
Li Kuchan Memorial Hallのレビュー

4.3 /5口コミ22件
In the quadrangle of Wanzhu Garden in Potuquan Park, there is an exhibition of calligraphy and painting by Master Li Kuchan. It's worth seeing.

Li Kuchan Memorial Hall

  • 郭润龙浪迹天涯

    20221025午前:1、 "Li Kuzen Memorial Hall"は "Baotu Spring Park"の「Wanzhuyuan」にあります。Baotu Springは済南の4つの有名な泉の最初の泉であり、皇帝によって封印された唯一の泉であり、古代文献で最初に見られ、済南で最も水量の多い泉です。堀(すなわち「川」)の南西の角にある「世界で最初の泉」に含まれる「1つの川と1つの湖」の3つの泉の1つです。「包突泉景勝地」(つまり「四園」の一つ)は、周辺のバスが四方八方に伸び、運転も簡単です。2.景勝地の南西の角は「万竹園」エリアで、元代に建てられ、庭にたくさんの竹があることから名付けられました。講義論文に使用され、この庭園を「Tong Paradise」に変更しました。清王朝の康熙帝の時代に、済南の詩人王平が公園に書斎を建て、「二十四泉草堂」と改名しました。清王朝の終わりに、山東省の知事である張懐芝が10年間この庭園を建てて、今日の私邸として使用したため、「張家園」とも呼ばれました。3、李苦禅纪念馆内有当代著名书画家、齐白石之徒李苦禅的生平和作品。

  • 王柒淼


  • 还不曾去过倒悬山!


  • 老二连

    Li Kuchan Memorial Hall is located in Wanzhu Garden in Baotuquan Park, Jinan City. It covers an area of 21 mu. It was built in Yuan Dynasty and named for its many bamboos. The park has three courtyards, compact structure, exquisite layout, 13 courtyards 186 houses and five bridges and four pavilions, terraces and pavilions scattered. In June 1986, the Li Kuchan Memorial Hall was opened in Wanzhu Garden. There were 14 exhibition rooms in the memorial hall. More than 400 paintings and calligraphy were exhibited. In addition, some ancient calligraphy and paintings collected by Mr. Li Kuchan and his life photos, letters and manuscripts were also exhibited. Li Kuchan: From January 1899 to June 1983, a flower and bird painter from Gaotang, Shandong Province. His representative works include "Lanzhu", "Mohe", "Midsummer Map" and so on. He was a member of the Academy of Chinese Painting, a director of the Chinese Artists Association and a professor of the Department of Chinese Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Wanzhu Garden has the charm of Han and Tang Dynasty. Its roof is in the form of Ludian Hall and its exterior wall is decorated with green brick. Stone railings, piers, lintels, walls and other places, respectively, there are stone carvings, wood carvings, brick carvings, carving delicate lifelike, for Wanzhuyuan " three unique ". In 1986, it was designated as a provincial cultural relics protection unit. In 1993, it was earned "the collection of traditional Chinese residential buildings". Before the opening of the memorial hall, it was designed by the Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, and the interior decoration was designed by the Tsinghua Institute of Environmental Art and Design. In the interior decoration part, the style of the outer eaves of the building is continued. On the basis of satisfying the modern display function, the simple modern design method is used. The color is based on black, white and grey, combining with new technology and new materials, the traditional elements are fully interpreted and interpreted into a visual form suitable for modern people's aesthetic habits. The architecture of the memorial hall (Wanzhu Garden) is an ancient and beautiful work of art. The Memorial exhibits more than 400 paintings and calligraphy relics, including "Red Plum Blooming Map", "Snow Map", "Mozhu Map", "Summer Map" and other exquisite works. Among them, "Pine Eagle Map", "Red Plum Blossom in full bloom" are painters'masterpieces in their later years, and there are couplets " the most holy and boundless world, Shengde has Fan Chui's world ", which is the masterpiece of the painter. The Memorial contains dozens of paintings on the subject of eagle and heron. When Li Kuchan was 84 years old, he drew a huge "midsummer picture" area of 21 square meters, which is rare in the history of freehand flower and bird painting. There are also cultural relics saved by Li Yan in the Cultural Revolution, Zhou Yi in Ming Dynasty, Qianlong Manuscript "Qimen Five General Turtles" (Qimen Quiet Armor) and "Jade Box Record, Taoist Fang Shi Classics" and Qibaishi's several seals. In addition, there are some ancient calligraphy and paintings, photos of his life, letters and manuscripts collected by Mr. Li Kuchan in the memorial hall. In 2002, Qiu Zhihai, a famous military sculptor, set up Qiu Zhihai Black Pottery Art Exhibition Hall in Xingyuan, Wanzhuyuan. The elegant humanistic space here is not only a scenic spot for people to cultivate their sentiments and travel and leisure, but also an artistic exchange place for study, observation and research.

  • 一蓑烟雨75


  • 133aaaaa

    For ordinary people who don't know how to appreciate Chinese painting, the first reaction to entering Wanzhu Garden is, wow, a wonderful house. The house is not big, there are 4-5 sets of courtyards linked together, scattered and interlocking, and there are water-flowing outburst springs in the house.

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