Kreuz Bern Modern City Hotelはベルンの旧市街にあります。ホテルの近所には、ブンデスハウスなどベルンの最高の場所以外のお店やレストランがたくさんあります。すべてが完璧に到達可能で、最大30分歩くか、単に公共交通機関を利用する(ホテルはバスや路面電車がたくさんあり、4分前後で、ベルン中央駅は10分).ベルンで公共交通機関に無料でアクセスできるベルンチケットも提供されました。朝食はビュッフェスタイルで、選択肢がたくさんあります。部屋は素敵で快適です。客室に関する一面の注意点は、ダブルベッドが2台のシングルベッドが一緒に置かれて構成されているので、少し不快だった点です。ミニプールテーブルとテーブルフットボール付きのプレイルームなど、さまざまな「エンターテイメント」ルームも提供しています。残念ながら部屋はかなり小さく、プレイプールは難しいです。また、プールテーブルが傾いており、プレイが不正確になります。これ以外に、ホテルでは、少しトレーニングをしたい場合は素敵な小さなフィットネスルームも提供しています(もちろん、プロのジムではありませんが、十分です)。フィットネスルームには小さなサウナとシャワーもあります。フィットネスルームからは街のビートゥフィールの景色を望む屋上にもアクセスできます。
ベルン中心部のホテル シティ アム バーンホフに宿泊すると、Church of the Holy GhostやBundeshäuserまで歩いてすぐです。 このホテルは、Gardensまで 0.2 km、Wege zu Kleeまで 0.3 km の場所にあります。
自転車レンタルなどのレクリエーション設備を使い、庭園からの眺めをお楽しみいただけます。このホテルでは、WiFi (無料)、ツアー / チケット案内もご利用いただけます。
朝食ビュッフェを毎日 6:30 ~ 10:00 までお召し上がりいただけます (有料)。
24 時間対応ビジネスセンター、ロビーでの新聞サービス (無料)、ドライクリーニング / ランドリー サービスをお使いいただけます。
全部で 58 室ある客室にはミニバー、薄型テレビがあります。WiFi (無料)をお使いいただけるほか、衛星放送の番組をご覧いただけます。浴槽またはシャワーのある専用バスルームには、バスアメニティ (無料)、ヘアドライヤーが備わっています。電話の他に、セーフティボックスやデスクもご利用いただけます。
First the good things. It is across the street, in front of the train station at Bern. It was perfect for us as we were planning to (and did) go to a different city every day. They also gave us a voucher so we could use all Bern public transportation during our stay. I dont know if it is a standard in Bern, but it was welcomed. On the other hand, dont expect the hotel to be a luxury or modern one. The hotel is simple, to put it nicely. At some hours, during the day, the entrance had a bad smell. We did not book the breakfast, but, when we checked it, it turned out to be a wise decision. Room heating can only be controlled by opening windows. Pluggin laptops, phones and other things that needed charging was an exercise in logistics. The people at the front desk were all over the spectrum. The lady who received us was incredibly nice. That was it. Everybody else at the desk seemed to dislike their job and were more than willing to let you feel it.
Stayed in this hotel for two weeks during my official visit in Switzerland. Located just opposite to Schonegg Tram stop, this hotel is just 10 mins from Bern Bahnof (Railway Station). This is an old design hotel with all modern amenities. The staff at the reception are polite helpful. The room which I got was at the end of the corridor which was quite small in terms of width. The bed was also quite small. The room was giving a vibe of coziness though. The bathroom was neat and clean but was small The hotel has an in house restaurant located in the first floor. Overall the food in the menu were quite expensive. The room rent didn’t include complimentary breakfast so the breakfast was also quite expensive ( 7.5 CHF for express and 19.5 for Buffet) Positives 1. Courteous Staff 2. Free High speed Wi Fi 3. Complimentary Public Transport pass 4. Clean and Hygienic room 5. B’ful view from the window 6. Check In and Check out was smooth Negatives 1. Small room 2. Items in the mini bar were quite expensive 3. Small bed 4. Air Condition in the room was bit confusing in terms of controlled heating/cooling
ゲゲストThe reception was very helpful and courteous. The family room was very big and clean. My daughter loved the experience of the old elevator. Breakfast is simple but had everything needed. Locations was great for us … walking distance to everything.
Switzerland such an amazing country with so lovely ppl, but this hotel was the worst! Staff at the reception was extremely not professional in Ibis and Novotel (both). Whenever u ask any assistance they will never even try to help or assist you, the hosting is the worse. The girl at the reception from Novotel just careless, she will look at you as you have to deal with ur problems. No Adapter to even charge the phone they can’t provide. We stayed for more than 7 hotels at the time we checked in here and even in the villages were adapters. Okay that’s not the main problem. Business center of the Novotel is USELESS! U can’t download, exit save send to ur own email as they blocking system, okay why then I need the business center?! So we just sit there for 1 hour and didn’t understand the problem, and the guy from reception said yes this is how it is. Take it or leave it! But as everywhere there are sone good ppl, who has really deserved to work in a hospitality field. Staff such as like JANINE & TANZINE ( i hope the spelling is correct) were just an angel and a fresh air from this all what we faced during the stay. They just solved our problems in a second, that’s the host we’re looking for when we come to the country where u don’t know anything and anyone. Thanks girls, rock it stars! (Both are from Novotel) From Abu Laban family.