
カルカヴェロス ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

Carcavelos Hostel
フレンドリーなスタッフ、素敵で清潔な施設、探索するのに最適な場所。リスボン、カスカイ、ノース アリーブまで 30 分以内の鉄道駅からわずか 10 分!ホステル自体は、リラックスできる素敵なスイミングプールと庭園のあるクールな雰囲気です。彼らはホステルでゲームをしているので、退屈することはありません。私は友人のグループと一緒にここに来ました、そして私たちは彼らが提供しなければならないことを楽しみました、私たちは強くお勧めします、そして私たちは間違いなく再び来るでしょう☺️
カルカベロス ビーチ  ホテル
This hotel is advertised as a 4 star hotel. That rating is no longer accurate. It must have been a very long time ago that they received that rating from Turismo de Lisboa. It is now an old, tired hotel with minimal services. There is no gym and the pool was closed. With the exception of breakfast, there is no restaurant or room service. The bar is very limited. The rooms are very dated, with no safe and my single bed had a plastic mattress cover that made sleeping hot and strangely slippy, and my friend found a cockroach in her bathroom. There are some positives. The air conditioners are quiet. The shower, although in a bath with a curtain, was warm and powerful. Breakfast was quite good and the view from the 8th floor restaurant where breakfast is served is lovely. And the staff were all perfectly pleasant.
ヘルプ ユアセルフ ホステルズ カルカヴェロス コースト
There is a lot to say about this hostel but I'm not going to say just bad things because I stayed for two months It's a spacious place with a swimming pool near a train station, a wonderful beach for surfing and there are a lot of shops around The reception maintenance team is renewed quite often but generally they do their job well, they are people who come from afar for the most part, they are looking for recognition and a better quality of life. now we are going to talk about the big problems of this place caused by poor management of a surely negligent owner and one or more incompetent and irresponsible Manager During my stay here I saw five assaults, mostly on girls who work for the hostel. I never saw the owner or the Manager come to see anything or try to comfort his team, I had to intervene myself on aggressions inside the hostel to make the attackers leave we had to leave the place about ten days because of bedbug's On our return we had no compensation for this and the manager asked us to pay again the tourist tax that we had already paid, we should never have returned To newcomers, guests, or workers you can now have your own opinion before coming to these places think carefully many people left very quickly because they did not come to Europe to relive the same scenes of violence as in their country of origin. Cheers and enjoy your trip
ホテル リヴィエラ


  • カルカヴェロスでWi-Fiのホテルは、1泊あたりの平均価格がどのくらいですか?

    カルカヴェロスでWi-Fiのホテルは、一泊あたりの平均価格が平日VND 2,321,836、週末(金~土曜日)VND 2,311,523です。

  • カルカヴェロスのWi-Fiのホテルを予約する際に、利用可能なキャンペーン情報を教えてください。


  • カルカヴェロスで特に人気のあるWi-Fiのホテルはどこですか?

    カルカヴェロスでは、ホテル リヴィエラカルカベロス ビーチ ホテルアート 4 ユー カルカヴェロス スイーツ が特に人気です。


最高値VND 8,531,853
最安値VND 262,108
平均価格(平日)VND 2,321,836
平均価格(週末)VND 2,311,523