
ピーブルス ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

ザ トンティーン ホテル
We stayed at the Tontine Hotel, Peebles 28, 29th June, requested a walk-in shower and this was duly reserved for us and worked out ok. The bathroom was modern and well thought out but why hadn’t the room been refurbished like those shown on the website to brighten it up somewhat as the view did not help through the window. The room however had a strange smell due I understand to a leaking radiator connection, so why wasn’t the carpet steam cleaned, replaced even if it had been in the room a long time. The TV was hanging off the wall at about 1 metre from the floor just behind the door, maybe it should be removed all together. Why would somebody want to watch the tv whilst on holiday and especially at that level and position. Why indeed are there tv’s in hotel rooms in the first place and baths, rather than walk in showers. A bath to exit is far more dangerous than a walk-in shower and who wants to lay in water you have washed yourself in. The bed was comfortable, but we used our own feather pillows rather than those filled with plastic as supplied by most hotels, as are the duvets. The public areas of the hotel are far more comfortable than most hotels as they have quality domestic type settees and armchairs. The Dining room has that old world charm with most tables around the walls with lots of airy space, which makes it easier for the waitresses to serve guests. It is not overcrowded like most hotels cramming tables in. The menu was quite varied and did not revolve round chips and a fry up. There was ample fresh vegetables which is a plus these days, rather than the usual limp lettuce leaf and half a fried tomato. So well done the chef. The staff are very pleasant, well trained, something you do not experience these days. In fact at some hotels and restaurants they cannot set a table correctly, but not the case at the Tontine. I would like to make a mention to Alice, Anna, Beth, Jessica and Sabine, who made our dining experience very relaxing. Well done ladies. I also found the two ladies on reception helpful and they had time for conversation.
バロニー キャッスル ホテル
We got married at Barony Castle on 14 April. Our wedding day was amazing, everything we hoped it would be and more! Despite our original wedding co-ordinator leaving a few weeks before the wedding, Hannah, our new co-ordinator was on hand straight away. She had thoroughly read our file and arranged to meet us to ease any concerns we may have had. She was always happy to answer questions by email/phone or meet us if required. Hannah and the rest of the team made sure our day went smoothly. Our room, the Eddleston suite, which I got ready in is beautiful. It is lovely and bright for doing hair and make up and was nice to stay in. The Elibank room was set up perfectly for our ceremony. It was absolutely beautiful. Our meal was delicious and guests commented on how much they enjoyed the food. (including those with dietary requirements). The service was quick and efficient and the food piping hot. We had been for a tasting 6 months prior to the day where Jeanette talked us through each chosen dish and the wines that would be served. Our evening reception was held in the Meldons room. We had an LED dance floor as part of our wedding package and it looked fantastic. We had about 60 guests and the room was beautifully decorated with the tables laid out well. We supplied our own DJ, Marvellous Disco (also recommended) and the dance floor was never empty! For our buffet we had stovies and bacon rolls which were very good. Service at the bar was friendly and efficient with no long waits. There were security guards hired privately by Barony Castle as they do for all functions. The two gents were very pleasant, they didn't 'guard' our reception and were out of sight. It did not have any impact on our overall enjoyment. A fresh, hot and delicious breakfast was brought to our room the next morning. In summary we would highly recommend the Barony Castle Hotel for a wedding and thank all the staff that were involved. We're now looking forward to our return for our 1st anniversary stay.
クリングレティエ ハウス ホテル
My husband and I recently stayed for an overnight at Cringletie as one leg of a 10 leg trip in Scotland. We also stayed for a night last year in August, near the end of a trip through the UK, Wales, and Scotland. We continue to be pleased with our experience at Cringletie. We've stayed at many other refined establishments in GB and feel fairly well versed in identifying special qualities at those places and we must say that Cringletie was exceptional among them. I think it's important to praise what is done well, so here we go: Cringletie is very clean throughout. Thank you. It's difficult to feel luxurious when there are splotches, stains, crumbs, huge marks on the walls, etc. Not only are the rooms clean at Cringletie, but the whole estate is well cared for and guests absolutely do notice that. Mr. Cross was the only owner/manager to have a presence and attempt any communication with guests at the many hotels we've stayed at. Beyond a lovely handwritten note (a fantastic touch) in the room, he also came to speak to us during dinner and greeted us on a morning walk on the lawns...even greeting my husband by name. The little things: no other house supplied homemade yummies in the room; it was only packaged store shortbreads. Having a fan in the room was also super important, thank you...especially during summer heat. The rooms had bottles of sparkling and still water and accoutrements for tea/coffee and some other treats. The woman at the front desk who helped wrap up our artwork purchase was very lovely and personable. She was funny and welcoming. Thank you to her - and sorry we bought the sheep art you loved so much! The dinner staff maintains the decorum one expects of the caliber of meal service offered. The young man who handled the bar and portions of our table service was pleasant and you could tell they were all actively taking care to provide refined service. The food was delightful as always. We have yet to finish all courses in the tasting menu (we had to throw in the towel last time, too!) but only because each course was so good that we ate every bite. The food was refined and delicious and, I believe, and was among the very best of every restaurant we dined at, regardless of how many rosettes they boasted. Similarly related to dining: Cringletie was the only place in our 10 leg trip to serve quality toast at breakfast. Every other house offered only bland packaged mass-produced bread. As someone who doesn't enjoy breakfast but who sits for it while on vacation for her husband's sake, something as trivial as toast quality does make an impression and adds to the pile of finer details that have a synergistic impact. The bedding is lovely - comfortable. Room had everything one would need. The artwork sprinkled in the house is great. Not only does it promote and support local artists but it is so much more authentic and aesthetic than looking at countless mass reproduction posters that have been slapped in a frame. We even e
ザ パーク ホテル ピーブルス
夫と私はここで 3 泊しましたが、素晴らしかったです。まず第一に、ピーブレスは滞在するのに素晴らしい町であり、必要なものはすべて含まれています。ホテルは素晴らしかった。スタッフはいつも親切で、足を離しても100%くれました。食べ物は信じられないほどでした-夫と私は通常、どこかに滞在するときにさまざまな場所に出かけますが、毎晩ホテルで食事をし、食べ物に吹き飛ばされました。いくつかの奇妙な点がありましたが、それらはすべて簡単に見過ごされていました。例えば、シャワーの斜面は夫(6フィート)がシャワーを浴びるために少ししゃがむ必要があったことを意味しますが、それは本当の問題ではありませんでした。朝食は素晴らしく、昼間にランチ/ケーキとお茶のための別のエリアがあることが大好きでした。全体的に、私たちはそれを愛し、私たちがそこに長くいなかったことを悲しんだ-しかし、私たちは間違いなく戻ってきます。ツイード川と谷は壮観です。行ってみてください。
ピーブルズ ハイドロ ホテル
他のスパや類似のイルクのホテルに比べて、本当に時代遅れです。例えばダンクドハウスに泊まったのは昼夜でした。スタッフは素晴らしいですが、その場所にはたくさんのお金が必要です。私たちの部屋で317私たちはテレビをHDしました。画面の半分が他の半分よりも暗いです。良いことは、私たちはテレビを見るためにここに行かなかったことです。プールエリアは素敵でしたが、改装が必要です。大きなステップは、高齢者にとって危険ですが、彼らは、非常に、非常に、”注意の2つの非常に”悪い状態の事務の最小を言うにパッチされている。 私は再びここに滞在しますか?おそらく場所がアップグレードされるまで。 私が見たホテルを見て、これは何百万ポンドもかかります。 私は射撃を楽しんだ、そして女の子は大きな助けだった。 公平に言えば、スタッフは素敵ですが、ホテル側では本当に改善する必要があります。
マクドナルド カードローナ ホテル、ゴルフ & スパ


  • ピーブルスにある朝食併設の人気ホテルを教えてください

    ピーブルスへの出張にもバカンスにも、バロニー キャッスル ホテルピーブルズ ハイドロ ホテルマクドナルド カードローナ ホテル、ゴルフ & スパ は全ておすすめのホテルです。

  • ピーブルスにある朝食が併設されたホテルの平均宿泊料金を教えてください


  • ピーブルスにある朝食併設のホテルで利用可能なキャンペーンを教えてください


