私はここで多くのレビューを見ていないので、旅行者がこのホテルに注意を払うようにするために間に合わなければならないと思いました。私たちはこの場所で合計2泊しました。最初はトロントへの帰り道に一泊の停留所と思われていましたが、受け取った非常に良い価値、快適さ、サービスのため、その後別の夜に滞在することにしました。(私たちは3泊するつもりでしたが、州はNYEの制限でハンマーを落としました)。良い:フレンドリーなスタッフ、部屋のIMac、Netflixや他のストリーミングアプリ付き50インチスマートテレビ、無料駐車場(非常に安全)無料の朝食(クロワッサンの+1)。無料のホットドリンク24/7。モールまで徒歩圏内。あまり良くない:5-10分メトロまで歩いてください(しかし、それは私たちには何もありません)。非常に良い:彼らは私たちの部屋を掃除しました!過去2年間に滞在したすべてのホテルから逃したサービス。次回モントリオールを訪れるときは、このホテルに行くでしょう。 Le Dauphin Longueilを維持!
To be fair to Marriott I have to mention that the first night we stayed a bus hit a high power electrical tower and took out the power in the section the hotel was situated. This happened at approx. 10:30pm. The hotel lost power immediately. We were without power or running water in the hotel till 5:00pm the following day. At no point during this time did the hotel staff offer any assistance. Since we were on vacation we made the best of it. Used our own bottled water to bath and clean up and did the tourist thing for the day. We returned at 5:00 pm as the power was returning, so we decided to stay the second night as planned. It was 25.5 degrees Celsius (77.9 Fahrenheit) in the room according to the thermostat. We gave it 2 hrs it never moved. As I was going down to the lobby to inquire about the room a/c I ran into a woman on my floor. She inquired if I was experiencing the elevated temperature in my room as she was. At the lobby I was joined by her husband. We were told it would take some time for the a/c to cool our rooms, yet both of us made mention on how the lobby was done right frigid. Obviously the hotel wanted to give guest checking in the illusion that everything was all right. The front desk attendant went into a back room which I find hard to believe would hold the controls for the ventilation system, handed us each a 7 in. fan and told us he had made adjustments and it should get better. He also explained how to set the thermostat to hold a lower temp. It was 28 degrees Celsius (82.4 Fahrenheit) in our room when we left the next morning. Upon check out in a still cold lobby I mentioned my disappointment with my room and was blown off by the front desk attendant. I was then charged full price for both days. Obviously the Marriott is more concerned about the bottom line then the comfort of their guest. I personally will never stay in another Marriott hotel ever again. There are too many other choices out there.
Résident dans ce motel pour une nuit, j'ai eu une chambre, à peine la porte ouverte, une odeur de moisissure est apparue, des traces de non-nettoyage sont évidentes, des traces de poussières également. Les WC ainsi que la salle de bain ont été nettoyé ”à la va vite”, la porte ainsi que l'air conditionné et la partie salle d'eau comportent des traces visibles de moisissures. Je doute grandement de l'hygiène du lieu et des risques que cela pourrait amener pour les visiteurs.