I had a booking with this hostel in February 2022 for two nights and was excited to be staying at such an historic and beautifully located inn whilst attending the White Turf Racing at St Moritz. Sadly due to the terrible storm Eunice that savaged Europe on the 18th/19th February I was unable to travel on my original outbound day as all rail travel and most flights were cancelled (including my flight with British Airways) so I wasn’t able to get going until the following day and was only able to stay just the one night. Once I knew my flight was cancelled I contacted the hostel immediately and requested to cancel one of the nights booked due to the highly extenuating circumstances but they declined citing their terms and conditions of booking - no refunds. For six months I have been trying to reclaim the one nights stay from my insurance company but unfortunately it is not covered under delay so I went back to the hotel manager and pleaded my case once again. It fell on deaf ears, no refund terms and conditions apply! Even though I did everything possible to let them know I couldn’t travel and made the trip to stay at least one night they have shown a complete and uncaring arrogance. This was a once in 50 years Storm for goodness sake, surely exceptional circumstances should be looked upon with empathy and not an attitude of tough luck? So the moral of this review is make sure you have insurance cover that doesn’t contain ’acts of god’ exclusions and always, always read your hotel booking terms and conditions. Incidentally, I also had a non refundable booking at the Mercure Hotel at Paddington London on the night of the storm and they allowed me to cancel without charge, bravo the Mercure!
Camera molto accogliente, con vista. Tutta in legno che trasmette una sensazione di calore. Personale disponibile, mi ha spiegato varie cose su cosa può offrire la zona consegnandomi ottimi spunti anche per la stagione estiva. Un motivo in più per tornarci!
Das Gasthaus & Hotel Berninahaus liegt in der Nähe der Passhöhe des Berninapasses und verkörpert traditionellen Schweizer Charme. Das Hotel bietet gemütliche Unterkünfte mit spektakulärem Bergblick und einer sehr langen Tradition. Das Restaurant serviert deftige alpine Küche mit lokalen Spezialitäten, die mit Sorgfalt zubereitet werden. Ob Sie drinnen oder auf der Terrasse speisen, die atemberaubende Umgebung macht das Erlebnis noch schöner. Mit herzlicher Gastfreundschaft und echter Alpenatmosphäre ist das Gasthaus & Hotel Berninahaus der perfekte Rückzugsort für Bergliebhaber.
Wunderbare Küche und sehr freundliche Gastgeber. Angenehme Atmosphäre im Restaurant. Das tolle war, dass man auch nach der Mittagszeit noch à la carte essen konnte. Nach einer Wanderung war das super. Wir werden auf jeden Fall nächstes Jahr wiederkommen!
Der Besuch im Restaurant war eine gute Wahl. Wir waren sehr positiv überrascht. Gute Menu-Auswahl, leckeres Essen, freundlicher aufmerksamer Service & schöne Sonnenterrasse. Habe es selten erlebt, dass man nach dem Servieren des Essens nichts mehr nachfragen musste, weil alles bereits gebracht wurde, was man evt noch braucht. Essig, Öl, Reibkäse etc. Chapeau. Wir kommen gerne wieder.
Wir waren eine Nacht zu Gast hier um am nächsten Morgen eine Gletscherwanderung auf der Diavolezza zu machen. Schöne , grosse Zimmer. Sehr gutes Abendessen im Restaurant, seht empfehlenswert hier zu essen. Guter Startpunkt für Wanderungen. Grosser Parkplatz.
Prenotato per week end di Pasqua. Ottima impressione fin dal momento check in: ti senti subito a casa ! Bellissima stanza, in tipico stile montano. La cucina di alto livello con portate di quantità adeguata. Personale professionale ma sempre col sorriso. Professionalità, disponibilità e gentilezza sono le parole d'ordine! Bravi!!!! Da non sottovalutare l'ottima posizione dalla fermata del trenino rosso (attraversi la strada e ti muovi facilmente senza dover sempre utilizzare l'auto).