My kid ***** with 200 kids from his Pune school stayed at this hotel for 2nights and 3 days. However their trip was cut short because approximately 90%kids fell sick on 2nd night. Kids complaining of stomach ache, vomiting, loose motions, all due to consuming food from.the Hotel, which would.have been stale uncooked, unhugencially cooked. It is not just 1 or 2 cases, kids in double digit, triple digit have fallen ill. They have been diagnosed with food poisoning. How can your Hotel stand still putting life of our kids at such grave danger? Your food was spicy, oily, left unattended and open without lids for long duration, water bottled unavailable or delayed while kids eating meals. So they had to drink tank water. Regardless water tasted different, bad. How can you all do this to kids? Post covid extra care is taken even by roadside vendors and your hotel could not ensure basic health of the kids? Shame on you Hotel. Millenium. Shame on you for causing so much distress and giving our kids bad experience and horrible memories of this trip because of your hotel's negligence Not fell sick, almost 90% fell sick due to food poisoning. They are diagnosed with Food poisoning by their Doctors. We have certificates to prove it. All 2 days they had meal from your hotel. And you are placing blame on something on the way . Take responsibility, your food is substandard and has caused danger to health of our kids regardless it is 40 or 160 even one kid should not have been sick due to food poisoning after eating your hotel Food.