
チャールストン ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

ザ フランシス マリオン ホテル
フロントのスタッフは少し軽蔑的で、駐車場は$ 20/nightです。朝食は含まれていませんが、敷地内にレストランがあります。 賛成: - アトラクション、レストラン、ショップに近い絶好のロケーション - Wifiはうまくいきます -部屋は比較的きれいですが、私はいくつかの髪を見つけました - 部屋は十分に広い -チェックインは公式午後4時ですが、私たちの部屋は午後2時に準備ができているのでチェックインできます。 -部屋にミニ冷蔵庫 - ホテルは素敵な家具と装飾 - 24-hour フィットネスセンター - 2本の無料の水瓶 - 部屋のコーヒーマシン 短所: - フロントデスクのスタッフは友好的だった - ベッドが柔らかすぎて枕が厚すぎる - A/Cはうまく機能しませんでした。
ホームウッド スイーツ バイ ヒルトン チャールストン ヒストリック ディストリクト
Tanya was amazing and so incredibly welcoming and kind. Sue was a great bartender but what made her stand out was I was talking about my experience at breakfast and said how well the staff was she gave me a card and told me to review the morning staff so people knew what a great experience I had. I loved talking to her and she could make a delicious drink but I loved she was a person who cared about those she worked with!! Jim, the guest ambassador was also a pleasure. Mostly because I didn’t know he was an ambassador until after I asked to sign up for vacation club. The hotel was clean. Great location and staff was amazing.
ビジュー ブティック イン
We saw a number of positive reviews of the Bijou but it was disappointing. First some background: the manager told us that the inn was rather run-down when she took over 2-3 years ago and that she has tried to improve the experience for guests. It appears that she has not been terribly successful. We stayed in the Sweetgrass room, located on the first floor. The inn is hard to categorize. We were looking for a ”Bed and Breakfast” rather than a traditional hotel and Bijou sometimes gets categorized that way but it is unclear whether that is how the inn wants to market itself. That said it's not a traditional hotel either. Our room was relatively small but it was furnished with a king-size bed that did not leave much space for anything else. There was only one chair in the room. The bed was comfortable enough but it is set up with what appears to be a regular box spring and one of the newer-style very deep mattresses covered with a thick topper. The result is a bed that is quite tall. I had no difficulty climbing onto the bed but my wife (5'0”) struggled to do so. We have stayed in other inns with that setup and they typically provide some sort of step to facilitate getting onto the bed but our room did not have anything of that sort. The room A/C was noisy. The doors are not hung properly and can be very difficult to close. Security does not appear to be a priority. The room was clean and everything seemed to work OK otherwise. It did offer free WiFi that performed adequately. The inn does offer a Continental Breakfast though the choices were somewhat limited. On our first morning one of the muffins looked good but it had mold on the bottom, leaving us wondering how fresh some of the pastry items were. The pastry I sampled was dry and seemed stale. The inn is located in the historic district which is nice for tourists, but it is next to one of the carriage ride businesses so there is a definite odor (sometimes overwhelming) of manure that is present on stepping out of the room. The manager is nominally present at the inn during daytime office hours but I do not recall seeing her at all other than on the afternoon we arrived. One of the reasons we enjoy staying at B&B's is the ability to interact with the hosts and other guests. That sort of interaction is not part of the package at the Bijou. There was no common room (other than the tiny space where breakfast items are set out) and rooms open onto an outside walkway. There are a couple of chairs set up in the walkway but the stench from the neighboring carriage business does not create a pleasant ambience for relaxing conversation. Parking is not convenient. There is a rather expensive lot across the street but the less expensive lot that the inn recommends is a couple of blocks away. The result is that the inn is not a very good B&B, but neither is it a real hotel. I don't know how to categorize it. In some ways it felt like one of the cheap motels my family stayed in ba
コンフォート イン ダウンタウン チャールストン
代表は皆とてもフレンドリーで、情報に基づいた方々でした。 部屋はとても快適でとても清潔でした。 プールはとても素敵でしたが、ホテルと隣の建物の間にいつも日陰にあるので少し涼しかったです。 無料の朝食は多様でした。乾燥シリアルからホットオートミールやグリット、ワッフルから卵、唐辛子で揚げたジャガイモまで。とてもいいです。 唯一の提案は、タオルホルダーフックまたはラックを2つ追加して再利用できるようにすることです。
インディゴ イン
What a charming place to stay! Very cozy!
Live Oak, Charleston Historic District, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel
ホテル自体はいくつかの更新が必要でしたが、スタッフはとても親切でした。トイレタリーバッグとヘアジェルを忘れてしまいました。フロントデスクのオリバとマディソンは、必要なものをすべてすぐに手に入れることができました。私はビジネスミーティングに参加していたので、この2人は時間を節約し、時間通りにミーティングをすることができます. 彼らはまた、彼らがお勧めする地元のレストランに電話し、その日の私の顧客と私のために予約を確保できました.誰もが推薦を楽しんだ。これら2つと彼らのおもてなしのおかげで戻ってきます。絶好のロケーション!


