) she kept trying to peer inside our room and said she wanted to get off work early. I found that incredibly rude. I understand it’s CNY and you want to go home early but that’s not something you should say to a guest who paid to stay at the hotel. Front desk people also did not seem friendly. Never saw any of them smile. We obviously don’t speak Chinese fluently and they laughed at us when they couldn’t understand us and wasn’t helpful in any way. Overall, not a very pleasant stay. Would not stay here again.
Shangri-La Nanchang
ここでのホテル滞在は完全に十分で、部屋はきれいで、スタッフは完全に丁寧で気配りがありました。しかし、ホテルへのフィードバックがいくつかあります。特定の地域では、ホテルには5 *レベルの質の高いサービスがありませんでした。主に朝食中。最初の朝、午前10時頃に朝食に到着し、ホテルのスタッフが私を入れて朝食をとらせてくれました。到着後、それは明らかでした。サービスが終わりに近づいていたので、なぜこれが取り除かれて説明されなかったのかわかりません。何も食べられないのに、なぜ入れてくれたのか不思議でした。 翌日、私はサービスのために早く到着し、部屋の鍵をスキャンした後、私は自分に任せられました。私が通常5つ星の他のホテルに泊まったとき、あなたは席に着き、最低でも温かい飲み物を提供しました。通常、私はこれについて不平を言うことはありませんが、ホテルと星の評価を考えると、これらのサービスは非常に基本的で欠けているように感じます。上記にもかかわらず、朝食の提供は豊富で、私が食べたものはすべて味が良く、高品質でした。西洋と東洋のオプションがうまく組み合わされています ホテルは確かに高級感はありましたが、デザイン的には空っぽで、時代遅れや老朽化した高級感がありました。私の部屋はとても快適で清潔でした。たとえば、部屋のドアのそばに照明スイッチが見つからなかっただけで、スイッチを邪魔しないでください。ベッドルームのライトはベッドの横にありました。遅く帰ってきて暗いときは、部屋に入って電気をつけなければなりません。奇妙なデザインの選択。 上記のように、これらは私が通常不満を言うことではありませんが、ブランドの下でホテルに滞在するためにお金を払うとき、あなたは特定の期待を持っており、細部への注意が重要です. 私の滞在中はホテルに苦労していましたが、私は再びここに滞在し、他の人にも同じことをするように勧めました。細部にまで気を配る必要があるだけの素敵なホテルです。
Hilton Sanqingshan Resort
Yaxinju Modern simplicty Mountain View Intelligent Holiday Meisu (Wangxiangu Scenic Area Branch)
Narada Resort & Spa Wugongshan
Hotel Blanche
We came for a biking holiday. We stayed 4 nights. We left every morning on a different biking route. Lots of roads and villages. We each had a guest room. I was disappointed that I had the smallest room but they thought I wanted to be on the same floor as my friends. They moved me to the 2nd floor and now I had the same HUGE place as my friends. In the sitting room, is an L-shaped couch. It pulls out as a bed. So I guess this room could fit up to 4 people. The shower is huge. There is plenty of space to wash our bikes. The sauna/hot air thing was great for drying our clothes too! Had we been more people, we probably would have rented one of the bigger places and shared instead of getting our own guest rooms. It's fairly quiet. Breakfast was served in a separate traditional building. Normal Chinese breakfast, but asked for the noodles with the fried eggs! The kitchen staff were very accommodating when we asked if we could have breakfast at 7 am. Also, we asked for a late check-out because we wanted to shower after our ride. They let each of us have our rooms till 4pm at no charge. It would be great if the stone tiles could be power washed as it was quite slippery when it rained. I didn't have my driver's license but I needed to go pick up my friend and his broken bike. So I went back to ask the manager if he could drive our car 35 km to pick up my friend. He was happy to drive me! The sign to the guest house was not installed but if you look for the castle-like building, you'll find it. It was tricky getting to the hotel because we arrived late and it was absolutely chucking down with rain. This is a great, gorgeous place if you want peace and quiet. My room had a river view. Great for relaxation. Highly recommend this place.
Primus Hotel Nanchang International Expo City
これはPrimusでの2回目の滞在であり、近い将来に別の滞在があると信じています。私は仕事からリラックスして休む方法として滞在-カテーションが大好きです。この特別な旅行は私の誕生日であり、スタッフは私たちが祝うのを助けるためにとても親切でした。装飾からプール、巨大なバスタブ(私はお風呂が大好きです!)とおいしい朝食。それは私が探していたお祝いでした。それで、彼らはただディディの距離です!彼らは私の友人の部屋を飾ったさえしました! ロッカールームには蒸気室がありますが、常にオンではありません。オンにするように頼まなければならず、暖房するのにしばらく時間がかかります。あなたはマッサージをすることができますが、私は街で私が好きな場所を持っています。 時々朝食は素晴らしいです、時々それは大丈夫です...何が利用可能かによって異なります。 最高の部分!奇跡!私はパスポートと財布を部屋の金庫にロックしました。私はめったにしないことです。まあ、3日後、私はフロントデスクから電話を受け、彼らが私の部屋にいることを発見したと私に言った。私は気づかなかった! Smh...私はとても感謝しています。私はすぐに走り、すべてを与えられた(それが本当に私であることを確認するためにいくつかの質問の後)。優れた英語と私の財布を助けてくれた親切な態度でフロントの男性に再び感謝します。本当に誰もが素晴らしく、本当に違います。私は皆にそこにとどまるように伝えます。 Thanks Primus!私は仕事が再び始まる前に2023年2月に戻ってきます。新年おめでとう🎉🎆


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