For there most premium room, suites , we had no services, every order (as sinple as water bottle) is like ages, no laundry bag, no clean room (felt like it was closed for like months), dust (got allergic reactions to my 1 year toddler), no bathroom slipper, no proper toiletries. Food in the buffet was stale and cold, in the ala-carte everything was like 45 mins minimum. Bathroom, again not used for long hence clogged taps, the basin tap was soo clogged that its waterflow was directly into the jacuzzi, speaking of which, the jacuzzi when used couldn't drain, and thank god it didn't drain, cos as soon as the soap dried, we had dirt and filth stains at all corners of the jacuzzi, the tap didnt work properly, I mean what to say, also they write on a small board "please ask us for our signature choice of toiletries for your requirement l" , when I asked , they came with used plastic water bottles filled with local down market shampoo and bodywash , when I said whats this, they said its the same used to fill the fancy bottle provided to you already. Sarovar should rethink there association with the property, poor cleanliness, poor staff, bad service, it's like everything one can ask for not to have and that too at there most premium category. Just dont go there .