重慶 ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

Location was great. Right next to the metro station, although the entrance is a little hard to find the first time. Very close to a lot of the main attractions. I had a river view and it was great, but a weird choice - the large window is in the bathroom. You can barely see it from the room itself, but when you're on the toilet you're on full view to the world unless you close the curtains. However, I was pretty disappointed by this hotel. From most of the other reviews, you get the impression this is newly renovated and very clean. It's not. There's black mould all around the sink and on the wallpaper behind the sink. There's orange mould in the shower, the grout work in the shower is badly cracked and missing in places, so who knows how much leaks to the floor below. There's weird stains on the curtains. As a guy with very short hair, travelling alone, when I find several long black hairs on the floor, I know they're not mine and the place wasn't cleaned properly. They charge 30元 to use slippers, so I decided to use my socks. Bad decision. Within a day, they were the dirtiest I've ever seen socks. The projector (right above the bed) has so much dust on it, it's obviously never been cleaned since it was installed. The place is well overdue a deep clean. But that's not even the worst of it. Fundamentally, there is no sound proofing at all in this hotel. The room door allows quite a lot of light in from outside, so obviously it's not going to be very soundproof. But this was BY FAR the loudest hotel I've ever stayed in. People getting food deliveries at gone midnight the first night, the second night was relatively quiet. The third night, starting at midnight the couple next door were ”enjoying themselves” and you could hear everything. I presume so could reception, as there was loud music coming from that direction but I didn't go out to investigate. That stopped at 12:30, and a bit later so did the music, and then at 1am, that same guy started watching TV very loudly. At 1:20 I sent a message to the ”24-hour front desk” Wechat to complain. That didn't get answered until 8:30 the next day, when I got a terse message basically saying ”well done! you handled that well.” What I'd done was at 1:35 when reception still hadn't done anything, I knocked on the door and asked him to turn it down. The next night, he was at it again - TV until 2am, but a bit quieter this time, but there was still no sleep opportunity because the room next door was watching TV until 4am. And just to make sure you can't catch up sleep in the morning, the cleaning Ayi starts banging around at 9am. Remember, you can hear absolutely everything anyone is doing in this place. The wifi is right above the bed too, and has bright lights on all the time. Oh, and facilities. I chose this hotel over others in Chongqing because it advertised guest laundry. I asked about that - she said it was on floor 31. Well the lift that services the hotel doesn't go to floor 31, so you have to go all the way down to ground floor and catch a different lift back up again. When I got there, it seemed to be a music recording studio or something, not a hotel, and they were very surprised a hotel was sending anyone there. When I explained some more, eventually he showed me to the room with a washing machine - but it was just that - a basic washing machine, with no drying facilities, no space to dry things, and seemingly they weren't really sure if I was allowed to use it, so in the end I didn't bother and had to re-use clothes for a second day during my stay in Chongqing. As I said, the location is great, but there are several other hotels in this building, each having a floor. Personally, I'd try any of them before this one.
A cosy family-friendly enchanted hideaway in the mountains with the clouds. The whole place seems to have been a long-time passion in creating the most charming and comfortable inn from conception to realisation with both the exterior and interior decorated in either a rustic country cottage or a European apartment style from the last century. We were so happy here and my child especially appreciated the room and all of its surroundings. Every nook and cranny of the place is excellently utiilised. From the dining room as well as the main outside eatery balcony, one has a beautiful view of the mountainside in all its greenery with butterflies flitting amongst flowers. Don't forget to check out the third story balconies and the library. Screen projector fittings are in place for a medium-sized conference. The place even has a couple of majiang table nooks should you want to play with friends. The surrounding forest environment of the inn is all sorts of paths and green terraces going off in different directions. There is a playpark for children with its own pedal-powered mini-roller coaster and other items for children to climb on. There is an off-site pond and ancient stone bridge nearby. One can take a short hike up the driveway and explore the diverging walking track paths. There's also an ecological technology exhibition centre not far up the road from the inn. A large portion of the clientele when we were there were day trip visitors in family and friend groups. Big tables as well as KTV facilities could be booked for the day. The food quality is fantastic and the portions generous. There are no nearby shops so all meals are taken in-house; the staff will consult you about when and what is on offer from the extensive menu. You can specify whether you'd want your food spicy or not when possible depending on the dish. The genuinely friendly and accomodating staff take such good care of you and step in whenever they feel you may need some assistance. My child had a bad cough at the time, and they were so kind bringing her hot drinks with honey and offering medicine they happened to have there. My Chinese is not good, but with a standard translation app, you're able to communicate what you need and the staff are so obliging to help. They genuinely do seem to be happy to be working there, and cudos and credit it to the owner for taking such good care of the staff that they in turn carry it over to their care for their guests. It was a pleasure to meet them and the owner.
最寄り駅から徒歩12分という微妙な立地、清潔さはそこそこ、アメニティも最低限しかないけど、値段を考えるとコスパ最高。 空港近くの外国人可ホテルで安く上げたいならオススメ。送迎は1時間に1回で、T2とT3まで送ってくれる。 あと、「何かそれっぽく並べられた4つの時計」が個人的にクスっとくる。「ホテルっぽいアイテム」を極限まで抽象化したオブジェ。 特に何の時間を表しているわけでもなく、時計が4つ並んでいることに意味があるんだろう。こういうのを見つけると面白くてつい写真を撮ってしまう。
絶好のロケーション。遠くからでも近くでもホテルの看板が見えません。オレスーパーマーケットの隣の商業ビルの入り口。レベル25はチェックインカウンターにあります テクサビールーム自動カーテン 部屋の清潔さ:素晴らしい 部屋のアメニティ :.良いスリッパ、.歯ブラシキット、スタイロヘアドライヤー、手スープ/バスジェル、シャンプーディスペンサー バスルーム:ライトが明るい(化粧に良い)/ホットシャワーを楽しんだ水圧が良い ベッドマットレス:。超快適この部屋料金でこんなに良い睡眠を取ったことはありません 弱点:私が嫌いなのは、商業ビルの内部にあるので、交通量が非常に多いため、ゲストリフトをしばらく待つ必要があります。 ホスピタリティサービスとフード nモールのおすすめをご紹介してくれたオーナーのワンヤンに感謝します。
設備: 新しく改装されたホテルであることがわかります。屋内は予想よりも広く、トイレとバスルームが分離されていないので、必要があります。スリッパを履く。 衛生状態: 衛生状態は非常に清潔で、次の日目覚めると、ゲストが寝たベッドシーツが廊下にありますが、それでも問題ありません。 環境: 新しい装飾はOKです。 サービス:サービス態度はとても良いです。
Location of hotel is central to all tourist attractions, yet quite at night. Staff is very helpful and replies almost instantly to any questions.
設備:比較的新しい設備で、広さは20平米程度で、バスルームにはボトル入りのボディーソープ、シャンプー、ハンドソープ、エアコンはありませんでした。湯沸かしポットは使用していません。ボトル入りの水を2本入れます(前日に飲まなかった場合は、それ以上入れません)。 、部屋にボトル入り飲料水の完全なボトル2本を標準としておいてください)、HantingやAll Seasonsのように累積されません , 浴室には常にお湯が出ており、1時や2時に使ってもすぐにお湯が出ます♨️ セルフサービスのランドリールームもありますが、私は利用したことがありません。 衛生面:全て使い捨てのタオル、バスタオルなので使いやすくて大丈夫です。 シーツは5日間カバーされており、必要に応じて事前に言わなければ交換してくれません。 環境: ホテル自体は龍湖天街のビル 13 にあります。ホテルの近くにはあらゆる種類の食べ物があり、食べ物が好きな人には最適です。 ホテルから50メートルのところに麻雀店があり、1階と2階に分かれている商業店舗のうちの2階に毎日麻雀をしている人が見えます。 2階、地下網からの窓の高さは60cmです(当ホテルは商業レストランが入っていない建物内にあるため、比較的静かです) 唯一の欠点は、ホテルにアクセス制御がないことです。ドアに直接アクセスして、アクセス制御カードをスワイプして部屋を見つけることができます。安全性を重視する女性には、あまり遅く戻ることをお勧めしません。または一人で散歩に行く。 サービス: 複数日のホテルをフロントデスクで直接予約し、カードを直接スワイプし、WeChat を追加して WeChat で直接チェックアウトし、ルームカードを部屋に置いておくだけです。 全体的に: 予算を抑えた旅行者にとっては問題なく、価格とパフォーマンスの比率も問題ありません。 地下鉄からは徒歩約15分(モールが開いていれば、モールを抜けてロングフォービルDまで歩き、そこからホテル近くのエレベーターまで行けます) フロントデスクの人はとても親切で、フロントデスクの資格を持っている人で、ドアのセキュリティが欠けていることを除けば、少し悪いです(重慶の人々は安全だからかもしれません)。 ..)、その他は何でもOKですので、参考にしてくださいね〜。
It’s a given that the location is good since we picked it based on the location. When we were booking the hotel, we were puzzled since there were numerous hotels offering similar views. Turns out it’s because there are a number of hotels in the same building. Hotel is right opposite Raffles City Mall and subway station is next door. While we didn’t take the subway, it’s convenient to get a car to get around. I think the most commendable part of this hotel is the customer service. I didn’t get the names of all the staff but the service is great across the board. To name a few I only have the names of 小左and小赵。 All of them have been incredibly helpful. We had faced some challenges and they had kindly went above and beyond to help us which was much appreciated. We also had a fair amount of luggage, they kindly helped us bring it to the room as well as lobby. The cleaning lady is friendly and helpful as well.


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