
ハーフムーンベイ ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

クオリティ イン ハーフ ムーン ベイ / ミラマー ビーチ
ザバラ ハウス
他の多くの部屋と同じように、私の部屋はビジネスを通過していたこととは異なります。ハードウッドフロア - エリアの敷物は非常に歓迎されるでしょう - 広い部屋とバスルーム。私が目覚まし時計のために私の電話を使うので、苦情、ベッドに近いコンセントは便利です。また、火災現場の操作方法について小さなメモを投稿するのは良いことです。テレビはそれほどうまく機能しなかったので、ラップトップ/携帯電話でNetflixを見る準備ができています。しかし、ダウンタウンの良い場所、食べ物に近く、良い駐車場。
The Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay
タイトルはすべてを言っています。リッツ hmbのすべての従業員は、7 歳と 8 歳の 2 人の男の子を含む家族に例外的で思い出に残る体験を提供することに明らかにコミットしていました。この旅行は、リッツブランドへの私の愛を再確認しました。私が働いている仕事のラインのおかげで、私たちの期待は非常に高く、私の子供たちは私たちの素晴らしい旅行経験の幸運な受益者です。私たちは多くのリッツブランドを含む家族としてかなり定期的に旅行し、私の8歳の子供はこれが彼が今までに持っていた最高で最も美しい家族体験だと言いました.私たちの部屋にワインとギフトを用意したスタッフの親切さと寛大さから、息子の特別なニーズと感覚的な敏感さへの対応まで、私たちの側の多くのストレスを軽減しました。ハウスキーピングは私たちの部屋の清潔さを維持するために優れた仕事をし、とてもフレンドリーでした。私はGMに絶対に完璧な家族体験(子供たちで忙しすぎる)を個人的に感謝していないことに腹を立てているだけで、彼または彼女がこのレビューを読むことを願っています。私たちは間違いなく戻って、Ritz HMBを強くお勧めします。
ハーフ ムーン ベイ ロッジ
One of the nicest rooms ever in our travels...so clean and comfy and convenient...the bed was not super high like other places....nice continental breakfast with waffles....loved the comfortable mattress and the side chair. highly recommend and will stay here again for sure.
アリストクラット ホテル、BW シグネチャー コレクション
If you love dogs this hotel is for you. I love dogs, but I felt like I was staying at a kennel with dogs everywhere. Front desk clerk said they do not separate guest rooms based on pet free requests. At least one floor or wing should be pet free. Otherwise, it was in a good location, about 2 miles from town. Clean & comfortable room. Nice breakfast bar in the morning. Staff member (Anthony?) was very helpful upon check out explaining why they could not provide a check out receipt (I used some rewards points but did not know that the reservation was through Expedia...even though I called to verify. It was my misunderstanding of how rewards work, and all turned out OK).
ザ ミラマール イン & スイーツ
I would never write a negative review or comments about a small business without talking to the business about the issue. I live on the coast, I support coastal businesses and believe that is how we keep our community thriving. I am writing this so that others are aware of the lack of assistance or care at the Miramar Inn and Suites. I am not posting on Nextdoor for feedback for, or against, only awareness. I have spent a great deal of time searching their website and have found nothing to support the action they took the night of March 12th. Both my husband and I are ill. My husband booked an online reservation for 3 nights at Miramar Inn and Suites on Sunday afternoon for the grandson who lives with us and is a college student. Due to our illness we did not want him contaminated. He had been away all weekend, arriving at the Miramar Inn and Suites around 11:15pm to check in. They refused to let him stay at the hotel since he is only 19. The credit card was not an issue, my husband volunteered to go to the Inn to sign. They said absolutely he could not stay there under any circumstances due to his age. It states clearly any child age 12 or over is an adult. Nowhere does it say you must be 21 to stay. I called today and tried to talk to the manager. I have a very rough voice currently due to illness. I explained to him calmly and clearly (with a very scratchy voice) that I wanted to speak to someone who could make a policy change/exception. I asked him if the owner was local. He said yes. I explained I had a negative situation I wanted to talk to the owner about since they could make a policy exception/change. I told him I did not want to write anything negative until I could talk to someone in authority. He was not friendly but said I could talk to him. I advised the manager that I wanted to only explain this one time and I would tell him. He said he did not like the tone I was using. I was calm but my voice rough. I said he had a choice to either talk to me or I would write a negative narrative about the situation of last night, and that I did not want to write a negative review. He started yelling that he was listening but using a lot of angry words. I hung up. It was clear he did not care about the situation nor the reputation of the Miramar Inn and Suites. A business needs to know that they have an employee acting on their behalf as an adversary vs as an advocate for the business. This is even more important when a business is locally owned. As they say on the airlines you have a choice when flying. You have a choice when booking accommodations on the coast, so be aware of the lack of service of Miramar Inn and Suites when booking.


  • ハーフムーンベイでWi-Fiのホテルは、1泊あたりの平均価格がどのくらいですか?


  • ハーフムーンベイのWi-Fiのホテルを予約する際に、利用可能なキャンペーン情報を教えてください。


  • ハーフムーンベイで特に人気のあるWi-Fiのホテルはどこですか?

    ハーフムーンベイでは、The Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bayハーフ ムーン ベイ ロッジザ ミラマール イン & スイーツ が特に人気です。

  • ハーフムーンベイでおすすめのWi-Fiのラグジュアリーホテルはどこですか?

    ハーフムーンベイでWi-Fiのラグジュアリーホテルを探すなら、The Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bayがおすすめです。

