This is a very nice hotel as far as location, views, setting, interior decoration, installations, pools, restaurant, friendly staff, bar, service, parking lot and amenities are concerned. It is expensive, this is why we find the following two aspects fatal for our holiday experience: - Every experienced hotel manager should know that arriving travelers want to be in their room as quickly as possible, certainly if they have checked in in advance. That is why they check in in advance. In this hotel, some self-proclaimed expert must have decided that arriving guests should wait in the bar for 35-40 minutes (ok, with a ‘welcome’ drink) until the group is big enough to offer them a tour of the hotel. This is just such a big mistake. Make sure everything is signposted in due order, let clients come down to the bar as soon as they are settled in, offer all the guests a free tour half an hour before dinner etc: enough solutions to think about. But I have never been so frustrated in my entire life when staff refused to give us the key to our room upon arrival for this stupid reason. - Secondly, a dinner service that takes two hours might be fine the first night, but after three days it gets very boring. Especially when you see that another table that had arrived half an hour later is being served fifteen minutes earlier than your own table. Second reason that made me infuriated. Two reasons for me to never visit this hotel again, despite its many good qualities. Some other aspects amenable to improvement are: - There is no air conditioning in this hoteL Very important for clients to know in advance. - The wifi was very weak and not really functional. - The electric charger for vehicles in extremely slow. - The dinner choice has to be given during breakfast. How should I know (and remember!) what I want to eat in the evening?