
オレム ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

I reserved a single king with a sitting area a month before the trip. When I checked in was told they were sold out and they had upgraded me, but unfortunately that was a lie as they gave me a double queen room. On top of that, the rRoom was outdated compared to the rooms my two coworkers were provided. The worst part, however, was that the toilet wouldn't flush. Seriously. The toilet was broken. So, I called the front desk only to have the phone ring almost 30 minutes with no answer. Finally went downstairs to find a woman at the front desk with the phone ringing from someone else. I asked her why she wasn't answering the phone, only to be told she was ”busy” and couldn't answer the phone? Um. Ok. I moved on and explained about the toilet and was told that 1) no one could assist that night, would have plumber come tomorrow and that 2) they were sold out and had no other room to move me to. Thankfully I was able to call my husband who is a plumber who walked me through how to manually flush the toilet as needed. So I told the front desk person to tell the plumber that the flapper is either too big for the toilet or it could be broken. I spent the evening manually flushing the toilet. On the second day I returned to the hotel and asked if the plumber had came and was told yes the toilet is working fine. When I aked specifically what was done I was told they shortened the chain. When I get to the room I try the toilet and it does the same thing and isn't working. When I went back downstairs I asked to see the manager and was told they work 9 to 4pm. Not helpful when I leave the hotel at 8am for work and return around 5:30. Meanwhile, I had a case of equipment that had been delivered to the hotel for my arrival, and now needed to ship it back. It had a prepaid label and just needed for UPS to pick it up. When I brought it to the front desk I was told that UPS doesn't come to the hotel (how was it delivered then???) and was handed directions to a UPS store because my phone was on 6% charge. I arrived at the location provided and guess what? no UPS store. Thanks to a nice local I was able to find a UPS store about a mile away and get back just in time to the hotel to leave for my evening event. Followed by one more night of manually flushing the toilet and not sleeping from the sound of running water. The morning I am checking out I FINALLY got to meet the Assistant Manager Tanner. He didn't even want to sit down at first to hear what happened, but finally did as I didn't want to stand and broadcast everything to the entire hotel. He tried to tell me that the front desk personnel said they tried to offer a different room, but then agreed that yes they were sold out. How does that work??? He then informed me that the hotel room I was in is now going to be blocked from their available list until it gets fixed. At least they finally did that! Then I told him about front desk telling me that UPS doesn't pick up at the hotel and he looked confused.
ハンプトン  イン & スイーツ オレム
La Quinta Inns & Suites by Wyndham Orem University Pwy/Provo
良い点:エレベーターと廊下との最初の印象は最高ではありませんが、部屋はとても良く、清潔で快適でした。部屋は最近多少更新されたようです。スタッフはほとんどフレンドリーで親切です。非常に静かで、私たちは滞在中全室で騒音を聞いたことがありません。悪い:朝食。明らかに、それは彼らが開始するたびに一度に備えられ、その後完全に無視されます。最初に、最初にそれを合計して提供 - あなたがそこに着いたら、ほとんど何も起こらない可能性があります。醜い: 以前に述べたように、ホールやエレベーターはいくつかの作業を使用することができます. そこで最初の夜は、我々はいくつかの陰影の種類を見たが、その後、何もありません (隣接駐車場のバンキャンプ/肝臓を除く)。客室にはコンセントがたくさんありますが、USBポートはほとんどありません。
コンフォート イン & スイーツ オレム - プロボ
La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham North Orem
滞在する素晴らしい場所!それは私の期待を超えており、いつか再び滞在するために戻ってきます。サービス、常にホットコーヒー、朝食はボンブです!!! 。滞在先を探す方には、ユタ州オレムにあるラ·クインタインをお勧めします。土曜日の夜にチェックインしてくれたロドニーは、真のプロフェッショナルで、周囲のエリアについて教えてくれるまで、外に出ていたので、そのエリアにある全てをよく知っていた。彼は素晴らしい態度をとり、1230amのようなものだった。 ユタ州オレムにあるラ·クインタインに感謝します。また来ます!
スペーシャス & ニュー ゲストハウス イン オレム - プロボ



最高値SEK 4,668
最安値SEK 564
平均価格(平日)SEK 1,410
平均価格(週末)SEK 1,728