カナリア諸島 ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

オテル アドニス キャピタル
Boutique Hotel H10 White Suites - Adults Only
Pros - Upon arrival we found out that we had a free upgrade to one of the new rooms. The upgrade gave us access to a pool and sunbed area for around 15 rooms and a more luxurious terrace. We loved the privacy of the terrace and small swimming pool which felt much more superior to the larger swimming pool area - Generally the hotel and private pool area was quiet - The housekeeping service was good, rooms very clean - A lovely range of alcoholic and non alcoholic cocktails - The staff are all friendly, especially woman on receptionil - Receptionist was quick to resolve issues, eg. When our mini bar wasn't filled up Cons - On the last day myself and my partner had food poisoning. We'd only eaten and drank at the hotel for days so it was definitely from the hotel - Hard bed - The private swimming pool was accessed through the patio doors. However, when the maid cleaned people's rooms she locked the door. Due to building work happening there was no other way to access the room, so I had to go through another guests room to access my room. Later in the week, the same thing happened to another guest and Iet them walk through my room to access their room - Food was quite cheap and tasteless - do not do all inclusive here! - Entertainment was quite cringe - however the hotel was made up of mainly 65 plus who seemed to like it - Lack of staff led to long queues at the pool bar and waiting for drinks at lunch and dinner - whilst we loved staying in new room with the private pool, building work was still being carried out. It does ruin the relaxing vibe when maintenance workers are painting your patio walls and installing lights when you're sunbathing! Not so much a con, but this hotel is generally catered to the 65 plus demographic which did give it a bit of an old people's home feel, so be warned if you're younger! We did speak to people who had been returning to the hotel for 15 years so clearly suits some people!
Apartamentos Panorama Adults Only
We stayed for two weeks. On our arrival, there was a problem with the booking and we didn’t get the room that our agent sold us. The reception staff were incredibly helpful and upgraded us into an empty room without extra charge. The apartments are nice and peaceful and give you a good chance to relax, but it’s a very short walk to either the seafront bars or the old town. As with everywhere in Puerto de Carmen, it’s a bit of a downhill ride to the seafront and a climb back to the accommodation , but at least you get your steps in! The on-site bar did some very nice breakfast and tapas dishes, with sensibly priced drinks. There is a supermarket about 200 yards away and whilst you can’t drink your own alcohol by the bar you can stock up your room with it. The kitchenette in the rooms is good enough to do some basic snacks. The staff in the bar were always very friendly and helpful. We would definitely return here for a relaxing break.
ホテル ミラマール
ランザローテを探索する休暇中に2泊しましたが、最終予約にかなり良い価格を支払いました。コンパクトなホテルは、アレッシフェの中心部の近く、カスティーリョデサンガブリエルのほぼ真向かいの海岸に位置しています。ホテル内に駐車場はありませんが、Arrecife Gran Hotelの近くには、10-minuteの徒歩約30ユーロ(1日半で約30ユーロ)の大規模な公共の24時間地下駐車場があります。深夜の到着にもかかわらず、チェックインは迅速でフレンドリーでした。私の部屋はアレシフェの裏通りを見下ろすホテルの裏手にあります。装飾は少し古いかもしれませんが、部屋は快適でした。良いWIFIですが、部屋には無料の電源ソケットが1つしかありませんでした(私が到着する前に冷蔵庫がプラグを抜いていたため)。ベッドはかなり快適で、夜は通りから騒音がありましたが、あまりうるさくはありませんでした。私の部屋にはエアコンがありませんでした。これは10月に問題ではありませんでしたが、夏には問題だったのかもしれません。朝食はホテルの頂上のテラスで、本当に良い景色を眺めることができます。そして、食べ物から選択するための良い選択。全体的に、アレシフェとその周辺エリアを探索するのに良い場所にあるホテルですが、ホテルの設備が限られており、駐車場が不足しているため、短期滞在に適しているかもしれません!
ホテル アドニス プラザ
I spent a night at the Adonis Plaza last week before boarding a cruise and am currently back at the hotel for a night at the end of the cruise before flying home tomorrow. Last week was a pleasant stay in a quiet, clean room (number 407) with comfortable bed and nice/modern bathroom. Today is sadly a different experience. I was told my room would be ready at 2pm; the time came and went and the room still wasn't ready so the receptionist - who was very helpful - said she would give me a different room (number 614). Similarly equipped to the room I had last week unfortunately this has a connecting door to the adjacent room and the noise is terrible! I can hear every word spoken next door as loud as if the people were in my room. Also, despite being on the sixth floor, there is a lot of noise from the street outside. The rooms with connecting doors are only suitable for families not for people who don't want to have to listen to everything said by the guests next door. Sadly, I would not stay at the hotel again which is a shame as the staff are very pleasant and the hotel is well located for the cruise port.
バイア デル ドゥケ
The hotel is fantastic, the food is fantastic, the staff are all very helpful and friendly, I would totally recommend. The resort itself is in a beautiful and well kept setting with lots of plants and gardens. It’s an interesting place to stay and walk around as its collection of pools, bars and restaurants are set across different levels and terraces. All of the restaurants are excellent and having a different choice every evening made for a varied and delicious selection to choose from. It has private access to the beach which is white sands and its own beach bar which is really handy. The spa is excellent, with a warm salt water hydro pool, sauna, hamma and cold dunk pool… the Thai massage was so good I went back for a second before I left! The added surprise was the resort’s observatory and chance to to see Saturn 🪐 Bahía Du Duque (Dukes Bay) is an ideal place for a very relaxing and rejuvenating holiday… would totally recommend 💯
Secrets Lanzarote Resort & Spa - Adults Only (+18)
ペンション アンパロ ラス アヤス
Da wir La Gomera zu Fuß umrunden wollten, hatten wir einige Sorgfalt auf die Planung der Etappen und die frühzeitige Reservierung passender Quartiere verwendet. Als wir auf der Etappe nach Las Hayas nach sechs Stunden schweißtreibendem Aufstieg noch fünf Minuten von der ersehnten Dusche in den Casas Rurales Amparo entfernt waren, traf eine lapidare WhatsApp-Nachricht der Vermieterin ein, es gebe ein ”last minute problem” mit unserer Reservierung. Sie habe in Arure Ersatz besorgt, das seien ja nur 10 Minuten. Kein Wort des Bedauerns oder der Entschuldigung. Offensichtlich hatte man für die Buchung einer größeren Radgruppe unsere beiden Zimmer benötigt, uns aber erst möglichst kurzfristig informiert, damit wir keine Chance zum Umdisponieren mehr hatten. Das Personal vor Ort im Restaurant Amparo war oder tat ahnungslos, man sei hier nur die Ausgabestelle der Schlüssel, die Zimmervermietung laufe über eine Agentur. Die Vermieter in Arure waren zwar superlieb und bemüht, die Ferienwohnung im Hinterhof des Restaurants El Jape war aber trotzdem das trostloseste Quartier, in dem wir je übernachtet haben. Man möge die Bilder mit denen auf der Homepage der Casas Amparo vergleichen. Die Behauptung unserer ursprünglichen Vermieterin in ihrer WhatsApp, das Ersatzquartier sei ein Upgrade, das sie uns netterweise ohne Zusatzkosten organisiert habe, macht mich deshalb auch nach zweimal Drüberschlafen noch sprachlos. Immerhin ein Taxi organisierte sie nach Aufforderung, damit wir mit zwei erschöpften Kindern nicht nochmal eineinhalb Stunden zu einem Ort zurücklaufen mussten, an dem wir gar nicht hatten übernachten wollen. Statt des geplanten Essens auf der Panoramaterrasse mit Meerblick des Restaurants Amparo also Abendessen in einem dusteren Hinterzimmer in Arure. Es kann ja mal was schief gehen, aber wenn ich mein Quartier überbuche, sollte ich mich wenigstens bemühen, den Leidtragenden eine angemessene Entschädigung zu bieten, und sie nicht noch für dumm verkaufen und was von ominösen ”technical problems” fabulieren. Nicht mal die Getränke an der Bar gingen aufs Haus. Das eigentlich in Spanien vorgeschriebene Beschwerdebuch wurde nicht vorgelegt, obwohl wir es verlangten. Offensichtlich hat es hier jemand wegen seiner Monopolstellung nicht nötig, sich um zufriedene Gäste zu bemühen.
4ドリームズ ホテル
アレグリラ バランコ


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