山下公園・横浜中華街まで徒歩約5分の好立地でありながら、横浜開港の歴史が残る閑静な山下町エリアに位置。横浜の老舗が軒を連ねる元町ショッピングストリートへの散策にもお勧めで、観光後はゆったりとお寛ぎいただけます。全室37平米以上の客室にはゆったりと寛げるシモンズ社製ベッドを配し、観光の疲れを癒します。バスルームにはレインシャワーを完備、パウダーのような水滴で全身が柔らかい雨の繭に包まれるような、非日常的な心地良さを体感できます。クラブルーム・スイートルームにご宿泊のお客様には専用ラウンジ「Regency Club Lounge」をご用意しております。横浜が日本のジャズ発祥の地であることから大人の書斎をイメージした優雅なラウンジで、朝食からイブニングスイーツまでごゆっくりとお楽しみください。
26th – 29th August 2023 Yokohama, Japan Mitsui Garden Hotel, Yokohama Some random thoughts / comments regarding our stay as they spring up: - Taxi arrives at G/F, no porter service but guests have to wheel luggage to 20/F to check in - ultra modern hotel, bright & airy, spacious lobby and so new – freshly opened in mid May 2023 - push through glass doors to fully exposed outdoor lounge with sofas and low coffee tables to sit and chill while enjoying a wide stretch of city view through wide glass panels - minimalism theme throughout the reception, lobby and extended to the rooms with clean, light beech minimalistic design - check in smooth and staff even though not the most conversant in English, pose no barriers in carrying out simple conversation - guests are to collect toiletries at a small nook beside the check in desk before heading up to the room--- choice of individually wrapped razor ; toothbrush+ paste ; shower cap; vanity set, comb, Q-tips to put inside a white zip-bloc to bring along to the room for own consumption - all toiletries are displayed bare for guests to take at liberty and every guest feels at ease to take what is needed without any staff there to peep over their shoulder—very generous hotel policy indeed - two bottles of water , tea sachets and drip coffee replenished daily - iron + ironing board provided upon request - the entire hotel, i.e. everywhere smells fresh, everywhere looks bright and clean - bedding and towels all white, fluffy and clean - slippers provided - USB and sockets all well positioned in the room - Telly available and a bottle of room freshener spray provided - shower & bathtub in one enclosed area to save space which in fact is a good and efficient idea to have everything confined to one space - very powerful shower with stable temperature that is easy to adjust - shower area completely watertight so can fully enjoy a nice relaxing shower after a long day and no need to mop the spills afterwards - body gel, shampoo + conditioner all in three separate commercial bottles with dispenser firmly installed onto the wall - big clean panes in room for a nice view overlooking the city and partial harbour - furniture in room is all clean and sofa not sunken, which is one of the advantages of a new hotel - room is not very big but very comfy because everything is very functional while minimalist design gives a contemporary, fuss-free vibe - spacious , bright and clean lobby on 20/F where there is an auto-play piano and there are sofas + reading floor lamps all around the piano, so guests are free to sit and relax with a book or just enjoy the piano when it auto plays at stipulated times - an intimate bar on the other side of the lobby overlooking the pool, but closes before 12am - a gym + pool also on lobby level - a restaurant on lobby floor that serves breakfast - “ Lawsons Convenience Store “ on 2/F, 7-11 and family Mart also close by - Yokohama Cosmo World and Marine Park at walkable distances - Safe, c
JR新横浜駅に直結型ホテルで、新横浜でスポーツ観戦、コンサートにショッピング、そしてみなとみらい、赤レンガでの横浜観光に最適なロケーションです。近くには新横浜ラーメン博物館(徒歩7分)と日産スタジアム(徒歩15分)、横浜アリーナ(徒歩10分)、みなとみらいエリア(電車15分)があります。ホテルは客室の装飾が非常に洗練されており、設備の整った各客室にはアイロン設備、室内金庫、エアコンが備わっています。サービススタッフが事前に電気ポットを用意し、飲料水のニーズに対応します。バスルームにはスリッパ、24時間お湯、バスタブが付いています。カフェは旅行者やお友達にレクリエーションの場を提供するように設計されています。旅行者が自分の部屋で快適に食事をしたい場合は、ホテルでルームサービスをご利用いただけます。ホテルの食事以外、近くは一蘭ラーメン(横浜西口)(アジア料理)や一流のおすすめグルメラーメン麺場浜虎(アジア料理)などもぜひ試してみてください。 THE RIGOLETTOオーシャンクラブ(横浜)(イタリア料理)もおすすめです。長い一日を過ごした後は、ホテルのマッサージルームでリラックすることができます。ホテルの会議ホールは、温かいサービスとプロフェッショナルな品質を完璧に兼ね備えています。ホテルは旅行者に便利なコンシェルジュサービスを提供します。
You can’t knock the location but sadly any happiness about the place ends there. The staff struggled to ask very basic questions, even when translated into another language. They seemed to not so much lack basic English, as a touristic place of accommodation but also any enthusiasm or drive to want to help customers. It was like communicating with automons and this is just my first night! For example, I asked where the water is. Every place I’ve stayed in Japan has always had a supply of free water; they suggested I get it from the tap in the bathroom. Either they’re being exceedingly stupid or they simply don’t care. I can understand the lack of English but the not giving a hoot attitude is pretty awful to witness. While I was talking to the guy at reception, he just kept looking at other customer and wasn’t engaging at all. These staff lack basic customer service skills or any desire to help! This is very atypical of Japan. The locker was ridiculously narrow, so I struggled to fit my medium-sized ‘carry on’ (that would fit under an airline seat) bag in without emptying the whole thing out. I’m really starting to wish I’d booked somewhere else now. I’ve booked capsule hotels for over twenty years in Japan - this is the worst I’ve experienced so far.