Words simply cannot explain the sense of well-being supplied by the people working in this premise. Everybody - and I mean it - treats customers as a personal guest. From receptionists (like wonderful Leti), to breakfast attendants, to cleaning ladies, each and everyone is sincerely smiling and expressing the most heartfelt Cretan sense of hospitality. Here's explained why the atmosphere there is so incredibly light and relaxed. Not only that: the hotel structure is beautiful, painstakingly kept, offering a beautiful swimming pool, a sumptuous buffet breakfast and a beach a few steps away, where people may go with towels and beach umbrellas supplied by the hotel itself. Of course, such a massive organization needs to have the most incredible choreographer able to give such perfect guidelines to the entire personnel, having them being maintained. The person in question’s name is Demetra; just rely on this incredible lady for any request and you'll be satisfied in a matter of seconds. Nothing is ever too much for her, of course with her trademark warm smile. That’s why clients are so affectionate to Porto Belissario and make reservations from one year to the other; in fact, forget about finding a room here during the high season (May-October), shortly before you trip. Rightly so. All in all, congratulations, Porto Belissario for your superb job!