

サレス ホテル アエロポルト デ ジローナ
My husband and I came as day guests because we wanted the use of a swimming pool. You pay €30 and get a towel and 1 drink (beer or soft drink). When we arrived the outdoor pool was like ice, we're hardy swimmers but this was ice ice and so we asked if we could swim in the indoor pool. No, you pay €30 to use the spa, we asked if we could pay for the spa instead of the outdoor pass and they said yes, but you cannot then sit outside???!! We said we didn't want to be sat indoors all day so got the outdoor pass. After an hour, noticing there was not one single other person at the indoor or outdoor pool, we explained again that the outdoor pool was unusable so could we just have one swim in the indoor pool otherwise we have paid €30 for a towel and a chair (which we have on our large terrace at our accommodation for free!). We even offered to forego the free drinks to do so. We werent trying to get freebies, just asking for the ability to go for a swim like we'd paid for, making it clear we would not use the jacuzzi or anything else in the spa. Receptionist said she would get back to us in half an hour. 2 hours later....Nothing. Went back in and had to explain it all to 2 new ladies. Come back in 20 minutes. Went back and they said if you want to use the indoor pool you have to pay another €30. It was absolutely baffling that with zero other guests using the facilities and knowing we had paid for a pass to have use of a pool, they would not let us have 1 swim in an empty indoor pool. What difference does it make to them if we swim indoor or outdoor, zero. What difference would it have made to us, total. The actual advert for the pass doesnt even specify that the pool is outdoor only and when we emailed them in advance was also not advised this, nor that we had to have passports to enter (fortunately i had a photo of them on my phone, otherwise we would have had a wasted 30minute journey) because we were told we could not enter using our drivers license. Our sole purpose for coming was to swim, I'd had a bad fall and injured my leg and back quite severely and was coming to try and relieve it by swimming, instead I went back €30 worse off, irritated and still in pain. Their customer service skills and logic were appalling. What could have been a lovely, relaxing day out was totally overshadowed by their lack of hospitality.


  • リウデリョス・デ・ラ・セルヴァにあるジム・フィットネス併設の人気ホテルを教えてください

    リウデリョス・デ・ラ・セルヴァへの出張にもバカンスにも、サレス ホテル アエロポルト デ ジローナホテル エデン パーク は全ておすすめのホテルです。

  • リウデリョス・デ・ラ・セルヴァにあるジム・フィットネスが併設されたホテルの平均宿泊料金を教えてください


  • リウデリョス・デ・ラ・セルヴァにあるジム・フィットネス併設のホテルで利用可能なキャンペーンを教えてください







リウデリョス・デ・ラ・セルヴァのホテルの掲載数が少なく、早めの予約をおすすめします。リウデリョス・デ・ラ・セルヴァのホテルの1泊平均単価が安く、旅行の予算を立てる際に、高く見積もらなく良いでしょう。リウデリョス・デ・ラ・セルヴァでの宿泊において,ホテルチェーンのノボテルは多くのお客様から予約されています。ノボテルホテルは現地の人気ブランドホテルチェーンの一つです。リウデリョス・デ・ラ・セルヴァセールズ ホテル アエロポート ジローナ は最も人気が高いホテルです。なかなか宿泊先を決められないお客様に、ノボテル ジローナ アエロプエルト ホテル をおすすめします。
