



シナー パリ

シナー パリ






オテル エミール

オテル エミール

External - good. Pretty and modern Reception - small. The breakfast area is made up of random tables and mini stools. Stairway - narrow and only allow one pax to walk Lift - narrow and super restricting with no ventilation. Allows one large luggage and human to stand. Staff - the night shift team has no empathy and not service oriented. The grumpy bald old man has the worst attitude. I wanted to check the invoice before I make payment for my 5 nights of stay and he demanded that I pay first before he can print out. What attitude is that?! One redeeming factor is the day time team managed by Gwen. She is an angel and god sent. She tried to help as much as possible and took time to explain. As she was on vacation leave, we only get to see such warm hospitality on our 4th day. Imaging the relief I felt after talking to her about the AC issues. Room - clean and tiny. Does not allow us to open our luggage as the space left to walk is super minimal. Shower area is 2 steps away from the foot of the bed. Toilet is tucked in a corner one step from the head of the bed. What I was super upset about: The AC is spoilt on the first day I arrived. It got “fixed” after dinner and we slept well. The ridiculous part came. The AC is spoilt again on the 2nd night. The reception staff lied and say the entire hotel is affected. We slept without the AC and the room has no ventilation. It is unsafe to open the balcony door as it looks easy for people to climb up. 3rd night when we came back, the AC has issues. I called reception and it got resolved 5 min later. In the middle of the night, the AC is switched off with no ventilation in the room again. ==> Gwen subsequently explained on our 4th night that the hotel is on heater mode. Hence there will not be any AC. As for the ventilation, she confirmed that each room has a small ventilator to allow air flow which felt non-existence to me. I would highly NOT recommend this hotel. After a day of touristy day and a day of enjoying the beautiful city, the least I need from a hotel is a good night sleep. This hotel bed is too soft and the AC is not enabled. In my definition, when a hotel does not provide 24h AC should not be given hotel status.
プラティック ホテル

プラティック ホテル

Avoid this hotel at any cost! Made a reservation for my 4 nights trip via **********, a double standard room via bookings and whilst upon arriving the front desk staff hade a not so welcoming attitude. Got my room key, paid the taxes and went upstairs. It was the worst I’ve ever seen. The room they provided me with should not be called a room, it was their single standard room. Tiniest you can imagine and a modular wc/shower/basin module in 3 parts located in the hallway. A 140 bed which was the biggest area in the room and that area only fitted the bed. A window with a wall just infront of half the window, and not a view of anything more than the that part of the wall and the building infront. No air ventilation and they could not provide a fan. Went downstairs to inform them about the reservation and the rude staff said that i’ve booked the room they gave me the single standard, show. Despite the confirmation he insisted that i had the right room and that the images was only for marketing. Which is misleading. They said i could pay extra for an upgrade. Went down to ask bout the upgrade and to see the other room, which was the room ive booked. Went down to confirm that ill take that room for 13 euros extra per night, then the other night shift agent tried to make a deal by saying; i like you and give you the room for 20 dollars instead of 30euros per night! So they tried to get more money out for me for a room id already paid for. Had it there, called ********** who didnt help me what so ever despite they could see my reservation, and told them to check pics and videos of the room i got, and could prove the mistake. No actions from ********** The bed was done, but not dont think the sheets had been changed. Several medium/long blackhairs all over the places in bed and under pillows.. the pillows and sheets also smelled like someone had threw up in bed. Informed bout this and took pictures, yet with their ignorance and rudeness they said that the sheets had been changed. Some prob. Had good experience but I didnt and i do not recommend this hotel to anyone unless you dont care about hospitality and what you get for what you paid for. Fyi, i did change the hotel the day after. Did not spend more than a night, total 6 hours at the hotel..my experience was that bad! And the staff the day after could not even take my feedback regarding his attitude the day i checked in. Yet this i did not let this ruin my image of Paris, cause that hotel is not Paris.



オテル エミール
External - good. Pretty and modern Reception - small. The breakfast area is made up of random tables and mini stools. Stairway - narrow and only allow one pax to walk Lift - narrow and super restricting with no ventilation. Allows one large luggage and human to stand. Staff - the night shift team has no empathy and not service oriented. The grumpy bald old man has the worst attitude. I wanted to check the invoice before I make payment for my 5 nights of stay and he demanded that I pay first before he can print out. What attitude is that?! One redeeming factor is the day time team managed by Gwen. She is an angel and god sent. She tried to help as much as possible and took time to explain. As she was on vacation leave, we only get to see such warm hospitality on our 4th day. Imaging the relief I felt after talking to her about the AC issues. Room - clean and tiny. Does not allow us to open our luggage as the space left to walk is super minimal. Shower area is 2 steps away from the foot of the bed. Toilet is tucked in a corner one step from the head of the bed. What I was super upset about: The AC is spoilt on the first day I arrived. It got “fixed” after dinner and we slept well. The ridiculous part came. The AC is spoilt again on the 2nd night. The reception staff lied and say the entire hotel is affected. We slept without the AC and the room has no ventilation. It is unsafe to open the balcony door as it looks easy for people to climb up. 3rd night when we came back, the AC has issues. I called reception and it got resolved 5 min later. In the middle of the night, the AC is switched off with no ventilation in the room again. ==> Gwen subsequently explained on our 4th night that the hotel is on heater mode. Hence there will not be any AC. As for the ventilation, she confirmed that each room has a small ventilator to allow air flow which felt non-existence to me. I would highly NOT recommend this hotel. After a day of touristy day and a day of enjoying the beautiful city, the least I need from a hotel is a good night sleep. This hotel bed is too soft and the AC is not enabled. In my definition, when a hotel does not provide 24h AC should not be given hotel status.
グラン ホテル マーラー
場所はとても良いです、近くにスーパーマーケット、レストラン、ベーカリー、レストランがあります、そして部屋はきれいです。 5人家族と2つの部屋がありますが、部屋は大きくありませんが、不便はありません。フロントデスクのスタッフはとてもフレンドリーです。次回パリに来るときは、ここで捕まえます。
レ トゥルネル
私はいくつかのエラーのために無意識のうちに苦しみました。ホテルは以下を提供していません:1。ホテルピックアップサービスはありません。駅で降りたのですが、タクシーがなかなか見つかりません。それでホテルに電話しましたが、ただ待ってください私たちは信じられないほど待って、最終的に30分離れました。バスはありません.... 2。ホテルから空港までバスを提供するとのことでした。他のすべての部分は非常に満足のいくものですが、ベルサイユからは少し遠いです。
ホテル ドゥ ジョゼフィーヌ ボナパルト
オテル ジャンヌ ダルク ル マレ
プラティック ホテル
Avoid this hotel at any cost! Made a reservation for my 4 nights trip via **********, a double standard room via bookings and whilst upon arriving the front desk staff hade a not so welcoming attitude. Got my room key, paid the taxes and went upstairs. It was the worst I’ve ever seen. The room they provided me with should not be called a room, it was their single standard room. Tiniest you can imagine and a modular wc/shower/basin module in 3 parts located in the hallway. A 140 bed which was the biggest area in the room and that area only fitted the bed. A window with a wall just infront of half the window, and not a view of anything more than the that part of the wall and the building infront. No air ventilation and they could not provide a fan. Went downstairs to inform them about the reservation and the rude staff said that i’ve booked the room they gave me the single standard, show. Despite the confirmation he insisted that i had the right room and that the images was only for marketing. Which is misleading. They said i could pay extra for an upgrade. Went down to ask bout the upgrade and to see the other room, which was the room ive booked. Went down to confirm that ill take that room for 13 euros extra per night, then the other night shift agent tried to make a deal by saying; i like you and give you the room for 20 dollars instead of 30euros per night! So they tried to get more money out for me for a room id already paid for. Had it there, called ********** who didnt help me what so ever despite they could see my reservation, and told them to check pics and videos of the room i got, and could prove the mistake. No actions from ********** The bed was done, but not dont think the sheets had been changed. Several medium/long blackhairs all over the places in bed and under pillows.. the pillows and sheets also smelled like someone had threw up in bed. Informed bout this and took pictures, yet with their ignorance and rudeness they said that the sheets had been changed. Some prob. Had good experience but I didnt and i do not recommend this hotel to anyone unless you dont care about hospitality and what you get for what you paid for. Fyi, i did change the hotel the day after. Did not spend more than a night, total 6 hours at the hotel..my experience was that bad! And the staff the day after could not even take my feedback regarding his attitude the day i checked in. Yet this i did not let this ruin my image of Paris, cause that hotel is not Paris.



パリ(フランス) の天気(気候)&旅行シーズン


1年で最も寒い2月の平均最低気温は約 2℃、最高気温は 7℃です。 3月4月も上着は手放せず、5月になるとようやく日中は半袖で過ごせるほど暖かい日も出てきます。夏らしさを感じるのは6月以降で、7、8月は30℃を超えてもパリは年間を通じて湿度が低いので、日本のような蒸し暑さを感じることは少ないでしょう。それでも近年は猛暑日を記録することもあり、なにより公共の施設に空調がないので、タオルなどはしっかり持参しましょう。




市内への移動は鉄道を利用した場合、パリ中心部のレ・アル駅まで約35分、運賃は11.40ユーロ(約1,368円)です。直通シャトルバスのLE BUS DIRECTではシャンゼリゼ通りまで45~60分、運賃は14.50ユーロ(約1,740円)です。モンパルナス駅までなら所要時間は60~70分、運賃は18ユーロ(2,160円)となります。空港からパリ市内へのタクシーは定額固定料金制で、セーヌ川の右岸(1~4区、8~12区、16~20区)までは53ユーロ(約6,360円)、左岸(5~7区、13~15区)までは58ユーロ(約6,960円)です。



パリ市内の公共交通機関は、地下鉄やバス、近郊列車のRERまで、同一の運賃およびチケットで利用できるのが特徴です。運賃は1~5まであるゾーンで決まっていて、同一ゾーン内であれば料金は均一かつ一定時間内なら乗り継ぎもできます。市街中心部の主だった観光スポットは、ゾーン1のみをカバーする「Ticket t+」で十分です。1枚1.90ユーロ(約228円)で、10枚つづりの「Carnet(カルネ)」が16.90ユーロ(約2,028円)、ただし日本の乗越清算のようなシステムはなく、対象外のゾーンに出てしまうと罰金が発生するので注意が必要です。タクシーを利用する際は、青地に「TAXIS」と書かれたタクシースタンドで乗れれば、すべて正式なタクシーなので安全です。パリのタクシーは初乗り料金が7.10ユーロ(約852円)かかります。


東京からパリまでの直行便といってまず思い浮かべるのはエールフランスです。こちらは羽田空港(HND)と成田国際空港(NRT)の両方から運航しています。また、羽田空港のみですが、日本航空(JAL)と全日空(ANA)もそれぞれ運航しています。パリで到着する空港はすべてシャルル・ド・ゴール国際空港(CDG)です。東京からパリまでの距離は9,710 km、所要時間は12時間25分~12時間40分、運賃は往復で129,580円~です。

大阪からの直行便はエールフランスのみで、関西国際空港(KIX)からシャルル・ド・ゴール国際空港まで運航しています。大阪市からパリまでの距離は9,628 km、所要時間は12時間35分で、運賃は129,050円~です。


通貨単位はユーロ(EUR)で、1ユーロ=約120.29 円です(2020年3月14日現在)。バスや鉄道の1駅分の料金は、パリ市内では1.90ユーロ(約228円)と日本とさほど値段はかわりません。しかし、パリの物価はヨーロッパの中でも高めといわれており、旅行中は割高に感じることもあるでしょう。その要因になっているのは、20%と高率に設定されている付加価値税(日本の消費税に相当)です。とくにレストランで食事をしたり、大通りでショッピングを楽しんだりすると、高額になることが多いです。目安として、コーラ(50cl)1本当たりの値段がだいたい1~2ユーロ(約120~240円)、レストランでひと通りのディナーを楽しむと30ユーロ(約3600円)ほどかかることを覚えておくとよいでしょう。













まずは、パリらしい重厚な外観が目をひく「ホテル スクライブ パリ オペラ Byソフィテル」。部屋の内装もシックかつ高級感にあふれ、パリの夜をさらに思い出深いものにしてくれるでしょう。オペラ・ガルニエやオランジュリー美術館といった観光スポットまで徒歩圏内というのも魅力です。

2つ目は、そのすぐ向かいに立つ5つ星ホテル「インターコンチネンタル パリ ル グラン」です。ブルボン朝貴族の宮殿のような豪華なつくりは、まさにパリで味わえる贅沢の極み。客室は明るくモダンで、機能性も兼ね備えています。

3つ目は「フレイザー スイーツ ラ クラリッジ シャンゼリゼ」です。名前のとおりシャンゼリゼ通りに面した高級ホテル。建物の並びにはティファニーも店舗を構えています。



1つ目はパリ市街北西の17区にあり、地下鉄ブロシャン駅まで徒歩1分とアクセスに便利な「オテル ドゥ ヨーロッパ」。朝食は選択制なので、素泊まりでよければ、よりリーズナブルに泊まれます。

2つ目の「ホテル エクセルマン」は、パリ郊外のブーローニュの森に近いビジネスホテル。セーヌ川へも歩いて5分ほどなので、朝晩に気持ちのよいお散歩も楽しめます。

3つ目はパリ北駅から徒歩10分のところにある「ホテル オペラ パリス」。チェックイン前やチェックアウト後でも荷物を預かってもらうことができるので、鉄道で移動する人にはとくに便利な2つ星ホテルです。









