Hakki Deger Ilkogretim Okulu周辺のホテルをお探しですか?実際の旅行者の口コミをホテル選びに役立てましょう。


Hakki Deger Ilkogretim Okulu周辺の人気ホテルをチェック


ザ グリーン パーク ホテル ボスタンチ

ザ グリーン パーク ホテル ボスタンチ

イスタンブール|Hakki Deger Ilkogretim Okuluより1.26km
Checked in no problem. Room was on the 1000 level. The room was fine. Comfy enough bed, decent shower, a little dark but fine. However, at 0044 I had not long fallen asleep and was awoken by some music. To begin with I could not figure out where the music was coming from, I called reception and found out that there was a function on and the music was coming through the walls. The receptionist told me that he would sort it out. He must of as I managed to fall asleep for 10 minutes. 20 minutes later, the tunes came back on but even louder, again I called down to reception. This time I told him if he cant get the music sorted I wanted a room move. he said he'd call back in 5 mins. By this time (0115) I had enough after been travelling since 0600 and up for work at 0800 I was not wiating any longer. I packed what I had left to pack and went down stairs to get moved. Where I had the most uncomfortable experience with the receptionist. I told the guy I wanted a room change, he said he was sorry he didn't have any. I stared at him rather displeased as you would at that time. I said well, what do you suggest?! The volume was ridiculous. After sending the bellboy down to request a volume change again, he shuffled avoiding eye contact and moving around papers. I think he just thought I was going to shrug my shoulders and go back to my bed. I stared at him for a minute more and raised my voice, asked him what the hell is happening? Its nearly 0130 and am standing here tired as F**K, demanded he better sort something out or I wanted the manager. After some more awkwardness he then produced a key card for a different room. I told him all that nonsence in the last ten mins could easily have been avoided. If he didn't lie to me and say there were no rooms. The room ended up being really quiet, however it was like an oven and I could not get it cool. I was knackered so fell asleep anyway. That mattress will need a few days in the sun to dry out the amount I sweated in it. I went down to breakfast in the morning it looked like an ok spread but I was still not in the mood. The bill was already fixed by my company so I didn't even complain to the staff in the morning. I will be telling my company not to use this place again.
ヒルトン イスタンブール コズヤタウ

ヒルトン イスタンブール コズヤタウ

カドゥキョイ イスタンブール|Hakki Deger Ilkogretim Okuluより2.73km
My entire stay at the hotel was excellent and pleasant from the very beginning to end! The hotel staff was absolutely amazing in all areas and all aspects of guest services and care. I am very impressed by the level of professionalism and positivity that I experienced from the moment that I stepped into the hotel. When I checked in, I had the pleasure of having Emre assist me. Emre was very professional, helpful and acknowledged me as a Diamond member. Throughout my stay, he graciously assisted me with any questions that I had along with providing me with recommendations for sightseeing and restaurants. Ali and Emirhan were also very helpful and gracious as well. They introduced me to Levent, their manager. I was able to let Levent know how happy I was with Emre, Ali and Emirhan's helpfulness, professionalism and level of service! Additionally, I had the pleasure to meet Esref Gun, the Banquet Manager. Esref is definitely a valuable resource to the Hilton Kozyatagi! He personally sought me out in the restaurant to introduce himself and offer his assistance during my stay as well as gave me beautiful fresh fruit plates and beverages that were delivered to my room. His graciousness and hospitality were so appreciated. The fresh fruit plates were such a nice touch and something I will always remember! The Executive Lounge and restaurant staff were amazing! Meryem, in the Executive Lounge, was so attentive, pleasant and hospitable! The restaurant staff were equally as attentive, pleasant and hospitable! Miroy and Burak were so attentive and friendly! And Neslihon, the breakfast chef, was so good! She actually remembered my omelet each morning without me having to ask. The food that was served in the Executive Lounge and restaurant for breakfast was absolutely delicious and of the highest quality! Honestly, the best food that I have ever experienced at a Hilton Hotel! My compliments to Esref to his banquet team of chefs, as well as to the Executive Lounge and restaurant staff!



パーク デデマン ボスタンチ ホテル

パーク デデマン ボスタンチ ホテル

イスタンブール|Hakki Deger Ilkogretim Okuluより1.27km
私は自分でホテルのマネージャーですが、化粧品の治療のために妹と一緒にいるので、ホテルの選択について何も言わなかった。マネージャーとして代表するホテルは完璧ではありませんが、ここでは1201号室にいるいくつかの観察があります。そして、まだ8泊も残っているので、私の見解は変わるかもしれませんし、それらは適切に修正されます 悪いから始めます... レセプション - 今まで遭遇した中で最も不親切で役に立たない部門。これは、私が出会ったすべての部門が素晴らしい(ハウスキーピング、食べ物と飲み物、スパ)である間、これらの用語で例を導くべき部門です...この部門は歓迎要因を欠いています。レセプションはしばしば最初と最後の印象を残します。朝食-基本ですが、質は良いです。もっとスパを頼むことはできません-私はまだこれを試さなければなりませんが、私を案内してくれた係員は親切で患者でした。彼のアプローチのおかげで、私は間違いなくこの場所を試してみます 部屋は大きく、快適で設備が整っています... チェックイン時の清潔さはそれほど良くありません... シャワーの周りの黄色のシリコン、前の乗客の髪、ほこりのアクセサリー。業界は苦しんでいて、私はこれについて言及している間、私は目を閉じる準備ができていますハイライトホテルの-遠く-屋上レストラン...ラムシャンクは、間違いなく最高のラムのために死ぬことだった...サービスは10のうち10、2人が遠くに目立つ...火曜日の夜のシフトでメガネを着用している女の子...そしてこれまでにとても驚くほど魅力的なモハマット...彼らの顧客のアプローチに感銘を受け、同様に嫉妬しました。これらの人々は、私は瞬く間に雇う人、モハマット、特に私はここで次の9泊を過ごすことを楽しみにしています。トルコは素晴らしいですが、トルコ人はもっと大きいです。
ヒルトン イスタンブール コズヤタウ

ヒルトン イスタンブール コズヤタウ

カドゥキョイ イスタンブール|Hakki Deger Ilkogretim Okuluより2.73km
My entire stay at the hotel was excellent and pleasant from the very beginning to end! The hotel staff was absolutely amazing in all areas and all aspects of guest services and care. I am very impressed by the level of professionalism and positivity that I experienced from the moment that I stepped into the hotel. When I checked in, I had the pleasure of having Emre assist me. Emre was very professional, helpful and acknowledged me as a Diamond member. Throughout my stay, he graciously assisted me with any questions that I had along with providing me with recommendations for sightseeing and restaurants. Ali and Emirhan were also very helpful and gracious as well. They introduced me to Levent, their manager. I was able to let Levent know how happy I was with Emre, Ali and Emirhan's helpfulness, professionalism and level of service! Additionally, I had the pleasure to meet Esref Gun, the Banquet Manager. Esref is definitely a valuable resource to the Hilton Kozyatagi! He personally sought me out in the restaurant to introduce himself and offer his assistance during my stay as well as gave me beautiful fresh fruit plates and beverages that were delivered to my room. His graciousness and hospitality were so appreciated. The fresh fruit plates were such a nice touch and something I will always remember! The Executive Lounge and restaurant staff were amazing! Meryem, in the Executive Lounge, was so attentive, pleasant and hospitable! The restaurant staff were equally as attentive, pleasant and hospitable! Miroy and Burak were so attentive and friendly! And Neslihon, the breakfast chef, was so good! She actually remembered my omelet each morning without me having to ask. The food that was served in the Executive Lounge and restaurant for breakfast was absolutely delicious and of the highest quality! Honestly, the best food that I have ever experienced at a Hilton Hotel! My compliments to Esref to his banquet team of chefs, as well as to the Executive Lounge and restaurant staff!





Hakki Deger Ilkogretim Okulu周辺のホテルをお探しですか?宿泊料金や口コミを比較して、ぴったりの宿泊先を見つけましょう。
ザ グリーン パーク ホテル ボスタンチ
Checked in no problem. Room was on the 1000 level. The room was fine. Comfy enough bed, decent shower, a little dark but fine. However, at 0044 I had not long fallen asleep and was awoken by some music. To begin with I could not figure out where the music was coming from, I called reception and found out that there was a function on and the music was coming through the walls. The receptionist told me that he would sort it out. He must of as I managed to fall asleep for 10 minutes. 20 minutes later, the tunes came back on but even louder, again I called down to reception. This time I told him if he cant get the music sorted I wanted a room move. he said he'd call back in 5 mins. By this time (0115) I had enough after been travelling since 0600 and up for work at 0800 I was not wiating any longer. I packed what I had left to pack and went down stairs to get moved. Where I had the most uncomfortable experience with the receptionist. I told the guy I wanted a room change, he said he was sorry he didn't have any. I stared at him rather displeased as you would at that time. I said well, what do you suggest?! The volume was ridiculous. After sending the bellboy down to request a volume change again, he shuffled avoiding eye contact and moving around papers. I think he just thought I was going to shrug my shoulders and go back to my bed. I stared at him for a minute more and raised my voice, asked him what the hell is happening? Its nearly 0130 and am standing here tired as F**K, demanded he better sort something out or I wanted the manager. After some more awkwardness he then produced a key card for a different room. I told him all that nonsence in the last ten mins could easily have been avoided. If he didn't lie to me and say there were no rooms. The room ended up being really quiet, however it was like an oven and I could not get it cool. I was knackered so fell asleep anyway. That mattress will need a few days in the sun to dry out the amount I sweated in it. I went down to breakfast in the morning it looked like an ok spread but I was still not in the mood. The bill was already fixed by my company so I didn't even complain to the staff in the morning. I will be telling my company not to use this place again.
バイオテル ホテル イスタンブール
ザ ボスタンチ ホテル
リス ホテル ボスタンチ
プラス ホテル ボスタンチ アタシェヒル
ホテルの後ろに車用の駐車スペース。近くの地下鉄駅、レストラン、食料品店。部屋は大丈夫です。掃除。良いシャワー。エアコンはうまく機能します。高速wifi。よく眠れ、快適なベッドと枕。 改善すべき点:部屋にゴミ箱を用意してください。トイレには1つしかありません。夜間照明/ベッドランプも提供してください。


  • Trip.comでホテルを予約するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comでホテルのお得情報を入手するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comのどのページでホテルのお得情報を確認できますか?


  • ホテル料金を安くする方法を教えてください。


  • Trip.comに掲載されているホテル数は?


  • Trip.comでホテルの予約をキャンセルまたは変更できますか?


  • Trip.comカスタマーサポートに連絡する方法を教えてください。












 イスタンブールで大人気レストランの1つが「セブンヒルズレストラン」。セブンヒルズホテル内にあるレストランで、ボスポラス海峡、聖ソフィア博物館・ブルーモスクが望める絶好のロケーションで食事を楽しむことが可能です。料理の味も抜群で、マルマラ海産の新鮮な魚介を使った様々なトルコ料理を堪能できます。チャレンジ精神が旺盛な方におすすめのカフェが「Mesale Café」。レンズ豆のスープやシシカバブーといった定番トルコ料理を楽しみながら、このお店ではシーシャ(水たばこ)のオーダーが可能です。日本でも中東料理のお店等でオーダーが可能で、最近は専門店も増えてきていますが、まだまだ未体験の方も多いのではないでしょうか。旅行の思い出として、チャレンジをしてみるのもありかも?以上、イスタンブールの情報をお届けしました。
