

シュロス ホテル ランドシュトゥール
This is my second stay at the Schloss Hotel in Landstuhl. I have also stay at another hotel on a previous business trip. I selected the Schloss over the other one for a variety of reasons, one of which is the location atop the mountain. As we were still facing COVID-19 restrictions, I did not know what to expect. Suffice it to say, while the bar was closed, it was still possible to buy beer and drink outside or in your room. The usual breakfast buffet turned in to something more simple; however, there was plenty of food, just not fresh eggs. What I did find surprising was that the spa/sauna was opened. I took complete advantage of this. All in all, a very nice stay as expected. I really find the employees to be friendly and helpful.


  • ラントシュトゥールにあるスパ併設の人気ホテルを教えてください

    ラントシュトゥールへの出張にもバカンスにも、シュロス ホテル ランドシュトゥール はおすすめのホテルです。

  • ラントシュトゥールにあるスパが併設されたホテルの平均宿泊料金を教えてください

    ラントシュトゥールにあるスパ併設のホテルの平日の平均価格はSGD 142、週末(金~土曜日)の平均価格はSGD 141です。

  • ラントシュトゥールにあるスパ併設のホテルで利用可能なキャンペーンを教えてください



最高値SGD 168
最安値SGD 124
平均価格(平日)SGD 142
平均価格(週末)SGD 141