Bayram tatili için geldiğimiz Kapadokya’da tesadüfen bulduğumuz Century Cave Otelin apart odasında kaldık. Tertemiz sıcacık bir odaydı. Çok telledi. Kahvaltı süperdi. Garson Furkan’a sıcakkanlı ve misafirperver yaklaşımı için çok teşekkür ederiz. Tekrar geldiğimizde artık adres belli ☺️
The most wonderful, unique hotel experience we have ever had. Carus is built inside a hillside with so many stairs going up and down, you can feel you can fell you are living in an Escher painting. Our ”cave” room had tall windows but there are evidently others without. It was beautiful and the view from the roof restaurant at down with the hot air balloons rising was breathtaking. The sunset views just as spectacular. The heated pool is an experience in itself, carved into the high ceiling cavern.
The most wonderful, unique hotel experience we have ever had. Carus is built inside a hillside with so many stairs going up and down, you can feel you can fell you are living in an Escher painting. Our ”cave” room had tall windows but there are evidently others without. It was beautiful and the view from the roof restaurant at down with the hot air balloons rising was breathtaking. The sunset views just as spectacular. The heated pool is an experience in itself, carved into the high ceiling cavern.
It was the sweetest, most frequent and simplest hotel I have ever stayed in. The layout and cleanliness of the room and its architectural structure were wonderful. The hotel has thought of everything you might need before you even think about it. If you are going to Cappadocia, you should come and stay in this hotel alone, and you can even come to Cappadocia just for this hotel🫶💃🏻
2024年に改装されたミスラ ケーブ ホテルは、ギョレメにある非常にお勧めの施設です。当施設はカッパドキア空港から約44kmの距離にあります。最寄の空港はカッパドキア空港、約44kmの距離です。付近には、Goreme Roma Kalesiやギョレメ野外博物館、バタフライバルーンズなど、ギョレメの多くの観光名所があります。忙しい一日の締めくくりには、夜の街を楽しんだり、館内でくつろいだりしてお過ごしください。ギョレメの当施設には、駐車場が併設されており、非常に便利です。
サクレッド・マンションは2024年に開業、ギョレメに滞在するお客様にお勧めです。カッパドキア空港から当施設まで、約44kmです。最寄の空港はカッパドキア空港、当施設から約44kmと、便利な位置にあります。付近にはギョレメ国立公園やGoreme Roma Kalesi、Turquaz Balloons Cappadociaなどがあり、ギョレメの観光に非常に便利な立地です。お時間に余裕のあるお客様は、館内の様々な施設をぜひご利用ください。ギョレメの当施設には、駐車場が併設されています。レビューでは、このホテルの施設はすばらしいと評判で、退屈せずにお過ごしいただけます。
You are amazing garden suites First of all, thank you very much to the restaurant manager Ms. Bahar and her team ☺️ their friendly welcome prepared us very well for the day. Rooms and concepts, design, wonderful, clean atmosphere It has a wonderful terrace and is a nice moment for balloon viewing. Thanks to all the other friends who contributed to the work. If you are dreaming of a Cappadocia trip, this is the right accommodation 😍