ホテルからの返信: Dear Y,Thank you for taking the time to review your recent stay at The Salil Hotel Riverside-Bangkok.We are truly delighted to know that you had a pleasant stay at The Salil Hotel Riverside-Bangkok. Our team strives to create exceptional experiences for our value guests through our warm hospitality, and we are glad to hear that we have made your stay exceptional in every aspect.Once again, we appreciate your support and look forward to welcoming you back for another great experience.Sincerely,Ethan XiongFairy Manager
ホテルからの返信: Dear Valued Guest,Thank you for sharing upon most detailed feedback of your recent stay experience with us.Your feedback on our guest experience has been noted upon; with areas for our continued improvement most certainly.Do be assured that our guest’s experience remain our top priority and a slew of improvements will be implemented to enhance our offerings and service standards.Once again, thank you for leaving us your feedback, and we hope to welcome you back again soon.Sincerely,Mark Reyes
ホテルからの返信: 尊敬的貴賓,感謝您分享您的寶貴入住體驗。我們深感榮幸,能在您的旅途中為您帶來一份温暖與安心。賓客的安全與舒適始終是我們的首要任務,得知您在 The Salil Hotel Riverside - Bangkok 感受到了周到的服務與貼心的關懷,我們倍感欣慰。很高興您喜歡酒店的氛圍、設計以及美食,並在此度過了一個放鬆、療愈的時光。您的肯定是對我們團隊最大的鼓勵,我們也將持續優化服務,確保每一位賓客都能享受到更加順暢、愉悦的入住體驗。關於溝通上的反饋,我們已與團隊分享,並會努力改進,為您的下次到訪帶來更完美的體驗。再次感謝您的支持與認可,希望未來能再次在 The Salil Hotel Riverside - Bangkok 歡迎您的光臨,讓您的每一次旅程都充滿美好回憶。Korawit (Guide)Ambassador of Impressions Manager
ホテルからの返信: Dear Valued Guest,Thank you for taking the time to review your recent stay at The Salil Hotel Riverside-Bangkok.We are truly delighted to know that you had a pleasant stay at The Salil Hotel Riverside-Bangkok. Our team strives to create exceptional experiences for our value guests through our warm hospitality, and we are glad to hear that we have made your stay exceptional in every aspect.Once again, we appreciate your support and look forward to welcoming you back for another great experience.Sincerely,Ethan XiongFairy Manager