
ソレント ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

ホテル ベルエア
Hotel is nicely positioned close to the center within 10 minutes walk. Is very clean, as housekeeper will clean and bring clean towels twice a day. The only issues was some mold forming on one to the bathroom walls due to humidity. Just to be clear, hotel is not on the beach. You have to go down on many abrupt stairs until you reach the beach. The problem is when you come back as climbing those stairs can be somewhat tiring. If you get a taxi from the beach to hotel it costs 20 euros. I had a very nice Hugo cocktail at their bar. Next day at the pool I asked for another one. It was not even close to the one I had the night before. If you are a 5 stars hotel I recommend to keep the same around facility. Also, don’t book a regular room as they are not upgraded. Overall is a nice hotel but definitely not a 5 stars.
ザ ナイト ゲストハウス ソレント
ソレント リライス
This morning I received 2 emails from ********** regarding a booking for next week. The first at claimed I had changed the dates to the end of the month, and the next a minute later saying I had changed the date to today while I am at work in the UK.Why would I dod that? I was shocked. I argued about this but they said they would cancel...and do me a favour by waiving the fee! Why had they done this? Maybe because prices had gone up since March when we booked and they didn't want to lose out. Our plans were in ruins. I spent nearly two hours looking for something else to book, but of course a last minute booking was now significantly more expensive. Of course I booked something as I can't now cancel flights without losing out even more. ********** blamed the hotel, but I notice they use them on their website and have them down as a good rating.
ホテル ヴィラ ディ ソレント
Room had bugs and we had to change hotels. They tried a disinfectation procedure but it was evident they had an infestation problem for quite some time. They also said the bugs may have come with our luggage but it turns out all our things were bug-free and the bugs obviously did not set up a whole colony just overnight. They offered and did provide us another room, but we decided staying at this hotel after sleeping with the bugs just wasn’t an option.
インペリアル ホテル トラモンターノ
Beautiful hotel!! If I ever come back to Sorrento I will 100% stay here again. The entire hotel is very clean, staff were helpful, and the bar staff were amazing. Giuseppe and his team made this experience for us, every night before dinner we’d sit on the terrace to have a drink and watch the beautiful water views. Breakfast was included every morning had good variety: different styles of eggs, toast, yogurt, fruit, and a dozen or more different pastries and cakes to choose from. The hotel also has a private elevator that is free to take (if you don’t take their elevator you pay 1.50 euro to take the public one each time) you directly to get down to the beach which made it easy for when we stayed at the beach club and had to get down to the Marina.
ヒルトン ソレント パレス
ソレントの中心部に位置するヒルトンは、この地域で最大のホテルの 1 つです。ロビーは広としてモダンで、チェックインは比較的簡単でした。スタッフは私たちのために部屋をアップグレードするために最善を尽くしましたが、彼らの努力に感謝しましたが、できませんでした。私たちは2つの部屋を予約しましたが、どちらもモダンで、良いサイズで、大きなパティオできれいでした。水の見える部屋を予約することを強くお勧めします。私たちの(409と410)は、ホテルの正面玄関がある大きな平らな崖の顔に面しています。部屋には毎朝ビュッフェ式朝食が含まれています。食べ物は大丈夫で、一日の始まりに十分でした。彼らが選択を変えたらよかったのですが、毎日同じでした。しかし、あなたのテーブルからの眺めは息をのむほどです。ホテルの屋上には、日本食レストラン、ハッピイスモとJの2つのレストランがあります。前者には、予約できる(小さな)プールとパティオもあります。 Jで一晩食べて、食べ物が美味しいことに気づきました。プールはかなり大きく、多層で混雑することなく十分なスペースを提供します。私たちは7月中旬に1週間そこにいましたが、プールが混雑していることはわかりませんでした。プールサイドのサービスも快適でした。ホテルの場所はメインセンター(Storico Centro)から離れており、素敵で静かです。あなたはおそらく15-20分かかる中心部まで歩くことができますが、暑さのために、私たちはタクシーに乗ることを選びました。私たち4人にとって、価格は14-20ユーロから範囲でした(理由はわかりません)。中心部にとても近いということは、さまざまな興味のある場所に行くフェリーに近いということでもあります。カプリに行くのに2回使った(~20分)。帰りのチケットも事前に予約してください。全体的に私たちはこのホテルを大いに楽しみ、間違いなくここに再び滞在することを検討します。


