остановились здесь на одну ночь перед отъездом с Ломбока посмотреть пляж Senggigi, до этого жили на Куте. в общем, в сезон дождей пляж был неплох, лучше Куты, и даже почти весь день идущий дождь не помешал вдоволь накупаться и в океане, и в бассейне. бассейн тоже неплох, классный вид. в остальном... интересная территория, но есть ощущение, что слишком пестрая и разномастная. за пределами отеля в шаговой доступности ничего толком нет. еда в отеле весьма посредственная, ну, собственно, как и везде, где мы ели на Ломбоке.
ホテルからの返信: Dear Chris and Linda and your dear Mum. Thank you so much for writing this review. It does sound a little cliche to say we are a family but the reality is what it is and we are what we are. Puri Mas has never felt like a business in the true sense of the word and our feeling towards our guests is that we want everyone to have the same sense of belonging as we all do. It’s so special when guests return and when they come again and again it just helps us to keep doing what we are doing. Listening to your comments and making you feel comfortable relaxed and happy to be with us. Can’t wait to see you again. From us all a heartfelt THANK YOU.
ホテルからの返信: Dear Antang Thank you for taking the time to write this great review which I hope will lead other visitors to enjoy Puri Mas. We appreciate you mentioning the free water gallon included in every room for our guests to enjoy. This makes such a difference to the environment and single use plastic’s here. We save within a region of 15.000 small plastic bottles by giving this service to our visitors. So glad you mentioned it!! Also I am happy you had a good sleep. We have invested in wonderful high grade divan beds which are rarely seen under the sheets of course but I am very happy that these things have been mentioned. Our beds are enormous 200x220 and if you have a double we add a wonderful pillow topper that has an additional 10cm of comfy mattress so you never feel the join of the twin beds pushed together. Going that extra mile for our guests. Thank you again and hope you will return one day. From us all in Puri Mas.
ホテルからの返信: Hello to you and thank you so much for this review. It was such a pleasure to have you stay with us. We hope to see you back. Thank you from us all in Puri Mas.