We shelled out £98.90 for a double dose, you see – two souls, a room, shared bog, and loo, plus a pair of English brekkies. Sharp as a tack, we penned our brekkie desires at the crack of 7:30am. But blast it all, one of our morning feasts was tardy, not gracing our table until a shocking 8am, and the rascally staff had the audacity to inform us they'd run dry on veggie sausages. I, in my ire, declared I'd forgo the veggie banger, only to be served at an infuriating 8:02am, sans the elusive veggie sausage. The dining quarters were as desolate as a ghost town, and to add insult to injury, those behind me in the breakfast queue merrily devoured their victuals before we did. I demand a reckoning from this hostel's high and mighty! We shan't breathe a word of praise for this establishment. To fellow travellers embarking upon the South Downs Way, steer clear of this den of inequity at all costs. The self-catering scullery is an abomination, cobwebs draping the ceiling like garlands of disgrace, and the common area, a haven of filth and squalor.