Kynopiastes Square周辺のホテルをお探しですか?実際の旅行者の口コミをホテル選びに役立てましょう。


Kynopiastes Square周辺の人気ホテルをチェック


アンサナ コルフ リゾート & スパ

アンサナ コルフ リゾート & スパ

ケルキラ島|Kynopiastes Squareより2.87km
My stay for a three day-weekend in May was off to a bad start even before I arrived at the hotel. A somewhat heated email exchange with the reservation team threatening to cancel the reservation if I did not pay immediately, according to the tariff conditions, meant that I had to contact the Guest Relations Manager (Mrs Ageliki KOULOURI) to clarify the situation. It is therefore through this first exchange with her that I can say today that this manager is one of the main assets of this hotel. Not only does she do her job, but she also puts in a dose of tact, delicacy and efficiency. I owe the success of my stay to her. The hotel is very well located, beautifully decorated and the rooms are beautiful. I personally was upgraded to a suite with a magnificent view of the Aegean Sea. The hotel, which opened fairly recently, still has a few glitches that one is less inclined to forgive once the break-in period is over, especially for a hotel of this category. This year, the restaurant offer has been reduced by the presence of Michelin-starred chef Botrini, who has ”ceased his collaboration” with the hotel. I tested the two restaurants Sofrito (Greek and Mediterranean cuisine) and Oribu (North Asian cuisine). The staff in the dining areas are numerous, attentive and eager to help. I found that both the food and wine lists lacked coherence, and sometimes even of the desired wine :). This didn't bother me that much, but I did think that a hotel in this category should do a better job! As for the breakfast buffet (there are several), I found it perfect: a wide selection of dishes, from savory to sweet. The only downside is the lack of teas, at least for tea lovers. The swimming pool, probably one of the most beautiful on the island, is infinity and offers a spectacular view of the sea and the mainland in the distance. Sports enthusiasts will not be outdone by the state-of-the-art gym and equipment. And what can I say about the Spa? Well, it's certainly one of the best treatments I've ever received, and all in a finely decorated, relaxing setting. A big plus and a big thank you to the team. I'll conclude by saying that I hope to return to this resort and that the service will live up to the high standards expected of a 5-star hotel.





Kynopiastes Square周辺のホテルをお探しですか?宿泊料金や口コミを比較して、ぴったりの宿泊先を見つけましょう。
アンサナ コルフ リゾート & スパ
My stay for a three day-weekend in May was off to a bad start even before I arrived at the hotel. A somewhat heated email exchange with the reservation team threatening to cancel the reservation if I did not pay immediately, according to the tariff conditions, meant that I had to contact the Guest Relations Manager (Mrs Ageliki KOULOURI) to clarify the situation. It is therefore through this first exchange with her that I can say today that this manager is one of the main assets of this hotel. Not only does she do her job, but she also puts in a dose of tact, delicacy and efficiency. I owe the success of my stay to her. The hotel is very well located, beautifully decorated and the rooms are beautiful. I personally was upgraded to a suite with a magnificent view of the Aegean Sea. The hotel, which opened fairly recently, still has a few glitches that one is less inclined to forgive once the break-in period is over, especially for a hotel of this category. This year, the restaurant offer has been reduced by the presence of Michelin-starred chef Botrini, who has ”ceased his collaboration” with the hotel. I tested the two restaurants Sofrito (Greek and Mediterranean cuisine) and Oribu (North Asian cuisine). The staff in the dining areas are numerous, attentive and eager to help. I found that both the food and wine lists lacked coherence, and sometimes even of the desired wine :). This didn't bother me that much, but I did think that a hotel in this category should do a better job! As for the breakfast buffet (there are several), I found it perfect: a wide selection of dishes, from savory to sweet. The only downside is the lack of teas, at least for tea lovers. The swimming pool, probably one of the most beautiful on the island, is infinity and offers a spectacular view of the sea and the mainland in the distance. Sports enthusiasts will not be outdone by the state-of-the-art gym and equipment. And what can I say about the Spa? Well, it's certainly one of the best treatments I've ever received, and all in a finely decorated, relaxing setting. A big plus and a big thank you to the team. I'll conclude by saying that I hope to return to this resort and that the service will live up to the high standards expected of a 5-star hotel.
アンドロマケス ホリデイ アパートメンツ
If you are going with three people and they give you the couch, be prepared that is no sleeping couch, it is hard as wood couch. The sheet is thin layer that obviously moves during the night which leaves you on a bacterial couch. The host is not really pleasant. Her husband it is very nice! Those are the cons. The view is stunning, the pool is clean, the cleanness is 100%, and the cleaning lady very nice! The photos do not really show you the beauty of the place. Worth for money definitely, just the price is for three when is worth for two, cause only two have a bed that you can actually sleep on. The pool bar has restaurant prices. Worth a try. Internet only for emails, and instagram.
オアシス ホテル
Hotel con vista spettacolare. Le camere un po’ vecchiotte e pulizia un pochino scadente, ma con una vista così ti dimentichi di tutto😅 Spiaggia: privata con sdrai e ombrelloni e bar aperto fino alle 16.30 circa. Il fondale è di sassi abbastanza grandi, conviene prendere le scarpette da scoglio. Piscina funzionale , vecchio stile , bar aperto fino a tardi. Colazione e cena: abbondanti a buffet. Nessuno ti guarda male se vai più volte a prendere il cibo😁colazione dalle 07.30-10.00 e cena dalle 19 alle 21.30 , personale molto gentile e cordiale. Attenzione ⚠️ solo a chi va in estate lì, fa molto caldo sulla terrazza dove si mangia, e spesso i pomodori purtroppo vanno subito a male😞 nonostante questo, grande diversità di cibo ed è anche molto buono; ogni giorno ci sono piatti diversi!! Servono anche la pasta ma non aspettatevi un granché, loro ci provano poverini ma non è il loro punto forte😁 preparano torte salate, carne, verdura, pesce, dolci, e c’è sempre della frutta. Come arrivare: dal aeroporto noi abbiamo camminato fino al Lidl(18 min a piedi) e da lì abbiamo preso il blue bus n6 verso Benitses e siamo scesi a Perama hotel oasis( il biglietto lo abbiamo preso dal autista del bus , 2.30€ a persona). Però in Corfù town ci sono anche varie macchinette per prendere il biglietto e costa 1.10€ se non sbaglio. Per andare invece al aeroporto dal hotel abbiamo parlato con la signora Elena che ci ha prenotato un taxi(25€ dal hotel al aeroporto) Supermercato: proprio accanto al hotel c’è un minimarket con un po’ di tutto , vendono anche biglietti per bus ma noi non li abbiamo mai presi da lì Per fare delle passeggiate intorno al hotel bisogna stare attenti perché ci sono tratti di strada senza marciapiede . Camminando per circa 10/15 min si arriva al pontile da dove si osservano gli aerei e con 3 € si può fare un giro in barca per visitare l’isola del topo. È stato un bel soggiorno rilassante. Speriamo di ritornarci! Ps. Gli aerei ✈️ passano di continuo ma a noi non hanno dato fastidio anzi per noi è stato spettacolare vederli passare così vicino a noi🥹
エリーズ ブティック ホテル
ホテルの部屋からイルカがクルーズしているのを見たことがありますか?コルフのエレアブティックホテルに滞在するまで、私たちはいません! 🐬 最初から最後まで、経験は最高でした。ソフィアとタソス+彼らの才能あるチームにとても歓迎されました。風を吹いて、無料のSUPボードと静かなプライベートビーチ(サンベッド、タオル、ウォーターシューズが備わっています)を使用するのに最適な場所。 朝食と夕食のメニューはどちらも創作的でしたが、味も抜群に選べました。 コルフタウン/ケルキラや空港に近く、ブティックホテル内の高級宿泊施設を好む方に強くお勧めします(15分)。 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
カイザー ブリッジ
私たちはこの美しい小さな家族経営のホテルに何度か滞在しました。滞在するたびに、なぜ戻り続けるのかを思い出させます。あなたが到着する瞬間から何も、彼らはあなたがリラックスしてギリシャのこの完璧な小さなスライスを楽しむことを確認するためにできることをすべてする家族のためのあまりにも多くのトラブルです。ホテルは豪華ではなく、適切で快適で、より大きなリゾートタイプのホテルで得られる施設に欠けているものは、本物の完璧なおもてなしでこれを間違いなく補います。ホテルの朝食はビュッフェスタイルで、選択肢は豊富ですが、フルイングリッシュブレックファーストを期待しないでください。ここの魅力はすべてギリシャ語です。ヨーグルト、蜂蜜、ナッツはすべて私たちのパーティーで固くお気に入りです。車は便利ですが、ホテルのすぐ外に停車するこの優れた定期的なサービスを使用して、ベニツェとコルフタウンへのローカルバスで旅行しました。ここでのヒントは、事前にホテルのレセプションからバスのチケットを購入することです。ホテルでのディナーまたはランチは、イオニア海を見下ろす巨大なテラスで提供されます。朝食にディナーテーブルを予約して良いテーブルを手に入れてください。自家製のワインと「今日のメニュー」を試してみる必要があります。わずか 17 ユーロの素晴らしい 3 コースで、コルフのどこでもお得な食事をお楽しみいただけます。私たちの食事はすべて絶対に美味しかったです。ホテルには、道路の向かいに独自の小さなビーチがあります。サンベッドと傘の数は限られていますが、リラックスして泳ぐのに最適な場所であり、日が沈むにつれてホテルのバーからカクテルを飲むのを楽しみました。カイザー橋のすべての家族に、7人の女性に最もリラックスした休日を与え、最高の食べ物とワインで私たちを満たしてくれてありがとう。カイザー橋で生涯の思い出を作り、戻ってきます!!!!
