This hotel is located at the Yunokawa area in Hakodate. It's reachable within 20 minutes from Hakodate bus terminal. There are three buses serving this area: 95, 95A and 96. There is also a direct bus from/to Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto station with a fee of ¥900/person/way. We booked a Japanese-style room with a private onsen bath facing the ocean. The view is beyond our expectation. The room is super spacious - consisting of the entrance area, sleeping area, living room, a toilet, and bath area. They are still using the actual key instead of keycards. They served some snacks, tea, free beers, bottled water and cold tea. The room we booked also provided halfboard (dinner and breakfast). The food was amazing with many varieties, including our favourites - king crabs. All was served in a buffet style so you can eat this crab as much as you want.