Long Beach周辺のホテルをお探しですか?実際の旅行者の口コミをホテル選びに役立てましょう。


Long Beach周辺の人気ホテルをチェック




Alunan Resort All Inclusive

Alunan Resort All Inclusive

プルフンティアン島|Long Beachより2.53km
When I arrived at Alunan, I was expecting the standard getaway, an escape from the city to refresh myself temporarily. But as soon as I arrived at the resort (via boat) I noticed something very special about this place. Beyond the breathtaking views and crystal clear skies and ocean, there was a lot of genuine care and connection from the resort team. The delightful guest service assistant, Sel, was waiting at the pontoon to greet new arrivals. She accompanied us to reception while showing us around the resort. After checking in, another guest service assistant, Teha, brought me to my stunning ocean-view room (floor-to-ceiling windows all around, a sizeable bathroom, and a rooftop deck) while explaining the unique character of this resort along the way. In order to preserve the island's ecosytem, no heavy machinery was used in the construction of the resort. There were no single-use plastics to be found, all body care items were natural and reef safe, and complementary jars of snacks were refillable. This has given the resort a very unique character: sturdy metal staircases and platforms connected various parts of the establishment, which rest at different altitudes on the landscape. There was even a tree growing out of the middle of the restaurant, protected by resort owners who seemed to have great respect for the island's primary forest and surrounding seas. Furthermore, the resort is passionate about the reef ecosystem surrounding Perhentian, and boasts a Coral Conservation initiative which allows guests to ”adopt” corals. With a small fee, one could learn about corals from resident marine biologists and place rescued corals in the coral nursery. Here, I met Aimi, who answered my questions about coral behaviour (I didn't know corals were animals rather than plants, or that they bred in rather strange ways). Upon adopting a coral, I got to jump into the ocean to snorkel around the coral nursery, which was teeming with fish species. It was surreal. There was also a dive centre, where another marine biologist, Naufal, assisted guests with necessary equipment to explore the seas. Lifejackets and snorkelling equipment were available to utilise at no cost, which led me to develop a daily swimming and snorkelling routine after settling in at the resort. Mind you, there's quite a fair bit to see in the ocean ecosystem in Perhentian. Batfish, wrasses, groupers, blue-lipped clams, corals and many other fishes can be found all around the island, clearly visible as the waters were clear like glass during my stay there. Those who can't swim could just visit the pontoon to look at the various colourful fishes of the Perhentian seas. There are no cars or roads, but one can hike or kayak their way around this stunning island. I went to Keranji beach via kayak and saw stunning, decades-old underwater coral from my kayak, and was often close to tears from the natural beauty of this island. If in the past my island holidays were notable for the hangovers



Long Beach周辺のホテルをお探しですか?宿泊料金や口コミを比較して、ぴったりの宿泊先を見つけましょう。
プルフンティアン アイランド リゾート
非常に基本的なホテルですが、私のシュノーケリングの優先順位に合っています.4日間住んでいるビーチハウスの前でシュノーケリングを楽しむことができます. 部屋は比較的小さく、ウェットトイレがありますが、スタッフはとてもフレンドリーで親切で、食事はすべてビュッフェで提供され、種類はあまりありません。荷物の心配はありません。到着時と出発時に、スタッフがトロリー付きの小さな車で桟橋から家まで直接荷物を運ぶのを手伝ってくれます。 とにかく、ロングビーチはあまりceではありません
Alunan Resort All Inclusive
When I arrived at Alunan, I was expecting the standard getaway, an escape from the city to refresh myself temporarily. But as soon as I arrived at the resort (via boat) I noticed something very special about this place. Beyond the breathtaking views and crystal clear skies and ocean, there was a lot of genuine care and connection from the resort team. The delightful guest service assistant, Sel, was waiting at the pontoon to greet new arrivals. She accompanied us to reception while showing us around the resort. After checking in, another guest service assistant, Teha, brought me to my stunning ocean-view room (floor-to-ceiling windows all around, a sizeable bathroom, and a rooftop deck) while explaining the unique character of this resort along the way. In order to preserve the island's ecosytem, no heavy machinery was used in the construction of the resort. There were no single-use plastics to be found, all body care items were natural and reef safe, and complementary jars of snacks were refillable. This has given the resort a very unique character: sturdy metal staircases and platforms connected various parts of the establishment, which rest at different altitudes on the landscape. There was even a tree growing out of the middle of the restaurant, protected by resort owners who seemed to have great respect for the island's primary forest and surrounding seas. Furthermore, the resort is passionate about the reef ecosystem surrounding Perhentian, and boasts a Coral Conservation initiative which allows guests to ”adopt” corals. With a small fee, one could learn about corals from resident marine biologists and place rescued corals in the coral nursery. Here, I met Aimi, who answered my questions about coral behaviour (I didn't know corals were animals rather than plants, or that they bred in rather strange ways). Upon adopting a coral, I got to jump into the ocean to snorkel around the coral nursery, which was teeming with fish species. It was surreal. There was also a dive centre, where another marine biologist, Naufal, assisted guests with necessary equipment to explore the seas. Lifejackets and snorkelling equipment were available to utilise at no cost, which led me to develop a daily swimming and snorkelling routine after settling in at the resort. Mind you, there's quite a fair bit to see in the ocean ecosystem in Perhentian. Batfish, wrasses, groupers, blue-lipped clams, corals and many other fishes can be found all around the island, clearly visible as the waters were clear like glass during my stay there. Those who can't swim could just visit the pontoon to look at the various colourful fishes of the Perhentian seas. There are no cars or roads, but one can hike or kayak their way around this stunning island. I went to Keranji beach via kayak and saw stunning, decades-old underwater coral from my kayak, and was often close to tears from the natural beauty of this island. If in the past my island holidays were notable for the hangovers
ミンピ ペルヘンティアン
3D2NなぜMIMPIに滞在するのですか? MIMPIとSUPER RECOMMEDED!! 1.滞在するのに良い場所。 24時間電気 2.澄んだ水供給 3.ホテルからロングビーチへの素晴らしい眺め 4.食べ物は素晴らしい 5.施設は素晴らしい 6.チェックインからチェックアウトまで、スタッフはとても親切です 7.桟橋の近く。簡単にアクセスできます..ビーチでバッグを引っ張る必要はありません。特にMIMPIスタッフNINAとIKRAMに感謝します。非常に役に立ち、ベビーシッター😂彼らは本当に役に立ち、今月のスタッフを取得する必要があります!次回も必ず繰り返しますよろしく、ファズ
プルフンティアン トロピカーナ イン
適応精神はとても良く、マレーシアの基準は低いですが、すべてが限られています!調査員に加えて、不快な従業員。到着すると、50メートルのカブを提供するために部屋の保釈金を要求します。(それは同じです! ! !非常に快適で、後ろに持ち帰ることができます)あなたが部屋にいると、あなたはあなたがあなたを接待するのではなく、より快適かもしれない何かを見つけるでしょう、香りがあります!すべては1平方メートル...の水がほとんど水...なので、一度洗うと、カバーが完全に、洗濯機は20メートルになります。チェックイン時に手で持っているトイレットペーパーは、屋外に残さなければなりません。そうでなければ、それは完全に、毛にも適用されます!受付は7時から19時30分までです。ドアの後ろで何かが必要であれば、ドアの後ろで見ていても、答えません。Wi-Fiがないので、たくさんのカードを持っていない、すでにたくさんの無料があるので、抱かないで!ベッドは存在しません幸いにも、私たちはたくさんの毛を持っています...彼らはバッテリーカバーを提供しています! ! ! ! !冷たい水は限られています。夜の奇妙な屋根はあなたをベッドから飛び降りさせます...私はそれが屋根のパネルの「構造」音であるか、またはいくつかの大きな動物が上に落ちているかどうかまだ気づいていません:)島は、これらの場所がなくても、他の場所に満ちています...よりも良いものを提供し、探し続けます:この場所は、他の人が見つけていない絶望のためにのみ働いています!
ブブ リゾート
史上最高のリゾート。桟橋からのサービスは最高でした。ブブからのボートトランスファーを選択した場合、他のリゾートの乗客と共有する必要はなく、ブブのゲストのみです。荷物は彼らが手配します。自分のものを持ってきてください。その後、戻ったときに、他の人のようにqする必要はありません。ロビーで待って、ボートが到着するのを待ってください! チェックインからチェックアウトまで、スタッフはとても元気です!朝食はビーチの景色で最高でした!きっとこの後も繰り返すでしょう。
私たちはリゾートではないヴィラマス リゾートに 2 泊しました。サービスなし、無関心なスタッフ、ひどい朝食、すべてが冷たかった。ホテルの周囲は汚く、ゴミがたくさん転がっており、ビーチにはサンゴがたくさんあります。部屋は清潔でしたが、時代遅れで、隣のホテルの仕事の景色が見えました。ホテルは、すべての予約サイトにスイミングプールがあることを示していますが、実際にそこに着くと、スイミングプールは満員ではなく、おそらく建設中です。フロントでそのことを話したところ、スタッフは無反応で、プール目的でこのホテルを選んだにも関わらず全く気に留めませんでした。補償は提供されませんでした。米や麺の非常に高価なワルンを除いて、近くに食事をするレストランはありません。やむを得ない場合を除いて避ける


  • Trip.comでホテルを予約するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comでホテルのお得情報を入手するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comのどのページでホテルのお得情報を確認できますか?


  • ホテル料金を安くする方法を教えてください。


  • Trip.comに掲載されているホテル数は?


  • Trip.comでホテルの予約をキャンセルまたは変更できますか?


  • Trip.comカスタマーサポートに連絡する方法を教えてください。
