

The Brown, Guatape
TLDR: un paved road, no hot water for more than 50% of our stay, inaccurate menus, no remote controls in room, not water at all, and then no hot water again! Horrible, horrible, horrible stay!!! Just a waste of money and precious vacation time. We got here 2 days ago and we were very tired after a 3 hour journey to get to the hotel from Medellin. Be advised that the road is not paved all the way to the hotel. One would expect a Marriott hotel to at least have paved roads but here one must severely lower expectations. When we checked in we found out the luggage trolley was not working. That’s fine we helped the bellboy carry our things to the room. We get to the room and our next door neighbors were having a little get together. Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal but the walls here are paper thin. We could hear cars pulling up to the hotel entrance from our room. We switched rooms and unpacked, ordered room service and tried to take a shower but there was no hot water. We were too tired to deal with that so we got ready for bed. 20 mins later we get a call to tell us what we ordered wasn’t available, a call we should have gotten maximum 5 mins within pacing our order. The next day we still had no hot water so we called maintenance at 10am. Maintenance spent the next few hours trying to fix it. We decided to change our plans and stay at the pool since we couldn’t shower to go out for the tours we had planned. We thought this would give them time to fix it. 6pm rolls around and still no hot water. At this point we demand a refund and they offer to upgrade us to a room with hot water. We take the upgrade and there are a few kinks like: two TVs in the suite but no remote controls, espresso machine that isn’t plugged in and we had to call maintenance because the plug is behind a huge bookcase. We go to have dinner and the cocktails on the menu aren’t available because they switched menus but they still give guests the old menus. Lo and behold, by 2pm the next day we have no water at all. The hotel claims a pipe burst and they had to have it fixed so water was cut. A few hours later the water is back but no hot water AGAIN! This hotel is located in a warm climate but it gets extremely cold at night so hot water is necessary. Now we’re sitting in our room waiting for hot water. In total we have spent more than 50% of our trip waiting for hot water. This is truly unacceptable from any hotel, even less from a Marriott location. We thought this would be a relaxing and run getaway but it has been awful, stressful and a waste of time and money. The hotel is beautiful and the food at the restaurant is truly delicious but this place does not have its act together. The staff truly tries and it’s not their fault that the place is such a mess, they didn’t build the paper thin walls, they didn’t decide not to pave, and they didn’t install insufficient water heaters. This was all the owners and management so I don’t blame the staff. I think this place was opened


  • グアタペにあるプール付き併設の人気ホテルを教えてください

    グアタペへの出張にもバカンスにも、The Brown, Guatapeタウ・ハウスHotel Los Recuerdos は全ておすすめのホテルです。

  • グアタペにあるプール付きが併設されたホテルの平均宿泊料金を教えてください


  • グアタペにあるプール付き併設のホテルで利用可能なキャンペーンを教えてください







グアタペは25軒おすすめホテルを有しています。グアタペのホテルの1泊平均単価が安く、旅行の予算を立てる際に、高く見積もらなく良いでしょう。Galeria Guatape Hostelグアタペの中で、比較的に人気が高いホテルの一つです。また、Hotel Las Araucariasは観光客がよくご利用される人気ホテルです。
