

B&B Hotel Como
ホテルはとても良いです。サービスは良いです。朝食は提供されますが、9.50 €を支払う必要があります。
パーク ホテル ムブレ
オテル ボルゴ アンティーコ
Don’t be fooled by the star rating of this hotel. We stayed for six nights and had an excellent time the staff without exception are very friendly and attentive. They readily share their knowledge of the local area when asked to do so giving little hints and tips that makes things just a little bit easier. The location of the hotel is fantastic a 10 minute walk to the shore of the lake, and a five minute walk to the main train station, making trips Into Milan and the surrounding area very easy. The room was spacious with an excellent bathroom. We stayed on the ground floor and had a small patio area. Pillows are a pet passion of mine and very much subject to personal preference. For me they were slightly firmer than I would like, but I am absolutely nitpicking here because I slept soundly! The bed was large and the room had a kettle. No fridge in the room but the bar is open 24 hours and we were able to get milk to make tea and coffee in the room. The breakfast is has a wide variety and an impressive machine where you can boil eggs jut to your personal taste. My husband would suggest an ice water bowl to help cool the eggs down again very nitpicking here. Wi-Fi was feee and excellent. We had a hire care and although there is no onsite parking, you can pull up at the front of the hotel to drop luggage and we always manage to get on street parking which you paid for by the hour within easy, walking distance of the hotel, only ever a couple of minutes away. There are other structured car parks if you would prefer
B&B ホテル コモ シティ センター
ホテル トゥレ レ
ホテルの場所はOKで、コモ湖にとても近く、商店街にあります。近くにスーパーマーケットやマクドナルドのレストランがあり、ホテルでは朝食も用意しています。しかし、朝食は他の3つ星より少し悪いですが、価格には朝食が含まれていてとても良いです。ホテルの暖房は暖かくありません。寒い場合はフロントデスクにキルトを依頼することをお勧めします。部屋に朝食がない場合は、ホテルでの朝食に1人あたり10ユーロを費やさないでください。近くのマクドナルドに直接行くか、バーで朝食をとるのが良いでしょう。2人で5ユーロはほぼ同じです。 。ホテルまで車でお越しの場合は、事前に電話でホテルの場所を設定することをお勧めします。ホテル入口の庭には車があまり多くありません。駐車場は1日15ユーロ
ベッド アンド ブレックファスト ストーリコ
Posizione ottima, in pieno centro (è un plus ma anche un malus per il baccano giù in strada fino a tarda notte, specialmente nei weekend). Bisogna però essere onesti, sulla struttura c'è tanto da lavorare...Camera venduta come superior ma le superior sono ben lontane. Niente TV in camera e questo è per me grave se vendi una 'superior' a quasi €100 a notte. Insonorizzazione pessima, si sentiva anche il russare delle camere accanto...Molto scomodo il fatto che sia ad un terzo piano senza ascensore quindi solo scale, e a fine giornata è davvero dura, impossibile per famiglie con carrozzine o per portatori di handicap. Portone d'ingresso su strada poco curato, confina con la porta di servizio di un ristorante/bar che emana odori forti a tutte le ore. Apprezzata la macchinetta del caffè in camera e l'acqua, ma ciò non esalta la struttura in se. Il bidet perdeva acqua, un condizionatore montato sulla cappa della cucina con tubo di scolo nel lavandino della stessa. Per una camera venduta come Superior a quasi €100 a notte direi proprio no...Ok la pulizia e cortesia telefonica dello staff (dico telefonica poiché non abbiamo mai incontrato i proprietari per ovvie ragioni personali, nè esiste una reception).C'è da dire che son stati molto cortesi nel lasciarci la camera anche dopo l'orario del check out senza supplemento, davvero una comodità per chi visita e poi torna prima di partire.



最高値BRL 3,608
最安値BRL 470
平均価格(平日)BRL 1,432
平均価格(週末)BRL 1,543



飛行機でコモへ行く予定のお客様は注意する必要があり、コモへ行く航空機がなく、他の交通手段を検討したほうがよいでしょう。コモの空港がないが、列車網は非常に発達しており、Como Borghiを利用するなら便利です。


コモの観光スポット・エリアは多く、もし中心街にお泊りでしたら、オルモ邸,ヴォルティアーノ神殿をおすすめします。繫華街から逃れ、静かな旅をされたい方は、コモの庭園,コムナーレ・ディ・ヴィア・アンツァーニ公園,テンピオ・ヴォルティアノ庭園はおすすめです。コモでショッピングするなら、Como - Cavourはおすすめです。


