Due to visa issues, I've stayed a few weeks in the hotel.
The complaints about sound proofing are accurate. There's no real sound proofing on the room, the windows, and there's a gap at the bottom of the door, so... yeah. However, the hotel and the surrounding area is generally quiet. There's a bar attached to the side of the hotel, but the sound/music doesn't carry to my room.
Only other issue is a lack of hot water. It's lukewarm most of the time.. so no very hot showers.
Service is good. Room is comfortable, view is fine, and the AC works well. The staff are friendly and helpful.
隱汐·小墅(珠海金灣空港科技学園)は2023年に開業、珠海に滞在するお客様にお勧めです。当施設からSanzaodong Railway Stationまで約800m、金湾空港まで約5km、移動に便利です。付近には、Zhuhai International Airshow Center Ground Dynamic Demonstration Areaや草堂湾、金海灘(ゴールデンビーチ)など、珠海の多くの観光名所があります。お時間に余裕があるお客様には、館内の様々な施設でお過ごしいただくのもお勧めです。お車をご利用のお客様は、珠海の当施設提供の駐車場をご利用いただけます。お客様のレビューによると、このホテルの施設は最高レベルです。このホテルは、家族連れのお客様に特に好評です。