

クオリティ イン ガルフポート I-10
ベストウェスタン シーウェイ イン
Econo Lodge Inn & Suites
スリープ イン & スイーツ ガルフポート
So I arrived at the hotel at approximately 11:30pm on New Year's Eve 2022 and when I walked in, no one was at the front desk. There was a sign out saying, ”Back in 10 Minutes”. I figured I would go try to find some Champaign. Walking back to my car, I saw the hotel employee that was supposed to be at the front desk walking around in the parking lot talking on her cell phone - she was wearing a pair of jeans and a tee shirt, so I had no idea that she was a hotel employee. I got back to the hotel at approximately 1215pm (couldn't find any Champaign btw) and I went back in to check in. The girl (still wearing jeans and a tee shirt, not a uniform of any sort, not even a name tag, comes walking out of the little side office and I said that I was there to check in. Without saying anything to me and looking at me like I was bothering her, sits down at her computer. She begins the process of checking me in and I am standing there with my arms full of my things and she said that there would be a $100.00 deposit. I said oh? I booked this room online and they didn't mention anything - I thought I had taken care of everything. Sir, its 100 dollars if you want to stay here. I said okay fine throw it the card on file. No response. She's looking at her cpu - no facial expression, still isn't saying anything. I asked if it was okay if I place my things on the counter and she said sure. So I am still waiting and I say my dear, how long is this going to take, I'm ready to get into my room. She looks at me and says, ”this is going to take as long as I want it to”. ”Excuse me?”, I said, ”Are you okay?” I added. She said, ”I'm fine, are you okay?”. No I am ready to check into my room and I don't understand what I did to cause you to be so rude. I came here to check in at 11:30pm and you were out in the parking lot talking on your cell phone. May I get your name (her name is Keisha btw, but I didn't find that out until later) and your supervisor's name? She said I am not going to give you any names and you can just call this number 828-831-1616. So I am trying to write the phone number down on a piece of paper (she refused to give me anything to write on) and I asked her to repeat the number. She said, ”are you slow or something?”. This is all hilarious to me now, but at the time, I was speechless. It gets much better though. I am trying to put the number into my phone (I suffered a catastrophic injury to my left eye while on active duty, so I have to hold things close to my face to see letters, numbers, etc), and she says, ”Are you recording me? Don't you record me - I'll rip your #$@#ing phone right outta your hand”. I said, ”are you threatening me?”. She said, ”Get out. I do what I want here”. I said, ”I see that! So you're not going to check me in?”. She said, ”Nope”. I said, ”Well then I need you to print something that shows I don't owe you anything.”. She said, ”I am not doing anything for you”. So I left! I drove right down the street and got a room
レッド ルーフ イン ガルフポート - ビロクシ エアポート
夫と私は、Red Roof Innに週末を延ばし滞在し、私たちは喜んでいました。部屋は清潔で、すべてがうまくいき、フロントスタッフはプロフェッショナルで丁寧でした。古いホテルですが、もう一度、清潔でよく維持されているので、問題はありませんでした。私は中央の場所をとても楽しんだ;彼らは近くにアウトレットモールと別のバーゲンショッピングセンターと映画館を持っていた。場所の問題は、誰もその郵便番号に送信しないことです(Waitr、Postmatesなどのような配信アプリサービスを使用しない限り)。私たちはピザや中国語を届けようとしましたが、運が良くないです。コンチネンタルブレックファーストは壮観なものではなく、タオルは一番豪華ではありませんが、それは公平ではありません。これは予算のホテルであり、私たちは私たちが支払ったものについて正確に得ました。ガルフポートに戻ると、間違いなくここに滞在します。
ハンプトン  イン & スイーツ ガルフポート I-10


  • Trip.comでホテルを予約するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comでホテルのお得情報を入手するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comのどのページでホテルのお得情報を確認できますか?


  • ホテル料金を安くする方法を教えてください。


  • Trip.comに掲載されているホテル数は?


  • Trip.comでホテルの予約をキャンセルまたは変更できますか?


  • Trip.comカスタマーサポートに連絡する方法を教えてください。
