Great place to stay prior to a morning flight. Just blocks from the beach and amazing beach restaurants. Excellent service. The breakfast left a little to be desired, but it was free. Nice sized room for my family of 4. Set up a cab ride to the airport in the AM.
フィウミチーノのイーゾラ サクラにあるドミナ ゲストハウス - ラグザリー ルームからは、Basilica di S.Ippolito e Antiquarium、Porto di Traianoまで車で 5 分です。 このゲストハウスは、Necropoli di Portoまで 1.9 km、ニクロポリ ディ ポルト イソラ サクラまで 2 km の場所にあります。
庭園からの眺めを楽しみ、WiFi (無料)などをお使いいただけます。ビーチまでは、便利な送迎サービス (有料) をご利用いただけます。
全部で 3 ある冷房完備の客室には冷蔵庫、電子レンジなどが備わっており、ゆっくりおくつろぎいただけます。WiFi (無料)をお使いいただけるほか、衛星放送の番組をご覧いただけます。シャワーのある専用バスルームには、レインフォールシャワー、バスアメニティ (無料)が備わっています。電気ポット、ボトルウォーター (無料)をご利用いただけ、ハウスキーピング サービスは、毎日行われます。
Ottima qualità sia nel servizio ricevuto che della struttura nel suo insieme zona tranquilla e ospitalità curata sin nei minimi dettagli. Se ne dovessi fare ritorno per altre esperienze, proverei a ricercare la struttura per un nuovo soggiorno.
Such a sweet Bed and Breakfast in the outskirts of Rome near the airport. If you have time before flying off I highly recommend this gem. It is family owned and operated and everyone is so nice! The room was immaculate and well decorated, the bed was very comfortable! The property is walking distance to the beach, where we enjoyed a nice meal at the BBQ restaurant they recommended, you can eat on the back deck and enjoy the beach and water view and sunset! We had a wonderful breakfast in the breakfast room, with meats and cheeses,,pastries, juice coffee, veggies a perfect way to end our last morning in Italy!
フィウミチーノのイーゾラ サクラにあるヴィラ エラシ ゲスト ハウスからは、Villa Guglielmi、Gelateria Naturale Polo Nordまで車で 5 分です。 このB&Bは、Tiber Riverまで 2.2 km、Basilica di S.Ippolito e Antiquariumまで 2.5 km の場所にあります。
テラスや庭園からの眺めを楽しみ、WiFi (無料)などをお使いいただけます。
便利なB&Bのルームサービスをご利用いただけます。無料のビュッフェを毎日、8:00 ~ 10:00 までお召し上がりいただけます。
荷物保管サービス、セーフティボックス (フロントデスク)、共用エリアの冷蔵庫をお使いいただけます。ホテルから空港までのシャトルサービス (要リクエスト) を有料でご利用いただけるほか、敷地内にはセルフパーキング (無料) も備わっています。
全部で 3 室あるそれぞれ異なる装飾のの施された客室で、おくつろぎください。各客室には、専用のバルコニーまたはパティオがあります。WiFi (無料)をお使いいただけるほか、ケーブルの番組をご覧いただけます。シャワーのある専用バスルームには、バスアメニティ (無料)、ビデが備わっています。
We had a lovely stay. Arrived early evening to FCO and had an early flight to Catania, so wanted to be close to the airport. Leandro was warm and helpful throughout. He picked us up and dropped us back off at the airport as part of the service. The room was clean and comfortable with good working a/c. The neighborhood is quiet. He directed us to a nice restaurant within walking distance that was a perfect first dinner for our family. The complimentary breakfast was also very nice. I'd stay there again. Leandro even drove us to two ATMs, both were not functioning though, but he was extremely patient and caring. Molto grazie!
After our cruise we wanted to stay one night near the Fiumicino Airport (Rome). Rather than stay in a hotel, we found a small guest house five minutes from the airport. What an amazing find! We not only found the facility and room to be immaculate, but Sofia and Nicolas made us feel more like a guest in their home. To make things even more enjoyable, it was only a ten minute walk the the beach and location where the Tiber River empties into the sea. It was a perfect place to watch the sunset and have a fabulous meal at one of the many restaurants overlooking the river. If you ever want to stay near the Rome airport, look no further than the Kalaso Design Guest House.