La Bottega del Tartufo周辺のホテルをお探しですか?実際の旅行者の口コミをホテル選びに役立てましょう。


La Bottega del Tartufo周辺の人気ホテルをチェック


アマン ヴェニス

アマン ヴェニス

ヴェネツィア|La Bottega del Tartufoより0.54km
ホテルへのプライベートボートに乗ることから始めるのは、そこに行くのに最適な方法です。場所は象徴的なリアルト橋に近いです。中に入ると、建物の歴史と背景、そしてその(元)所有者の簡単な説明ができます。すべての標準で設備が整っていてモダンな客室、超静かなエアコン/ヒーター、アップルテレビ付きのハイエンドテレビ、部屋の無料バーなど、数が限られています。場所は完璧で、知らないし、歩いて行きたい場合は、入り口を見つけるために幸運を祈ります!残念ながら、Covidのためにウェルネスは閉鎖されました。スタッフは一般的にとても親切で気配りがあります。朝食は素晴らしかった、あなたはあなたが望むものを尋ね、彼らはそれを提供します。朝食ルームからの眺めは素晴らしかった、5フィート6インチ(197 cm)の椅子は少し挑戦的で、古い911に座っているようなものです!私たちは昼食をとろうとしましたが、最初のトラブルの後、夕食のメニューを手に入れることができました.夕食も試してみて、シェフの勧めを受けていましたが、これが私たちが感銘を受けなかった唯一のポイントでした.全体的に、町を探索するために短期滞在する価値があり、この魔法の場所も楽しむ価値があると言わざるを得ません!





ロカンダ アイ サンティ アポストリ

ロカンダ アイ サンティ アポストリ

ヴェネツィア|La Bottega del Tartufoより0.1km
My husband and I stayed here in May, we had the worst experience ever! We were given the room right next to the lobby. As the receptionist was explaining to us how to open the door to our room, I noticed there was a huge gap at the bottom of the room door ( between door and floor) . I told the receptionist that the gap was an issue because of the noise and lack of privacy , especially since the entrance to our room was in the lobby. She assured me that there wouldn't be any noise after 8 PM because thats the time the lobby closed. I told her this room wouldn't work for us because of the lack of privacy ( anyone in the lobby would be able to hear us) and that we would like to stay in a different room. She proceeded to tell us that all rooms were booked and accounted for ( which was untrue because we were relatively early for check-in and we witnessed at least 3 other couples checking in). After expressing my dissatisfaction, I figured I would try to make the best of it and enjoy Venice; however when trying to turn the TV on-to check out the weather and distract myself a bit from the issues - the TV did not work at all, I went next door and complained about the TV not working. The receptionist said the TV had broken two weeks ago and it would be fixed in a couple of weeks ( not even a sorry!) . The bathroom was tiny, unclean, and we had to walk through an unfinished closet to get to it. At the end of the evening when my husband and I got back from a night out we realized there were only a few squares of toilet paper left in the bathroom, at that point the receptionist was gone and toilet paper was nowhere to be found. I looked all over our room and around the reception area, finally found a small toilet behind the reception area, so had to take a roll of toilet paper from there. Oh boy, we would have been in trouble the following morning without TP! We had to ask for packets of instant coffee every morning because that is all they provided in the room, and they only gave us one ( the day we got there). To top it off , we had to put the kettle in the floor to plug it in and use it!! There were no outlets on the counter. Our room was not cleaned.We were cold at night. It was raining and cold and we had no access to heat. When we complained, the attendant said no hotels in Venice had functioning heaters after May 1st. It was a rule. We had a cold couple of nights....brrrrr. Lastly, on checkout, we did speak to the manager, who assured us we would be refunded 100 Euros for all our troubles. He told us to e-mail him our bank account info and he would personally take care of the refund. We trusted him but didn't hear back or get a response to the e-mails I sent ( mind you, I had him confirm he received my e-mail before we left the lobby). When we got back to the States a week and a half later, I spoke to the manager again, he asked me to re-send my e-mail with bank info and he would refund us the 100 Euros. Nothing.....called again two wee



La Bottega del Tartufo周辺のホテルをお探しですか?宿泊料金や口コミを比較して、ぴったりの宿泊先を見つけましょう。
ホテル マリブラン
Didn’t stay here but had a meal at lunch time. The spaghetti bolognese was incredible and very reasonably priced! It was away from the busy streets and was a lovely atmosphere. The inside was a little bit dated but would definitely recommend.
ホテル アル ヴァゴン
ホテル アンティコ ドージェ
The Venice Venice Hotel
ロカンダ アイ サンティ アポストリ
My husband and I stayed here in May, we had the worst experience ever! We were given the room right next to the lobby. As the receptionist was explaining to us how to open the door to our room, I noticed there was a huge gap at the bottom of the room door ( between door and floor) . I told the receptionist that the gap was an issue because of the noise and lack of privacy , especially since the entrance to our room was in the lobby. She assured me that there wouldn't be any noise after 8 PM because thats the time the lobby closed. I told her this room wouldn't work for us because of the lack of privacy ( anyone in the lobby would be able to hear us) and that we would like to stay in a different room. She proceeded to tell us that all rooms were booked and accounted for ( which was untrue because we were relatively early for check-in and we witnessed at least 3 other couples checking in). After expressing my dissatisfaction, I figured I would try to make the best of it and enjoy Venice; however when trying to turn the TV on-to check out the weather and distract myself a bit from the issues - the TV did not work at all, I went next door and complained about the TV not working. The receptionist said the TV had broken two weeks ago and it would be fixed in a couple of weeks ( not even a sorry!) . The bathroom was tiny, unclean, and we had to walk through an unfinished closet to get to it. At the end of the evening when my husband and I got back from a night out we realized there were only a few squares of toilet paper left in the bathroom, at that point the receptionist was gone and toilet paper was nowhere to be found. I looked all over our room and around the reception area, finally found a small toilet behind the reception area, so had to take a roll of toilet paper from there. Oh boy, we would have been in trouble the following morning without TP! We had to ask for packets of instant coffee every morning because that is all they provided in the room, and they only gave us one ( the day we got there). To top it off , we had to put the kettle in the floor to plug it in and use it!! There were no outlets on the counter. Our room was not cleaned.We were cold at night. It was raining and cold and we had no access to heat. When we complained, the attendant said no hotels in Venice had functioning heaters after May 1st. It was a rule. We had a cold couple of nights....brrrrr. Lastly, on checkout, we did speak to the manager, who assured us we would be refunded 100 Euros for all our troubles. He told us to e-mail him our bank account info and he would personally take care of the refund. We trusted him but didn't hear back or get a response to the e-mails I sent ( mind you, I had him confirm he received my e-mail before we left the lobby). When we got back to the States a week and a half later, I spoke to the manager again, he asked me to re-send my e-mail with bank info and he would refund us the 100 Euros. Nothing.....called again two wee
チャーミング パレス コルテ デル テアトロ


  • Trip.comでホテルを予約するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comでホテルのお得情報を入手するにはどうすればよいですか?


  • Trip.comのどのページでホテルのお得情報を確認できますか?


  • ホテル料金を安くする方法を教えてください。


  • Trip.comに掲載されているホテル数は?


  • Trip.comでホテルの予約をキャンセルまたは変更できますか?


  • Trip.comカスタマーサポートに連絡する方法を教えてください。





トリップドットコムでは、ヴェネツィアのホテルが1255軒以上の情報を掲載し、高級ホテルや人気・格安ホテルなど情報が豊富です。現在、多くの有名ブランドホテルチェーンがヴェネツィアで運営しています。ヒルトンを好むお客様は、その傘下のホテルを利用することができます。多くのお客様がヴェネツィアへ旅行する際に、宿泊先をヒルトンホテルに指定しています。ヴェネツィアの人気ホテルに関して、ホテル プリンチペ の評価は最も高いホテルの中の一つです。なかなか宿泊先を決められないお客様に、ホテル ヴェニス リゾート をおすすめします。

ヴェネツィアで宿泊するなら、観光スポットの周辺をおすすめします。例えば:スカルツィ橋, ピープル ムーバー ヴェネツィアなどあります。ヴェネツィアの観光名所が多く、まずはブラーノはいかがでしょうか。さらに、地元で人気な観光スポットは:グランド・カナル, ため息橋, サン・マルコ広場などがあります。ショッピングが好きなお客様は、是非威尼斯鱼市场を立ち寄ってください。


•1月~3月: 昼7.32°C,夜3.51°C

•4月~6月: 昼18.68°C,夜14.36°C

•7月~9月: 昼23.87°C,夜19.13°C






