ザ リモーテ リゾート フィジー アイランズ

ザ リモーテ リゾート フィジー アイランズの口コミ・レビュー・評判

ザ リモーテ リゾート フィジー アイランズ

Rainbow Reef, バトア島, フィジーホテル詳細を表示
ザ リモーテ リゾート フィジー アイランズ
ザ リモーテ リゾート フィジー アイランズザ リモーテ リゾート フィジー アイランズザ リモーテ リゾート フィジー アイランズ
编组 10

ザ リモーテ リゾート フィジー アイランズの口コミ・レビュー・評判

宿泊: 2023年12月
投稿: 2023年12月10日
この素晴らしい場所を説明するのに完璧な言葉はありません。小さくて人里離れたブティックリゾートで、とても特別です。リモート リゾートのハウス リーフは、スタッフ、食事、サービスと同様に優れています。各ユニットにプライバシーがあり、静かで小さなプールがあるここに来るのが大好きです。それは天国です。シュノーケルの冒険やその他の外出の後に、静かに座って本を読むことができます。夫と私は出発の朝に特別なシュノーケルツアーをリクエストしました、そして彼らはそのようにそれを実現しました!リモート リゾートへの 3 回目の旅行でした。毎回、彼らは何か新しいものを追加します。今年、彼らは完全なPADIダイビングオペレーションを確立し、マッサージとスパパビリオンを追加しました。ゾーイ、ヘレン、キムは全員ダイブマスターであり、レインボーリーフ、ソモソモ海峡、およびその周辺地域の専門家です。彼らはあなたの世話をし、最も素晴らしいダイビングスポット、プライベートビーチ、隠れた湾や入り江を案内します。ただすごい! 8 つのヴィラは美しく、よく手入れされています。スタッフとオーナーは、自分たちがここで作り上げたものに大きな誇りを持っています。このリゾートへは完全な道路がないため、すべての物資はボートで運ばれます。食べ物の品揃えとおいしい食事の選択肢にはいつも驚かされます。どのお料理も盛り付けが美しく、美味しいです。リゾートでは毎晩、ゲスト用にプライベート ダイニング テーブルを設置します。スタッフがあなたの滞在を完璧なものにするためにあらゆる努力をしていることは明らかです。特別な日を祝っている場合、または何か特別なものをご希望の場合は、その旨を伝えてください。オーナーと管理者が敷地内に常駐しており、いつでもご利用いただけます。私はよく旅をしています。私は多くの国でシュノーケリング/ダイビングの経験があります。私はフィジーのさまざまなリゾートの選択肢について知識があります。私はナマレ、マタマノア、ガメア、タベウニ アイランド リゾートとスパに滞在し、マタンギを見てきました。間違いなく、私は何度もリモートリゾートを選ぶでしょう。リモートリゾート前のハウスリーフのようなハウスリーフは世界中どこにも見たことがありません。原始的で健康的です。素晴らしい食事、サービス、個人的な体験をお探しなら、リモート リゾートが最適です。自然のままのダイビングやシュノーケリングをお探しなら、リモート リゾートが最適です。これは人里離れた、人里離れた、本当に素晴らしい体験です。ハネムーンや記念日に最適な場所であり、特別な日を祝うのにも最適な場所です。フィジーのリモート リゾートに帰ると、私たちは家族のように感じます。
宿泊: 2024年3月
投稿: 2024年3月1日
夫と私は、2023 年 11 月初旬にリモート リゾートに 8 泊しました。本当に人里離れた場所にあり、素晴らしい景色を望むリゾートの環境は驚異的です。私たちは、美しく大きなパティオとプライバシーを備えた広々としたヴィラが気に入りました。素晴らしい景色とモダンで広々とした居心地の良い空間が広がるレストランとラウンジエリアの環境も気に入りました。敷地内は細心の注意を払って手入れされており、小さな頂上や、隣接する入り江にあるボートが保管されている場所までは、ちょっとしたハイキングコースがあります。食事と親切で気配りがあり辛抱強いフィジー人のスタッフは素晴らしかったです。マリア、シア、シタリは、自分たちの村やフィジーの生活様式について多くのことを話してくれました。ヴィリシとパオロによるココナッツの実演も素晴らしく、とても勉強になりました。彼らは、フィジー人がどのようにココヤシの木のあらゆる部分を食料として使ったり、かごやマットを作ったりする方法を示し、私たちに彼らがどのように土地を利用して生活し、資源を無駄にしないかを理解させました。そしてシュノーケリング…サンゴ礁は健全で美しく、流れもほとんどなく、ヴィリシやパオロと一緒に行くととても安全だと感じました。例年にない風と波のコンディションのため、ハウスリーフを思うように楽しむことができませんでしたが、数回は本当に良かったです。広くて、健康で美しいサンゴと魚がたくさんいます。夫は少人数のダイビンググループに分かれて楽しい時間を過ごしました。私たちはリモート リゾートで素晴らしい経験をしました - 素晴らしいスタッフ全員に感謝します。
宿泊: 2023年7月
投稿: 2023年7月2日
とても素晴らしい!しかもリモートですよ!私たち家族はリモート リゾートをとても気に入りました。 2 ベッドルームの宿泊施設は、10 代の若者 2 人がいる家族に最適でした。レインボー リーフでのダイビング (4 回!) はハイライトでした。ハウスリーフでのシュノーケリングは素晴らしかったです。ピークへのハイキングは、干潮時の潮だまりの周りを歩くのと同様に、素晴らしいアクティビティです。食べ物は素晴らしく、スタッフは皆素晴らしいです。レストラン/バーには素晴らしい音楽が流れ、クールな雰囲気が漂っています。そして、施設周辺での特別ディナーはとても素敵です。 Wi-Fiはレストランでのみ利用可能で、かなり不安定であることが気に入りました。働くことを期待して来ないでください!
ホテルからの返信: ブラ!貴重なお時間を割いてご書き込みいただき、また、とても温かいお言葉をいただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。皆様にご滞在を楽しんでいただき、水上と水中の美しい自然環境をたくさん体験していただけたことを嬉しく思います。レインボー リーフは、すぐそばにあるハウス リーフと同様に、探索するのに非常に特別なエリアです。皆様のご多幸をお祈り申し上げます。リモートリゾートチーム
宿泊: 2023年7月
投稿: 2023年7月3日
妻と私は結婚記念日に行きましたが、これまでで最高の休暇体験でした。妻と私は定期的に熱帯の場所(メキシコ、ハワイ、カリブ海、紅海)に旅行しますが、今回の旅行は私たちがこれまでに行ったどの旅行よりも優れていました。スキューバダイビングは紅海よりも優れていると思います(ハウスリーフでのシュノーケリングは、私たちが行った多くのスキューバダイビングよりも優れていました)、宿泊施設、食事、サービスレベルはすべて5つ星です。私たちは常に新しいものを見たいと思っているので、以前に訪れた場所に戻ることはめったにありませんが、リモート リゾートには戻るつもりです。
ホテルからの返信: ブラ!ご自身の経験を共有していただき、また、とても温かいお言葉をいただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。ご一緒できてとても光栄でしたし、記念日のご旅行を特別なものにすることができて大変嬉しく思います。将来お会いして、また一緒にダイビングできることを楽しみにしています。リモートリゾートチーム
宿泊: 2021年10月
投稿: 2021年10月20日
私たちは新婚旅行で素晴らしい時間を過ごしました。とても人里離れたリラックスした雰囲気で、スタッフはフレンドリーで、部屋は海を見渡せる豪華なものでした。それは完璧で、毎日異なるメニューがあるのが気に入りました。この島にはアクティビティ (シュノーケリング、カヌー、ディナー、日光浴) がたくさんあり、少し歩いてハイキングや滝を見ることもできます。
宿泊: 2024年1月
投稿: 2024年1月15日
My husband and I travelled to The Remote Resort for our 25th wedding anniversary in July/August, 2023 and it’s absolutely impossible to adequately describe the beauty, tranquility and shear perfection of this slice of heaven. We’ve previously travelled all over Viti Levu, the Mamanucas and Yasawas but this was our first trip north to Vanua Levu. It really is a hidden paradise where the sea meets the rainforest and it’s absolutely worth the extra travel to get there! The amazing resort staff made our stay the best we’ve ever experienced, not just in Fiji, but all over the world. The friendly, helpful staff, the beautifully designed and appointed bures, the heavenly massages and outstanding, attentive service are just some of the amazing qualities of this magical resort. We chose the daily massage package and highly recommend it! You can choose where you’d like to enjoy your massage ~inside your air conditioned room, outside by your plunge pool, on the grounds listening to the waves. Wherever you go, you’ll feel like you’re in heaven!! The “special” extras, luxuries and treatments you’re usually charged extra to enjoy at other resorts are all included in your stay at The Remote Resort. To say we felt like royalty for the entire week here would be a gross understatement! Absolutely nothing was too much trouble for the beautiful staff. One of the many examples of this was when I left my medication at home. I mentioned this in conversation to the driver collecting us from the Taveuni airport and he took us up to the local doctor to get me a prescription. He then arranged for the script to be collected by another staff member from Labasa ~over 2 hours away! I was just blown away and so relieved when my medication was delivered to my room very next day, no doubt saving our whole holiday!! Our room was perfectly equipped with everything you could possibly need for a perfect, private getaway. We stayed in the Royal Retreat and loved that it was away from the main building. Our private plunge pool was great for a quick dip, especially after snorkelling. Or you could skip the pool in favour of your private, outdoor, hot shower if you’d like to wash your hair! The indoor bathroom was even nicer again, with a great view of the water and double sinks to save waiting for your partner! There are plenty of activities and trips to choose from each day or you can spend your days in secluded paradise, only seeing people when you explore the grounds, visit the main building for meals/activities or use your room’s mobile phone to call for your meals to be delivered! I couldn’t possibly leave a review without a special mention of the mouthwatering, delicious meals, most of which are grown on the plantation or caught in the surrounding waters. Every meal was easily comparable to the best restaurants in Australia. The flavours and freshness of these exquisite creations was one of the highlights of the whole trip! One of the best things about the meals and snac
Molly A
宿泊: 2023年11月
投稿: 2023年11月30日
My husband and I have friends on Taveuni island nearby so when we mentioned this to our travel agent, this resort was the only one she suggested. It was not very full - probably at most 6-8 other guests. The staff were reserved and not the usual Fijian smiles and Bula's we were used to but the service and food was good. Disappointing that the bar and only wifi available closed by 9pm. We would have liked to socialize a bit more but this place's vibe was more about doing your own thing with limited engagement with the staff and other guests. We only had an outdoor shower and a fair amount of rain (darn tropical cyclone Mal) so showering in the rain was a different experience. Also, the toilet is inside but sink outside so you need to go outside to wash your hands. There is no main pool and we had a two person plunge pool at our bungalow but the snorkeling off the resort was fabulous. Zoe the scuba diving master was very knowledgeable and one of the most friendly there. The scuba diving was excellent! Overall, if you want a place with good food and a small plunge pool to hang out with your hubby/wife or other and read a book at your lodging, this would be an option.
宿泊: 2023年11月
投稿: 2023年11月29日
We just completed a 12 day stay and it was simply phenomenal. The rooms are absolutely wonderful. The beds are super comfy and the room itself is spacious. We loved having an outdoor and indoor shower, and we swam often in our outdoor plunge pool. Our favorite activity each morning was watching the sun rise from the lounge bed on our balcony. We also loved all of the snorkeling and the special chances to dine on the jetty. The food was outstanding. Every single meal was scrumptious and it’s some of the best food I’ve ever had on a vacation. Don’t miss the curry items and the wonderful coconut deserts. (My spouse is gluten free and enjoyed every single meal too). And perhaps our favorite part of the experience was the wonderful time spent with the staff. Thank you to Valaria, Sia, Jim, Maria, Vasili, Fay, Mela, Zoe, PK and the whole gang. You made us feel so welcomed and we loved laughing with you throughout our stay. We cried when we left because we felt so much gratitude for the kindness you showed to us. Vanaka (vaca levu) ❤️❤️❤️
宿泊: 2024年5月
投稿: 2024年5月25日
We have just returned from the remote resort for a 15 night stay to celebrate my 60th birthday. The Resort has just been awarded the Travellers Choice award and this is 100% so deserved. Our stay was faultless, the Team and they are a ‘unique team’ go above and beyond to make sure everything is just perfect, nothing is too much trouble. We stayed in Villa Vessi which is nestled in the trees. The villa has a large very comfortable king size bed, a ceiling fan and two other large fans which adequately deal with the heat and humidity, and two large chairs and the Villa overlooks the Ocean. There is a fridge which is ample for water and minibar and also a room safe. The outside shower/bathroom is a great feature and had a washing line for drying clothes. The Villa has a large sun deck with sun loungers and a plunge pool which over looks the Ocean, and also a large day bed which is undercover if you need shade/shelter. The room is cleaned to a high standard daily with fresh towels. There is also a nightly turndown service. The maids were lovely and took pride in their duties. The restaurant staff were very attentive and had a great sense of humor. The chefs were fabulous, the food was freshly prepared and presented to a very high standard, with a great selection of choice, delicious. Our evening meals were at different locations on the resort for our entire stay, giving you a secluded setting with lanterns and a fire pit with the tables dressed to a high standard. A lovely unique touch. Vilisi made sure that we did not miss out on any of the experiences. We went on several snorkelling trips by boat in the surrounding area and the vibrant reefs and marine life did not disappoint (there is no bleaching). We also were so lucky to see 5 Manta Rays. All snorkelling adventures are undertaken with care and attention for your safety (thank you Faye, Helen, Vilisi and Winston) who were in the water with us making sure we were ok, and educating us to the coral and fish. The Resort also had its own vibrant house reef which is spectacular and accessible from the jetty high/low tide. The waterfall trip is a must, thank you Faye who took great care of us. The SPA team are on hand daily and we both highly recommend the massage. The village visit is a must, the warm welcome you receive from the families is wonderful. The children take great pleasure in showing you around and the highlight of joining in with the villages singing and dancing, truly memorable. Our evening formed a bit of a routine of sitting at the bar chatting with Zoe, who was always on hand to answer any questions we had, and sharing her experiences of Fiji. All of the staff were more than happy to share their personal stories with you, of their villages and family life which was so interesting. For my birthday after returning from snorkelling I returned to the Villa to find that it has been decorated with balloons and a lovely birthday message from the Team and a bottle of Champagne to celebrate.
宿泊: 2024年5月
投稿: 2024年5月11日
Our stay was at the end of April 24 and it was amazing and exactly as pictured. We stayed 4 nights and ate dinner at a new location on the property every night. Our room was clean and beautiful, we opted for one of the units with AC as we came towards the end of the Fijian summer. The people who work here are so accommodating and nice. We went on the Manta Ray snorkeling tour and the snorkeling tour of Rainbow Reef, both of which were special experiences and we did see Manta Rays and then reef sharks at Rainbow Reef. I received a massage outside that was really relaxing especially with the sound of the waves. The food and drinks were culturally relevant and delicious. Needless to say we didn't want to leave and we miss it very much. Thank you Remote Resort! All of our love, Heather and Josh
宿泊: 2024年4月
投稿: 2024年4月13日
It feels like coming home …. The Remote Resort is our favourite place on earth. After several previous visits, we already knew how amazing the resort is, but this trip was next level. Nothing at all was a problem, nothing was too much trouble, everything was so easy. The facilities continue to be impressive, with the housekeeping team performing their magic seamlessly and invisibly. The food, what else can we say other than the kitchen operates with a dream team. Every meal was outstanding, vibrant in taste, colour and presentation and every meal served with a beaming smile. The resort experiences are worth every penny. From the blissful massages and stunning house reef snorkels to the escape of the magical castaway days and the wonderful fishing trips. But above all else is the Remote Resort Team, the people who make you feel like you are the only people in the world. Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts. We miss you all heaps already and can’t wait to see you all again ❤️ Thank you again for
Silas W
宿泊: 2024年4月
投稿: 2024年4月13日
Simply the best. Ili and her staff made our honeymoon stay here unforgettable. From setting up private dinners around the property to coordinating dive and fishing outings, everything was done with simple ease and attention to detail. The food was superb, and service was perfect. We were seeking a private, secluded all-inclusive experience for our honeymoon and this was exactly that. We loved the ultimate spa upgrade, which gave us a spa treatment each day of our stay. We also loved scuba diving, it was so beautiful! Cannot recommend Remote Resort enough!
宿泊: 2024年4月
投稿: 2024年4月8日
We spent 5 nights at the Remote Resort over Easter and it felt like 5 weeks. We were in snorkel heaven! The coral reef in front of the resort is healthy and vibrant, easily accessible from the beach at high tide, otherwise from the jetty at low tide. We also visited Rainbow Reef and had a memorable snorkeling experience there too. The staff are tremendous - full of smiles and laughter; nothing is too much trouble. Beautiful accommodation. Each villa has an outdoor shower, a large, partially covered deck with beautiful views and a plunge pool. For such a remote location, the choice of food and drinks was very impressive. The spa treatments are also worth exploring.
Tony G
宿泊: 2024年4月
投稿: 2024年4月2日
Perfect place to experience the beauty, Fiji Fiji culture hospitality. Beautiful reef, incredible diving, really good food, and top-notch accommodations despite the very challenging, terrain and difficulty to get to this location..
宿泊: 2024年3月
投稿: 2024年3月5日
The Remote Resort was amazing for our wedding and honeymoon. The staff accommodated our requests and they pampered us during our stay . Our wedding was spectacular! The food was fantastic and tasty .We enjoyed snorkeling and our activities were so much fun. We will be back to celebrate our anniversary . Special thanks to Dan , Ili and Zoe but really all the staff deserves to be acknowledged . Vinaka Vakalevu !