
サンミゲル島 ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

ホテル タリスマン
ANC リゾート
I just returned from a three night stay at this hotel with my girlfriend and our teenage daughter. We have been countless times in S. Miguel as we consider it such a pleasant and beautiful island. This time we opted for a hotel outside the main towns and in fact we managed to do just that. At the same time it is only 20 minutes away from the airport and 15 minutes away from Ponta Delgada or Ribeira Grande, the two main towns. We already visited the nine islands of the Azores archipelago and always get a rental car at the airport (exception at Corvo Island). If you are staying in this hotel, it is paramount that you do the same. As to the hotel itself, we booked it only four weeks in advance on high season, thus we had to pay the full rate of the stay at that moment. Upon check-in on room 206, we were given two identical cards without any distinctive element, one to open the door and the other to insert into the slot for lightening. That is odd, generally, hotels give two identical keys to open the door and one of them, if necessary can be left on the slot when we are out. We were assigned a spacious accommodation with living room, bedroom and bathroom. We did not have sea view and the living room had lots of glass walls overlooking the adjacent condo. All those glasses made it very hot on the sun shining days and we had to keep the AC on during the day. The décor of the room was unstylish and lacking attention to details. The bedroom had a big closet but no clothes rail or hangers. Besides that, one of the doors of the closet could not be opened fully, because it bumped into the shelves that are installed as bedside tables. The safe was old style, that is to say, it closes with a key that we had to ask for at the reception at no charge, along with a cumbersome key ring that we had to take with us whenever we were out of the room. The living room had a well equipped kitchen, that we did not use but it was constantly patrolled by half a dozen ants. We had bought previously some good looking fruits and had to fill a big dish with water and in the middle of it we put a small dish with our fruit so that the ants weren’t able to cross the water in order to get to fruit island. The bathroom was very spacious and pleasant looking even if the washbasin was more stylish than efficient. This room lacked tremendously of a place to put one´s belongings (toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, electrical razor and so on). Amazingly no one foresaw the installation of a shelf. The social areas of the hotel such as the lobby are, again, unstylish, corridors have shabby carpeting. The room where breakfast is served has a view to an outside wall and lacks natural lightening. Breakfast itself has a reasonable variety of items, but by no means is it worth 12 euro per person per day, that in our case we were asked to paid in advance, precisely at the same moment we made the reservation. There is a restaurant at the hotel, called Dragoeiro but it features mainly sushi. It is in
Quinta de Santa Bárbara Casas Turisticas
My family and I really enjoyed our stay in a one bedroom apartment. It was clean, comfortable, fully-equipped and had ample room for a family of 4. The grounds of the hotel are absolutely stunning - full of beautiful flowers and plants. My teenage boys really enjoyed using the hot tub, pool, sauna and gym. The hotel is centrally located on the island making it very easy to access most of the major sites and only a 10 minute drive to downtown Ponta Delgada. The owner of the hotel was very friendly and accommodating during our stay. We will definitely stay here again!
ホテル ドゥ コレヒオ
A Difficult stay and an even more Negative ending! It is with sadness that the management of Hotel do Colegio, due to them not fulfilling an agreement we made on the 26th October and the hotel owner and Team Leader of the reservations depar**ent not replying to five emails I sent to try and rectify the matter, have left me with no option but to leave this review. Before booking a two-night stay at this hotel we on several occasions checked that hey would be able to offer breakfast and dinner for someone who was coeliac, i.e., unable to eat gluten. We also checked that they were also able to offer us a room with two beds rather than one with a double bed. They assured us, in at least three emails, that offering a gluten free breakfast and dinner would be know problem and that they would inform the kitchen so everything would be in place when we went down to breakfast. They also said that a room with two beds had been reserved, so again no problem there. As not being able to eat anything with gluten is an illness I two days before we were due to arrive again reminded them about this and again was told that the kitchen had been informed and that it was not a problem. I also reminded them that we had booked a room with two beds. Due to the positive response, we chose Hotel do Colegio over three other hotels who also said they could cater for my illness, so we arrived feeling very confident that no problems would occur. On arrival we were given the keys to our room and was assured it was a spacious room with two beds. To our surprise and shock this was not the case; the bed in the room had been made up as a double. We were very tired after a long and delayed flight so was not very happy with this. We went down to reception to be told that that room always has two beds rather than one. Our word appeared not be accepted and the person on reception insisted going up to the room with us to check for herself and, of course, found that what we had said was correct. She then said she would contact someone and get it put right. We were asked to wait and after us requesting it were given a cold drink while we waited. Time went on and no-one came so we went back to reception and asked what was happening. She then said the people who did the rooms were at lunch and we would have to wait until they returned. This was not the arrival we had hoped for and expressed our concern. She then said she would show us two other rooms which both had two beds if we would like one of them but added I’m sure you will want to wait for the cleaners to come back as yours is a much nicer room. We agreed to look at the other rooms, which unlike the one we had been allocated were inner rooms and much smaller. Obviously, we preferred the allocated room which was very spacious and also had a nice view. She assured us it would now only be another 15 minutes so again we agreed to wait. Thirty minutes later we went up to the room ourselves and the cleaners were just completing the ch
サンタ バーバラ エコ ビーチ リゾート
The location of this hotel is absolutely stunning. Everywhere you walk on the grounds, you are offered another beautiful, yet different view. Looking out over the ocean and the black sand beach from all the different vistas and viewpoints never grew old for us. There are small lounge areas at varying levels from the top of the hotel and down towards the beach. They all offered quiet and private places to lounge and relax. We had a 2 bedroom “retreat.” The “retreat” was not as lovely as the grounds. First off- the door to the retreat is a massive, wood door. However, being an eco lodge- I think someone may have just chopped a tree down and hung it on some hinges. While it looked beautiful- it did not seal or close properly. So there were giant gaps between the door and the frame and we watched bugs fly in constantly. The second issue with the rooms were a complete lack of privacy. Both bedrooms had sliding doors on them, again nothing really truly shut. The master bedroom had a sink area and bathtub when you walked into the room, no shower and if you wanted to use the bath- you would have had to do so literally right next to the bed. The main issue in this room though was the toilet. It was in a cubicle but the cubicle was see through so anyone could see you going to the bathroom! The second bedroom had 2 twin mattresses laying on a concrete platform. Nothing else was in the bedroom area at all. When you entered the room you were immediately in the bathroom area. This time there was a closet and 2 sinks, there was a sliding wood door here to separate the toilet and shower but you could not shut a door between the sink part of the bathroom and the sleeping area. So if someone needed to turn on a bathroom light during the night, anyone in the room would wake up. The service at the hotel was good and it was a relaxing place to stay for a couple of days after a busy week on the rest of the island. There is not much in the immediate area, but if you are looking for a beachfront place to relax in San Miguel, this is a solid choice.
フルナス ブティック - オクタント フルナス
全体的に、私はここでの滞在を楽しんだし、戻ってきます。スタッフは例外的で、あなたが幸せであることを確実にするために笑顔で本当に後ろに曲がりました。スパは素敵で、ホテルの経験の一部としてプライベート温泉を楽しんでいました。温泉は24時間なので、勝てません。また、島で時間を割くことができるように、2泊(他の場所は3泊以上必要)を許可してくれたことにも感謝しました。朝食は素敵な広がりでした。彼らは実際に飲み物と一緒にシャンパンを提供しました。これは他のホテルよりも寛大です。私も彼らと夕食をとりました。それは良かった。部屋自体はモダンできれいでした。私の欠点は、それが忙しい道路から離れているということです、そして私が最後の部屋の1つをつかんだとき、私は非常に穏やかでリモートな場所になると予想していた駐車場を見下ろす部屋があるとは思っていませんでした。予約時により良いビュー/サイドを支払う必要があります。カップルのメモ: この小さな町が歩行者向けではないことに驚きました。非常に狭い歩道と、ドライバーがうなり声を上げるいくつかの道路があります。町にはより多くの横断歩道とスピードバンプが必要です。ここで車を持っている方がいいです。また、領収書にチップを入れると、お金がホテルに行きます。私はチップのためにいくらかの現金を持っていると思います...つまり、誰も彼らがチップを期待しているようには見えません。


