

パナレティ コーラル ベイ ホテル
私たちは素晴らしい滞在をしました。ミニマーケット、レストラン、素敵なプール、ホテルの広とした客室。はい、その一部は日付が付けられていますが、一年のほとんどは30度なので、これはどこでも起こりそうです。セルフケータリングのために一晩40ポンドしか支払っていないので、3つ星ホテルに最適です。一部のホリデーサイトはまだ4つ星と言っていますが、そうではありません。場所はビーチから10分ですが、素敵な散歩です。バス (615) はビーチの外に停車し、必要に応じて別のバスをさらに利用できるパフォスまで行きます。どこへでも行くには、1 人 1 日パスでわずか 5 ユーロです。ハーバー駅までバスに乗って、そこで素晴らしい食べ物を試すことをお勧めします。ここのレビューを聞かないでください。少し上がっているので!
ペトサス アパートメンツ & タヴァーン
このレビューを書くのは、失望と極端な怒りです。 2023 年 10 月 12 日に、夫と私自身のために 2 泊の予約をするために電話をしました。電話で話した男は、値段、朝食の金額、チェックイン時間、詳細と名前を教えてくれました。私は彼に、私たちが2時間半の旅であるラルナカから旅行するだろうと言ったので、予約は電話で行われました.翌日、到着すると、予約が見つからない不満のある受付係に迎えられました。彼女は予約リストで私の名前を検索するのに5分かかりました、そして、彼女は私の予約を見つけることができないので、彼女は非常に興奮しています。この話を聞いて、私たちはとても不満を感じていると想像できます。彼女は私の名前に予約がないと繰り返しました。彼女は上司のディミトリ·デメトリウ氏に電話をかけました。私が最初に予約したときに最初に話した男です。前日に予約をしたときにすでに話していたことを思い出した後、彼は私に空き部屋がないと断固として言った。さらに悪いことに、受付係は私たちを口頭で虐待し、私たちを軽蔑的な名前で呼びました。特に彼女は私たちがイギリスから来たギリシャのサイヤ人であることを認識しました。この事件は私たち自身の同類によってひどく扱われていたので私を困らせました. そして、私がデメトリウ氏に私が彼をCTOに報告するだろうと言ったとき、彼は私に言うことができるすべては「行く」でした.
コーラル ビーチ ホテル アンド リゾート
Not a 5 star hotel, 3 star would be fair. Rooms and corridors are dated and in need of refurbishment. Bathrooms were good. The built in wardrobes are old and the door came off in one of our rooms. We paid a lot of money to stay here and was frustrating our mini fridge was not replenished and we had to pay extra for this. Just water and soft drinks was what we wanted but no. Every other all inclusive our fridge has been stocked with soft drinks and beer. On arrival we checked in and got given our keys and that was that. There was no explanation as to where we eat, what other restaurants we could book into, entertainment, activities, snacks etc. Every other hotel we have had a 10/15 minute welcome talk and a drink. Not here! We booked as we were told it had a sports bar but there isn’t one. They put a screen up for one football game. We were also told there was a night club but there wasn’t. The entertainment, if you can call it that, was awful and nothing more than a bit of music on the patio. We did see that there was a small amphitheater but that wasn’t open again a shame as we book all inclusives for this. The hotel is also a wedding venue and priority gets given to the wedding so we felt very second fiddle. Not only was a chunk of hotel used for this but more importantly all the staff were too so the service for us guests was painfully slow. I even said something to one of the barmen and he asked me if I had seen Fawlty Towers!! Then the beach it was dirty and far from impressive of only the hotel took care of it like the neighbouring hotel. On our first day there it was lined with numerous bin liners. With 5 kids the entertainment was important to us but that was a let down then the water sports was also. Half of the activities were not in operation. The main boat was being refurbished we were told - maybe do that in the quiet time or when the hotel is closed…. We had a lovely holiday nevertheless but had to make our own fun. There are local activities close such as water park and boat trips and beaches nearby which do offer water sports. We would not return and left feeling slightly ripped off
キャップ セント ジョルジズ ホテル & リゾート
アスコス コーラル ビーチ ホテル
私は現在、彼女の witaj を私の友人に訪れています。ホテルのスタッフは歓迎し、素晴らしいサービスを提供しています。オフサイトでやるべき楽しいことがたくさんあり、Mariola と Alexandra は私たちが楽しむデータにもかかわらず、さまざまなアクティビティを提供します。特にビンゴとウォーターエアロビクス。他の訪問者にこのホテルを強くお勧めします。私はルークがどのようにマミーなポーランド人が彼女を愛しているか。
コラリア ビーチ ホテル アパートメンツ
Da dove cominciamo Ricevimento Siamo stati accolti in maniera approssimativa, da che mondo e mondo gli ospiti si accompagnano in camera o almeno si fanno portare i bagagli. Qui invece, oltre ad aver cambiato la tipologia della camera prenotata senza consenso, ci vengono date le chiavi e indicazioni approssimative su dove si trova la camera. Durante il soggiorno dopo aver fatto presente varie problematiche, anziché risolvere il problema gli addetti al ricevimento rispondevano sempre in modo scocciato e arrogante. Ovviamente mai risolto nessun problema. Camera Come detto prima avevamo prenotato un camera e invece ci hanno dato un appartamento con i seguenti problemi: aria condizionata insufficente a rinfrescare gli ambienti rendendo così impossibile dormire dato il caldo umido della stanza. Pulizia al limite della decenza. Vasca da bagno macchiata. 1 sola presa di corrente e in cucina. Così da non poter mettere gli zampironi nella camera da letto (ovviamente ci hanno sbranato le zanzare per 1 settimana). Colazioni Dato il 95% di turisti inglesi la colazione è incentrata sulle loro abitudini. In pratica decine di tipologie di tè ma solo 1 tipo di caffè (niente cappuccino, caffelatte, cioccolata o qualsiasi altra bevanda calda che si trova in qualsiasi macchinetta in qualsiasi albergo del mondo) In compenso se aveste bisogno di una sigaretta la ragazza del bar potrà aiutarvi, considerato che è sempre imboscata sul retro a fumare e per chiedere qualsiasi cosa dovrete aspettare 20 minuti. Ristorante Nonostante abbia prenotato la mezza pensione con bevande incluse ci hanno comunque fatto pagare da bere. La carne non è malaccio ma niente di particolare. I dolci al miele sono immangiabili, prima volta tra Grecia ed Egitto che non posso farne una scorpacciata. Indegni. Il sevizio è frettoloso. Ti tolgono il piatto sporco mentre stai ancora masticando. Che ansia!!! In compenso è la prima volta che vedo camerieri e staff della cucina prendersi da mangiare durante il servizio e mangiare di fronte agli ospiti. Altro La descrizione dell' hotel riportava che la struttura era dotata di spiaggia privata e attrezzatura incluse nel pacchetto e bar sulla spiaggia. In realtà la spiaggia è gestita da altri e abbiamo dovuto pagare per sdraio e ombrelloni e del bar nessuna traccia. La risposta della reception: ma c è il bar in piscina. Che ovviamente è ben lontano dalla spiaggia.


