
オレンジカウンティ ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

ベストウェスタン ロス アラミトス イン & スイーツ
ハンプトン イン バイ ヒルトン アーバイン イースト - レイク フォレスト
サーフシティイン - ニアシールビーチピア
My wife and I often stay at Marriot properties throughout the United States. We are retired and do a lot of travel in the US and abroad. The customer service at each Marriott Hotel location has been very good, however at the Marriott Bayview, Newport Beach the service we received upon arrival and all throughout our one-week stay were exceptional. Let me explain. When we arrived at the Hotel, my wife and I was greeted by Josiah Escamilla, the Manager. To say he was very professional, very polite, and very accommodating is an understatement. Josiah was excellent in the attention he gave us, his professional demeanor, and most of all the unbelievable hospitality that Josiah showed us was just…incredible. Never before have we ever been treated with such hospitality in such a professional and courteous manner. Josiah made our stay just an absolute delight. Josiah made certain that whenever we called for room service or for extra towels, blankets, etc., we got what we needed in record time. Josiah was very knowledgeable about events and activities in the hotel and the various amenities the hotel had to offer e.g., restaurant, in-room dining service, gym, outside walking trail, etc. He and his staff made our stay very enjoyable. When we left the hotel, my wife thought that she had lost her purse, we called Josiah to inform him of the loss and within just 15 minutes Josiah called us back to let us know that he had gone back to our room and found my wife’s purse. He then secured the purse in the Hotel safe and insisted that he be the one to give it to my wife when she returned the following day to pick it up. Josiah also was able to correct an error in our Lifetime Gold Elite membership points, which upon our checkout had not been added to our account. He called us to inform us that he made the correction and as a result, the points we earned during our stay, were added to our existing points balance. He and his staff must be acknowledged for the tremendous work they put in to make our visit so comfortable and so enjoyable. We really appreciate the unbelievably high level of service we received throughout our stay. This kind of exceptional service we enjoyed, thanks to Josiah and the rest of his staff, Christine, Maryam, Mariana, Stephanie, Anthony, Tommy, and Josef is why we will continue to stay at Marriott Hotels and particularly the Bayview Marriott, Newport Beach. Kudos to Josiah and the entire staff at the Marriott Bayview Hotel, Newport Beach, California. Thank you, Brian W.
ベー ニューポート ビーチ マリオット リゾート & スパ
A nice hotel at the hill over looking to Newport. Great service, good food&drinks, comfortable beds, upscale crowd. If we stay in Newport we can stay there again.
Surf & Sand Resort Laguna Beach
二度とここにとどまることはありません!チェックインから1時間以内にフロントデスクに2回連絡する必要がありました。浴槽のジェット機は嫌でした。浴槽の底に砂を入れます。浴槽の詰まりで排水します。浴槽の血のように見えるもののスポット。白い羽毛布団に大きな染み。私たちがチェックインした夜遅く(長い旅行の後に)、寝具を交換し、浴槽を漂白剤できれいにするために、ハウスキーピングが行われました。翌日、浴槽のジェットがまだ汚れていて、汚れがまだ浴槽に残っていたので、私は浴槽をもう一度掃除するように頼みました。メンテナンスが来て、排水管はまだ機能していませんでした。週末中ずっとシャワーを浴びている間、私たちは基本的に汚れた水に立っていなければなりませんでした。週末の滞在費の約1/3を負担してくれたホテルの支配人に話を聞いた。私たちはこれに感謝しますが、世界的大流行の間の清潔さの完全な欠如は憂慮すべきものでした。 エリアはゴージャスでした。私たちは自分の部屋のバルコニーが大好きでした。私たちの部屋に出入りするための階段がたくさんあり、それは一部のゲストにとって問題になる可能性があります。


