Puerto Baquerizo Morenoのコテージの一覧をチェック

Puerto Baquerizo Morenoのホテル宿泊者の口コミを見る

エコ ホテル アリーナ ブランカ
ガラパゴス サンセット ホテル
This is a spotlessly clean 9-room, 4-storey boutique hotel located in the heart of PBM. The staff are friendly and helpful. Rooms are spacious and well appointed with everything you need for travel. The breakfast, on the top floor open air dining area is not to be missed. Fresh ingredients and delicious fare. Great coffee! Filtered drinking water is available on two floors and beach towels can be obtained from the front desk. The views are spectacular and span across the harbour and waterfront. As the property name suggests, the view of the sunsets from the top floor are something to behold each evening. The hotel is located on Charles Darwin Avenue meaning everything is mere steps away including the two main piers from which ferries and tours embark. Total convenience. Highly recommended property.
カサ オプンティア ガラパゴス ホテル
ラ カーサ デ ミ サブ
このホスタルは、マレコンとすべてのレストランやショップから歩いてすぐの18-minuteです。 Wifiは良かった、部屋はきれいだった、そしてACは寒かった。コミューンエリアは素晴らしく、素敵な植物がたくさんあり、複数の部屋を使用する家族連れの誰にでもこの場所を絶対にお勧めします。部屋の外の素敵なコミューンエリアも、喫煙者にとって素晴らしい選択になります。私の主な不満は、私の部屋の窓のカーテン(#12)が非常に薄く、ホールの光は動きに敏感で、一晩中点灯し、部屋に入ってくる明るい光が眠りにくかったことです。毛布は一切ありません シートだけです
Galápagos Casa Playa Mann
ロイヤル バンブ イン
The best I can say is Meh…. If you have other options, take them!! I think this place is kind of a rip off. The place is under piecemeal renovations and therefore dusty and noisy. The back of the building faces a giant tear down, and although the views from some of the rooms are lovely, it just isn’t worth the $200+ the owner charges for a small room, a paltry breakfast and zero amenities. Other negatives: Giant wasp/hornets nests everywhere that the owner ignores. Tiny bathrooms with faulty fixtures (falling off) Breakfast was ok albeit BORING. Over-salty Scrambled eggs and toast, every. damn. day. I mean, can you make French toast one day? Or a fried egg sandwich?? You’ve got the same ingredients ffs. The worst part is the owner- he’s dishonest and untrustworthy. When we walked into our rooms we could smell the overwhelming construction dust. When I mentioned it, he said I was “over sensitive” or perhaps imagining the smell. After one night and scratchy throats we asked to be moved. Although he agreed, he didn’t do so until he again called me “over sensitive”. As soon as we moved rooms we saw the workman come in for the day and set up to cut tile in the landing right next to our balcony. No wonder all we could smell was construction dust!! The whole corner of the hotel where I room was at was a construction site! The flag for me is the inclination to lie or act as if he had no idea why our room would be completely covered in dust and hard to breath in. The room on the third floor was better, but the fact that the owner would bold face lie was enough to sour me on him and the place.


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