The hotel is located at 163 Xingshun Street, Tiexi District, Shenyang City, and is affiliated with Manji Hotel Group. Our hotel has a superior geographical location, adjacent to the Furniture City and Lighting City in Tiexi District, Shenyang. It is only a 20 minute drive from Shenyang Railway Station, a 10 minute walk from Xinghua Park Subway Station, a 5-minute walk from Shenyang Fifth People's Hospital, a 10 minute drive from Shengjing Hospital Gliding Campus, an 8-minute drive from Shenyang Ninth People's Hospital, and a 19 minute drive from Shenyang Sixth People's Hospital. The hotel offers free parking and has multiple parking spaces. Convenient transportation and easy travel< The hotel is equipped with a whole house intelligent system, electric curtains, mini speakers, smart toilets, star rated bedding down comforters, memory pillows, etc., which are highly praised by guests. The warm service and visible cleanliness bring you a comfortable sleeping experience. The hotel offers a wide variety of self-service breakfast options, as well as a self-service laundry room and gym for your use. Our hotel adopts a thoughtful and considerate service concept, comfortable and pleasant accommodation environment, and comprehensive supporting facilities, hoping to create every free and easy travel experience for you.
瀋陽天豊国際酒店Tianfeng International Hotelは、鉄道駅や地下鉄1号線駅にほど近いビジネスホテルです。ショッピングモールへも近接し、交通機関への利便性の高さを誇っています。北米風にデザインされ専用バスルームとフランス窓を擁する、スペリアルームやデラックスルームといった多様な客室をご用意しています。600平方メートルを占める大きなバンケットホールは500名収容可能で、ミーティングに大変便利です。経験豊富な専門スタッフが多岐に渡ってお客様をサポートするのみならず、大小さまざまなコンファレンスルームには高速インターネット、オーディオビジュアル機器も完備されております。