慌しい一日の終わりには、Tanimachikun Sei Villaでおくつろぎください。Tanimachikun Sei Villaは、ビジネスでもレジャーでも、京都での快適な滞在をご提供いたします。当施設は清水五条駅から800m、伊丹空港から49kmと、立地に優れています。三条京阪からわずか数分、お気軽に市内観光にお出かけいただけます。付近のエリアは、東山 建仁寺や二寧坂 (二年坂)、錦市場など、観光名所が豊富なことで有名です。お時間に余裕があるお客様には、館内の様々な施設でお過ごしいただくのもお勧めです。お客様のレビューによると、このホテルの施設は最高レベルです。
리뷰가 없고 검색을 해도 정보가 없어서 엄청 불안해 하면서 예약을 했어요
구글에 주소 검색했더니 공사중인 사진이 나오더라구요? ㅎㅎ
진짜 지어진지 얼마 안된곳인가봐요!!
아무튼 걱정을 안고 호텔에 도착한 순간 진짜 대만족이였습니다!!
숙소도 사진이랑 다른거 없이 넓고 쾌적하고 너무 좋았어요!
근처 이동하기에도 편의점 마트 도톤보리 난바역 대부분 도보로 10분 15분정도라 딱이였구요!!
일단 넓고 깨끗해서 지친몸을 이끌고 저녁에 돌아왔을때 6명모두 너무 편하게 쉴수 있었어요
특히 가격도 다른곳에 비하면 개인적으로는 저렴한편이라 생각이 들어 더더 만족했구요 ㅎㅎ
다음에 오사카 방문한다면 꼭 여기로 숙소 잡을꺼에요.. 물론 그때가 되면 여기도 조금은? 사용감이 많아지겠지만요? ㅎㅎ
사진은 퇴실하면서 찍은거라 정리는 안되어있단점 침고하고 봐주세요!!
ゲゲストI’ve booked for two nights in this hotel. Everything is almost perfect in the first night. The location is good, nearby the train station, a 24hr familymart in 2min walkable distance. The non-contact check in requested by the hotel through email is smooth and im okay with this arrangement. The instructions in the email are clear enough and i had successfully found the hotel and got into the room. It did look like perfect but something terrible happened in the second night. I came back to the hotel at 8:49pm and found i could not enter the room because the password was wrong. I entered exactly the same password which did work at the first night. Ive tries so many times slowly and clearly to confirm its not my mistakes if i had enter wrong password. After many times of wrong entering, the electronic lock was locked for trying. I was so desperate and sending email to the hotel asking for help, as my phone had only internet service but no phone call. Of course there was no any reply even till now, which is extremely ridiculous. Then I walked to the familymart trying to ask for help. Luckily there was three locals in the shop and one of them could speak english, they helped me calling to the hotel number instructed in the email , saying that is a 24hr number for emergency need and no one answered :) Then we google the hotel and find another number, then a japanese local answered. After communication with the staff, the three locals go to the hotel with us( they were super super friendly and helpful, thank you very much), trying to unlock the door by following the steps told by the staff in the phone, yet the door was still locked. Then the staff asked we to wait for 10 mins and someone will come. The 3 locals waited with us( AGAIN, THEY WERE EXTREMELY FRIENDLY, i cant imagine how would it end up that night without their help) Then the staff came and took only 2 seconds unlocking the door, I watched with my eyes that he did not enter the password I was given but another one, he did exactly know what was the right password. What the f was happening? Why the Password was changed? Who did that? Ive paid for two night! After opening the door, the staff just continually saying sorry and not answering my question. EVEN TILL NOW, i dont get any reply from the hotel, explaining what happened that night, it is the most ridiculous and terrible experience i ever had in my life.