
カリストガ ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

Calistoga Motor Lodge Spa, A Jdv by Hyatt Hotel
Started our California vacation at the Calistoga Motor Lodge for three nights. We are big Hyatt people and try to use our points when we can to save on trips. The bad: 1. Breakfast doesn’t start until 8 on weekends and not served at all on weekdays, which is nuts on two counts: globalists get breakfast and we were not offered any equivalent credit and also bad for out of town folks who maybe wake up early due to time change. 2. Housekeeping wasn’t every day, not sure if this was a mistake or not, and not communicated. 3. Only gave us two bath towels, at a resort? 4. Bathroom counters are tiny and essentially nowhere to put your toiletries. 5. They offer pour over coffee but not a keurig or a nespresso which on vacation is a nice convenience. 6. Charge a resort fee (globalists don’t pay on award stays) but there is no gym, no grounds really to speak of, just a pool and some yard games (and bikes that we never saw anyone use). This is not a resort, it’s a motor lodge. 7. Hotels need to stop doing the half shower glass door. 8. This is not a Cat 6, Hyatt. The Good: 1. Restaurant surprisingly good, pizzas excellent. 2. Welcome drink 3. Location right off the Silverado trail and a nice walk in the mornings into town 4. Hot tub/pools after a long wine tasting day 5. Friendly service Ultimately, this is a perfectly acceptable hotel but Hyatt and management have some things to think about. This hotel is not worth either cat 6 points or some of the egregious peak season pricing. But it could be excellent if they address some of the challenges.
フォー シーズンズ リゾート アンド レジデンシズ ナパ ヴァレー
個人的には、この四季はNapa地区ホテルの天井だと思っています。新しくオープンして間もなく、施設は非常に新しく、ハードウェアサービスはとても良いです。トイレタリーはLE LABOのSANTAL33です。歯磨き粉はMarvisです。バスルームは四季のスタイルを貫いています。寝具は同じくらい快適です。唯一の欠点は、トイレがスマートではなく、スリッパが一般的であるということです。部屋の建物は、バンヤンツリーのアメリカ版に少し似ています。しかし、バンヤンツリーよりもハイエンドです。バレーパーキングは1泊28ナイフです。誕生日に泡のワインとミニケーキを送ってください。スパは経験に値する。静かで、世界を避けてください。ブドウ園の景色を望む客室には、2013年のワインをプレゼントするフォーシーズンズホテルが備わっています。
ドクター ウィルキンソンズ バックヤード リゾート アンド ミネラル スプリングス メンバー オブ デザイン ホテルズ
If you are looking to relax in the lovely waters of Northern California, Dr. Wilkinson’s is great place to find peace and leave your worries behind. The spa waters are well maintained and give you different experiences depending if you want it cool or hot. The spa services are also top notch and the location gives you walking access to the best restaurants and tasting rooms in Calistoga.
ゴールデン ヘブン ホット スプリングス


