

ラス パロマス ビーチ & ゴルフ リゾート
Laos Mar Hotel & Suites
I had a horrendous experience at the Laos Mar Hotel & Suites beginning Dec 23, 2021 with an expected stay of 7 nights. I left after three nights Where do I start. I arrived two days before Christmas and the hotel was seemingly empty though I had been told it was fully booked 1) The hot water was intermittent. The 2nd night (Christmas Eve) I tried to take a shower around 9pm and let the shower run for a literal 20 minutes and never got hot water. They must turn off the hot water recirculating system. There were almost no people in the hotel until the day after Christmas 1a) Otherwise, it took 5 minutes to get hot water. This was a conversation with a guest there whose experience was the same 2) I arrived after dark and was settled in my room by about 8pm. I tried to take a shower that night & the lukewarm water was almost immediately 2 inches deep in my shower. That was disgusting. Who knows what's in shower water that backs up? 2a) Can you use a towel again after drying your feet after standing in dirty shower water? I called the front desk and I was told everyone was gone. A security guard brought me a worn out plunger. I asked for and got a screwdriver after seeing the plunger **) When I took the drain apart, expecting to have to destroy a wooden hanger to clean out the mess, I instead found that the ”new” plastic film on the underside of the shower grate had never been removed. The holes were there but the plastic edges were collecting debris and growing scum and the drain wasn't draining. I removed the plastic film, cleaned the underside of the drain grill and the shower drain worked fine afterward 3) The Internet was terrible. I saw as high as 8 or 10mg download and even 8 or 10mg upload once or twice. But mostly I saw maybe 1-2 mg download and .19 upload. I complained to the front desk several times including recommending they reboot the routers but they said they couldn't touch the routers because of contracts with the providers, etc. They also told me other guests use a lot of Internet with their games, etc., even though almost no one was at the hotel that I knew of. 4) I have been irrevocably cured of getting a cheap hotel room in Mexico even if the reviews are good. The hotel was eerily quiet before Christmas. But the day after Christmas, people started arriving. People moved in across the hall late Christmas night and the next morning at 7:30am (that's when they woke me up), some very loud people were outside my door organizing breakfast with several other rooms. There were at least two babies crying at the top of their lungs, there were people bickering in the hallway, there was someone continuously clearing his throat.. and this went on for a full 30 min until I finally put some clothes on, opened my door and asked them to quiet down. Some heavy set woman coming out of the room directly across from my room gave me a ration of sh*t. I then called security. 5) Earlier, the front desk told me they don't give money back. I had
プラヤ ボニータ
This is the best place to stay in Rocky Point! The rooms are beautiful, clean, and comfortable. People on other comments complained that there was no TV in the rooms... I think that is wonderful! I am on vacation and don't need the outside world invading my zen! The pool and hot tub are fantastic and the staff is beyond helpful and kind (especially Efran!). It was quiet, as it is an adult only hotel, so relaxation is easy. They serve a great margarita, shots and snack like foods. One block walk to Manny's and the beach. We will definitely be back to stay!
ペニャスコ デル ソル
本当にロッキーポイントに泊まった最高の場所の一つ! 私たちは2人の大学のブロンドの女の子(卒業したばかり)で、全スタッフに完全に保護されたと感じました。バレットサービス(ルイ!ラウデル!ガブリエル!) 妹は足を折ったが、ホテルスタッフ全員が彼女をもっと快適にしてくれた。フロント、レストランスタッフ(Adrian!!!)、最もフレンドリーな清掃クルー(Claudia Sonoki!!!)はとてもフレンドリーで、暖かく、歓迎してくれました。彼らは本当に私たちにサービスしてくれて幸せでした、そして私はペナスコデルソルについて話すのをやめられません。私は家族や友人全員をこのリゾートに送ります。朝食をスキップしないでください!また、あなたが好奇心を持っている場合、ビーチはホテルのゲートの外から徒歩3分です!ビーチはきれいです!彼らはビーチで素晴らしい食べ物や飲み物、買い物などを持っていますが、あなたはただ愛されていると感じません。戻ってくるのを待つことはできません。私が持っている唯一の批判は、WiFiが階下で本当にうまく機能したが、537号室で上がって、まったくうまく機能しなかったことです。しかし、ねえ!時々技術は吸うことができます。ペナスコデルスンに感謝します!テアモ。テベオプロント!


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最高値RUB 31,954
最安値RUB 27,230
平均価格(平日)RUB 28,888