江漢路/漢正路 | Wuhan Polytechnic Tourism and Aviation Service Collegeより14.98km
Grand Madison Wuhan Hankou on the Bundは2021年に開業、武漢に滞在するお客様にお勧めです。漢口から8km、天河国際空港から28kmと、交通便利な場所にあります。市内の交通網は充実しており、徒歩圏内には江漢路があります。付近には江漢関博物館や黎黄路、武漢港などがあり、武漢の観光に非常に便利な立地です。長い一日の終わりには、館内施設でくつろぐのもお勧めです。サービスの質を重視のお客様にも、このホテルにはご満足いただいております。ご家族連れのお客様に、このホテルは常に高評価をいただいております。
江漢路/漢正路 | Wuhan Polytechnic Tourism and Aviation Service Collegeより15.41km
慌しい一日の終わりには、Ethos Hotel Wuhan Riversideでおくつろぎください。Ethos Hotel Wuhan Riversideは、ビジネスでもレジャーでも、武漢での快適な滞在をご提供いたします。当施設から漢口までわずか7km、天河国際空港まで28kmと、交通が非常に便利です。最寄の主要公共交通機関は大智路で、当施設から1kmです。知音号や巴公房子、漢口粤漢埠頭など、周辺で多くの観光名所をお楽しみいただけます。館内の様々な施設で、有意義にお過ごしいただけます。武漢の当施設には、駐車場が併設されており、非常に便利です。このホテルのサービスはすばらしいと評判です。出張でご利用のお客様に、このホテルは常に高評価をいただいております。
江漢路/漢正路 | Wuhan Polytechnic Tourism and Aviation Service Collegeより15.64km
武漢江城明珠豪生大酒店(Howard Johnson Hotel Wuhan)は、漢口江灘(Hankou's Riverfront)にある43階建てのホテルで、市役所庁舎や金融街に近いです。客室からは長江を望みます。ホテルの飲食施設では、本格的な中国料理、ウィーン料理、タイ料理などがふるまわれています。ラウンジではドリンクをお楽しみいただけます。機能室11室やリバービュー宴会ホール2室があり、ビジネスなどでご利用いただけます。フィットネス、屋内プール、カラオケ、マッサージ室などがあります。
The Position is quite nice. Just a short stroll to Wuhan bund, the River and to Hankou's nightlife area (esp. Lihuangpi lu).
It's a bit old, but everything was fine for me so far, so nothing to complain.
There is also a restaurant and a club lounge, but I haven't visited them, neither the pool or the gym.
匿匿名ユーザーThis is a neat, stylish and clean hotel. The bedding is very comfortable. The hotel is nearby a shooping mall, 天街,which is convenient for the traveler to have meals. It takes few minutes to access the metro station.
ゲゲストI regret that I have to rate this hotel a little bit disappointing. We booked a room on Level 2, but we were assigned a room on Level 1 as the guests in Level 2 want to stay for another night. This is not a very satisfactory arrangement. It was a cool night but we have to turn on the aircon in order to freeze the many mosquitoes on the wall so we could kill them. We originally booked for 4 nights and because the room on Level 1 is not as private as we have expected and full of mossies, we decided to leave on the next day. The location of the hotel is actually close to the lake in a nice setting, however in order to get the taxi, we have to walk a long way to wait for the taxi in the rain which is causing us concern as well. On departure, the young lady from the restaurant was very nice on asking the approval of the boss, took us to another hotel about 20 minutes away. We really appreciate their help and on attempting to pay her, she declined with thanks. Nice and honest people can always be encountered in China. We wish they could try to do something with the mosquitoes.
By the way, restaurant setting is quite nice, the western food they serve are actually quite nice and salad leaves very fresh. I would prefer to dine in this area than the local Chinese restaurant which seem to be quite expensive and food a little disappointing on the night of arrival.