Living close to the mountains, with the sunrise, beautiful scenery and distance in the mountain scenery, here you can get rid of the shackles of urban troubles and give your tired soul a precious rest. More importantly, you can find a long-lost sense of belonging and meet each other. Beautiful self. The main room types include deluxe panoramic suites, supreme panoramic suites, double rooms, parent-child rooms and standard rooms, each with its own characteristics and 34 beds.
Yunxue International Resort Hotel is located in Altai City, near the mountains and rivers, elegant environment, beautiful scenery of the general mountain international ski tourism resort.
Yunxue International Resort Hotel is a set of food, accommodation, play, travel, shopping, line in one of the high standard tourist resort hotel.
The hotel has various types of rooms and supporting laundry, all-day restaurant, bar, leisure area, snow hall.
Yunxue International Resort firmly grasps the future trend of large-scale tourism and domestic consumption upgrading, takes hotels and homestays as carriers, experiences as fulcrum, creates a "light maintenance" lifestyle with emotions and services through industrial chain and control advantages, and takes hotels and homestays as traffic entry points. Connect all kinds of tourism services with customer-centric destination management, such as catering, leisure and entertainment, tailor-made characteristic travel routes, and create a new model of future tourism through innovation and reform of traditional hotel profit models.
The business purpose of Yunxue International Resort is to "provide guests with the perfect integration of tourism culture and international standards", so that every guest staying in Yunxue Resort can experience the consistent quality of Yunxue and enjoy the sincere and intimate Yunxue care.
午後は、ホステルの友達のユー・レイと一緒に江君山でスキーをしました。厚手のマフラー、フリースのマスク、スキーグローブを着用し、フル装備で出発しました。ボードでスキーをするのは初めてで、何度も転びました。ホステルが無料で借りた小さなカメでも、両膝を触るとまだ痛いです。夕日を見ようと計画していたとき、偶然妹のサニーに会いました。彼女とは午前中に楽しい会話をしました。私たち4人は一緒に夕食をとる約束をし、ケーブルカーに乗って山頂に行きました。偶然にもパーティーが始まっていたので、しばらくジャンプしながら「APT」、「The Sun Never Sets」、「I Have to Love You」、「Don't Call Me Da Vinci」を歌いました。スノーシューを履いていなければ、ずっとジャンプしていたでしょう!江君山の夕日はとても美しいです。夕日を眺めながら、黄金大道で上級スキーマスターのフリースタイルスキーを鑑賞し、音楽に合わせて踊るのはとても素晴らしいです!ついにブルースの瞬間が到来しました。言葉を失うほど美しいです。自然のカラーパレットがどうしてこんなに優雅なのでしょうか。人生写真をたくさん撮りました!