Stockport and District Mind周辺のホテルをお探しですか?実際の旅行者の口コミをホテル選びに役立てましょう。


Stockport and District Mind周辺の人気ホテルをチェック




Stockport and District Mind周辺のホテルをお探しですか?宿泊料金や口コミを比較して、ぴったりの宿泊先を見つけましょう。
トリベリエス メイフェア
Stockport South
Pleasant hotel, easy to find and free parking - though remember to log your number plate at reception! Staff also pleasant. The room was in the extension and was modern and clean. Room rates reasonable. Bus stop outside hotel with bus into city centre or nearby railway station (25 min walk). I didn’t take the breakfast option. Slight inconvenience as there is no lift, although there are ground floor rooms available if needed.
Premier Inn Stockport Central
オーバーナイト ステイズ ストックポート
My room smelt incredibly musty and after spending time trying to ascertain its origins it was obvious the base of the bed, headboard and mattress contain spores. So essentially my room had a mouldy bed. Strong musty odours are an indication of mould growth. The stairs leading up to the room smell of it too. I have had experience with mould so I know the signs. It isn't always visible especially if there's a leak somewhere, floorboards, behind walls etc. There does appear to be the beginnings of it forming at the back of the wardrobe. I had allergy-like symptoms such as headaches, sore throat, itchy eyes, particularly congestion of sinuses which consequently made my time at the property extremely uncomfortable to the point of not being able to sleep properly in the bed. I felt obliged to stay with it being fully booked and with very limited availability elsewhere. It is of paramount importance to act for the health of future guests! Mould is very toxic. There seems to be damp and mould issues at their other hotel in Marple judging by the recent comment on another booking site. The ultimate letdown for me (as if the mould wasn't bad enough!) was Spencer's abysmal welcoming and behaviour (sorry just saying it as I see it!) This has been commented on in previous reviews. A friendly lady answered the phone when I rang upon arrival who I am presuming was the owner, Lorraine. She allowed me to access the safe to get a key to let myself in because of the bad weather as Spencer hadn't arrived yet. I waited half an hour and that's when he came. No greeting or warm welcome just a coldly expressed ”You're early” No, I had arranged by special request with whoever confirmed the booking to arrive between 13:00-14:00 and they happily confirmed this request by email. He excused himself to the office to ring what sounded like Lorraine and expressed his unhappiness that I was there. ”Tough, she will have to wait!” he responded rather rudely. I was only stood in the hallway. Appalling. I showed him the email confirming the time of arrival but he kind of laughed it off and no apologies were made. Spencer went up to make up my room. When I was instructed to follow him up he didn't offer to help carry my case. He couldn't get away quick enough as soon as he showed me the bathroom and bedroom. Said nothing about contacting if there were any issues with anything. I had a terrible first night's sleep with endless noise from selfish guests banging doors all night and a screaming little girl with verbally abusive parents in the house next door. Sounded like they were physically abusing her too. Never heard anything like it. I felt so concerned I very nearly contacted the police. They could be heard screaming at her again at 9:30 pm -11 that very same night. I was reticent to speak with anyone about the guesthouse after reading through the many reviews and seeing how they typically respond. The icing on the cake was Spencer letting himself into my room o
Holiday Inn Express Stockport
マンチェスター空港に遅く飛んだ後、私たちは1泊しました。 GPSは私たちをホテルに連れて行きましたが、ホテルに入る方法がわかりませんでした。とてもイライラしています。反対側に鉄道駅、ホテルを提供するタクシーのランクがあります。荷物を引っ張って下ろす場所はありません。ホテルの駐車場もありません。午後11時、国際線の後、これは私たちが必要とするものの最後のものでした。最後に、私たちは多階建ての駐車場に駐車し、荷物をホテルに引きずり込む必要があることを学びました。一度ホテルにいたら、フレンドリーなスタッフに迎えられました。私たちの部屋は素敵で、ベッドは快適でした。朝食は良かった。私は食べ物に敏感な問題があり、朝食のマネージャーは私が何を食べることができ、食べることができないかを私に導くのに非常に役立ちました。食べ物は良かった。最初の混乱にもかかわらず、良い経験。
アルマ ロッジ ホテル & レストラン





ストックポートのホテルの掲載数が少なく、早めの予約をおすすめします。ストックポートはブランドホテルチェーンが多くないが、地元のローカライズされたホテルもよい選択肢になるでしょう。旅行の宿泊先をこだわるお客様は,ストックポートのホリデイ・イン エクスプレスホテルをおすすします。ストックポートにはホリデイ・イン エクスプレスのホテルチェーンが運営しており、このブランドを好む方は是非ご予約ください。きっとホリデイ・イン エクスプレスが提供された高品質サービスを堪能いただきます。ストックポートの人気ホテルに関して、The Red Bullの評価は最も高いホテルの中の一つです。また、Innkeeper's Lodge Stockport, Heaton Chapelは観光客がよくご利用される人気ホテルです。
